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1730 lines (1016 loc) · 56.4 KB

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1730 lines (1016 loc) · 56.4 KB

CSPB 3308

Group 2 - Space Monkeys

Project Deliverable 5 - SQL Design

Database Architecture

Table: Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals

Table Description

  • This page houses all of the information for each institution whether it is a blood bank, a hospital, or another health care institution in the Space Monkeys network. The PRIMARY KEY is the Institution_ID which is unique for each institution.

Field names and short description


  • This field is the PRIMARY KEY and of INT type. It specifies the number for each unique institution to uniquely identify each institution.


  • This field is of VARCHAR(45) type. It specifies the type of institution: Blood Bank, Hospital, etc.


  • This field is of VARCHAR(90) type. It specifies the name of the institution.


  • This field is of VARCHAR(45) type. It specifies the city the institution is located in.


  • This field is of VARCHAR(2) type. It specifies the state the institution is located in.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the units of A+ blood type at the institution.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the units of A- blood type at the institution.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the units of B+ blood type at the institution.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the units of B- blood type at the institution.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the units of AB+ blood type at the institution.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the units of AB- blood type at the institution.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the units of O+ blood type at the institution.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the units of O- blood type at the institution.

Test to verify each table

  • There is a function in the "" file called "test_tables(db_filename)". Its only parameter is "db_filename" which is the database name, for our project the "db_filename = space_monkeys_db". This "test_tables" function tests each database table to make sure the data was filled in correctly. Each table is tested with a query of the database and the known output. It lets the developer know if all of the tests passed by prints "Tests Passed" messages when running the "" file to set-up the database.
  • The test for the Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals table is if ('''SELECT * FROM Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals WHERE Institution_ID = 64;''') == (64, 'Hospital', 'Yuma County', 'Wray', 'CO', 76650, 13526, 2500, 441, 7300, 1000, 11000, 1941) which resulted in "First Test Passed!" when the "" file is executed. This verifies that the table was successfully created and data was successfully inserted into the table.

Table: Donor

Table Description

  • This page houses all of the information for each blood donor in the Space Monkeys network. The PRIMARY KEY is the Donor_ID which is unique for each blood donor.

Field names and short description


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the unique number assigned to each blood donor in the network. It is the PRIMARY KEY.


  • This field is of VARCHAR(90) type. It specifies the name of the blood donor.


  • This field is of VARCHAR(2) type. It specifies the blood type of the blood donor.

Test to verify each table

  • There is a function in the "" file called "test_tables(db_filename)". Its only parameter is "db_filename" which is the database name, for our project the "db_filename = space_monkeys_db". This "test_tables" function tests each database table to make sure the data was filled in correctly. Each table is tested with a query of the database and the known output. It lets the developer know if all of the tests passed by prints "Tests Passed" messages when running the "" file to set-up the database.
  • The test for the Donor table is if ('''SELECT * FROM Donor WHERE Donor_ID = 22;''') == (22, 'Steve Rogers', 'B-') which resulted in "Second Test Passed!" when the "" file is executed. This verifies that the table was successfully created and data was successfully inserted into the table.

Table: Patient

Table Description

  • This page houses all of the information for each patient in the network who will/has received a blood transfusion at an institution in the Space Monkeys network. The PRIMARY KEY is the Patient_ID which is unique for each patient.

Field names and short description


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the unique number assigned to each patient receiving blood in the network. It is the PRIMARY KEY.


  • This field is of VARCHAR(90) type. It specifies the name of the patient receiving blood.


  • This field is of VARCHAR(2) type. It specifies the blood type of the patient receiving blood.

Test to verify each table

  • There is a function in the "" file called "test_tables(db_filename)". Its only parameter is "db_filename" which is the database name, for our project the "db_filename = space_monkeys_db". This "test_tables" function tests each database table to make sure the data was filled in correctly. Each table is tested with a query of the database and the known output. It lets the developer know if all of the tests passed by prints "Tests Passed" messages when running the "" file to set-up the database.
  • The test for the Patient table is if ('''SELECT * FROM Patient WHERE Patient_ID = 26;''') == (26, 'Zena Zootopia', 'O+') which resulted in "Third Test Passed!" when the "" file is executed. This verifies that the table was successfully created and data was successfully inserted into the table.

Table: Donation

Table Description

  • This page houses all of the information for each donation that takes place at an institution in the Space Monkeys network. The PRIMARY KEY is the Donation_ID which is unique for each blood donation. The field Donor_ID is a FOREIGN KEY with the Donor_ID field from the Donor Table. The field Hospital_ID is a FOREIGN KEY with the Institution_ID field from the Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals Table.

Field names and short description


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the unique number assigned to each blood donation. It is the PRIMARY KEY.


  • This field is of DATETIME type. It specifies the date and time which the blood donation takes place.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the blood donor of the donation. It is a FOREIGN KEY.


  • This field is of VARCHAR(90) type. It specifies the doctor responsible for signing off for a completed donation for approval.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the institution which the blood donation takes place. It is a FOREIGN KEY.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the units of blood donated. Each donation will be 1 unit.

Test to verify each table

  • There is a function in the "" file called "test_tables(db_filename)". Its only parameter is "db_filename" which is the database name, for our project the "db_filename = space_monkeys_db". This "test_tables" function tests each database table to make sure the data was filled in correctly. Each table is tested with a query of the database and the known output. It lets the developer know if all of the tests passed by prints "Tests Passed" messages when running the "" file to set-up the database.
  • The test for the Donation table is if ('''SELECT * FROM Donation WHERE Donation_ID = 42;''') == (42, '20230711 9:00:00', 22, 'Dr. Stephan Strange', 23, 1) which resulted in "Fourth Test Passed!" when the "" file is executed. This verifies that the table was successfully created and data was successfully inserted into the table.

Table: Transfusion

Table Description

  • This page houses all of the information for each blood transfusion that occurs at an institution in the Space Monkeys network. The PRIMARY KEY is the Transfusion_ID which is unique for each blood transfusion. The field Donation_ID is a FOREIGN KEY with the Donation_ID field from the Donation Table. The field Patient_ID is a FOREIGN KEY with the Patient_ID field from the Patient Table. The field Hospital_ID is a FOREIGN KEY with the Institution_ID field from the Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals Table.

Field names and short description


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the unique number assigned to each blood transfusion. It is the PRIMARY KEY.


  • This field is of DATETIME type. It specifies the date and time which the blood transfusion takes place.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the individual who donated the blood for the transfusion. It is a FOREIGN KEY.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the individual receiving the blood for the transfusion. It is a FOREIGN KEY.


  • This field is of VARCHAR(90) type. It specifies the doctor responsible for signing off for a completed transfusion for approval.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the institution which the blood transfusion takes place. It is a FOREIGN KEY.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the units of blood in the transfusion. Each transfusion will be 1 unit.

Test to verify each table

  • There is a function in the "" file called "test_tables(db_filename)". Its only parameter is "db_filename" which is the database name, for our project the "db_filename = space_monkeys_db". This "test_tables" function tests each database table to make sure the data was filled in correctly. Each table is tested with a query of the database and the known output. It lets the developer know if all of the tests passed by prints "Tests Passed" messages when running the "" file to set-up the database.
  • The test for the Transfusion table is if ('''SELECT * FROM Transfusion WHERE Transfusion_ID = 4;''') == (4, '20230723 11:00:00', 4, 23, 'Dr. Harleen Quinzel', 61, 1) which resulted in "Fifth Test Passed!" when the "" file is executed. This verifies that the table was successfully created and data was successfully inserted into the table.

Table: Transfer

Table Description

  • This page houses all of the information for each blood transfer that occurs between two institutions in the Space Monkeys network. The PRIMARY KEY is the Transfer_ID which is unique for each blood transfer. The field Donation_ID is a FOREIGN KEY with the Donation_ID field from the Donation Table. The field Sending_Hospital_ID is a FOREIGN KEY with the Institution_ID field from the Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals Table. The field Receiving_Hospital_ID is a FOREIGN KEY with the Institution_ID field from the Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals Table.

Field names and short description


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the unique number assigned to each blood transfer. It is the PRIMARY KEY.


  • This field is of DATETIME type. It specifies the date and time which the blood transfer takes place.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the individual who donated the blood for the transfer. It is a FOREIGN KEY.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the institution which will receive the blood from the blood transfer. It is a FOREIGN KEY.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the institution which will send the blood from the blood transfer. It is a FOREIGN KEY.

Test to verify each table

  • There is a function in the "" file called "test_tables(db_filename)". Its only parameter is "db_filename" which is the database name, for our project the "db_filename = space_monkeys_db". This "test_tables" function tests each database table to make sure the data was filled in correctly. Each table is tested with a query of the database and the known output. It lets the developer know if all of the tests passed by prints "Tests Passed" messages when running the "" file to set-up the database.
  • The test for the Transfer table is if ('''SELECT * FROM Transfer WHERE Transfer_ID = 4;''') == (4, '20230704 11:00:00', 28, 37, 17) which resulted in "Sixth Test Passed!" when the "" file is executed. This verifies that the table was successfully created and data was successfully inserted into the table.

Table: Complication

Table Description

  • This page houses all of the information for each complication from a blood transfusion that is reported. The PRIMARY KEY is the Complication_ID which is unique for each complication. The field Transfusion_ID is a FOREIGN KEY with the Transfusion_ID field from the Transfusion Table.

Field names and short description


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the unique number assigned to each complication. It is the PRIMARY KEY.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the unique number assigned to each blood transfusion. It is a FOREIGN KEY.


  • This field is of VARCHAR(180) type. It specifies the complications that the patient is having from the blood transfusion.

Test to verify each table

  • There is a function in the "" file called "test_tables(db_filename)". Its only parameter is "db_filename" which is the database name, for our project the "db_filename = space_monkeys_db". This "test_tables" function tests each database table to make sure the data was filled in correctly. Each table is tested with a query of the database and the known output. It lets the developer know if all of the tests passed by prints "Tests Passed" messages when running the "" file to set-up the database.
  • The test for the Complication table is if ('''SELECT * FROM Complication WHERE Complication_ID = 1;''') == (1, 4, 'Throwing up multiple times a day') which resulted in "Seventh Test Passed!" and "All Tests Passed!!!" when the "" file is executed. This verifies that the table was successfully created and data was successfully inserted into the table.

Data Access Methods





Creates Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals, Donor, Patient, Donation, Transfusion, Transfer, and Complication tables.



Return Values:

None (creates tables in sqlite3 database)


See above for tests to verify table creation and data insertion.





Fills Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals, Donor, Patient, Donation, Transfusion, Transfer, and Complication tables with sample data.



Return Values:

None (populates tables in sqlite3 database)


See above for tests to verify table creation and data insertion.





Tests Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals, Donor, Patient, Donation, Transfusion, Transfer, and Complication tables to verify that they are created and populated with data.



Return Values:

Prints out test pass / fail results.


This is the function to test database table creation / population with data.





Returns Donor ID for a given Donor Name


db_filename, donorName

Return Values:

Donor ID (if valid donor name), None if invalid donor name


1. Given a valid donor name, verify that correct donor ID is returned.
2. Given an invalid donor name, verify that None is returned.





Returns Patient ID for a given Patient Name


db_filename, patientName

Return Values:

Patient ID (if valid patient name), None if invalid patient name


1. Given a valid patient name, verify that correct patient ID is returned.
2. Given an invalid patient name, verify that None is returned.





Returns Blood Bank ID for a given Blood Bank Name


db_filename, bloodBankName

Return Values:

Blood Bank ID (if valid blood bank name), None if invalid blood bank name


1. Given a valid blood bank name, verify that correct blood bank ID is returned.
2. Given an invalid blood bank name, verify that None is returned.





Enters a Blood Bank in Blood Banks table


db_filename, bloodBankName, bloodBankType, bloodBankCity, bloodBankState

Return Values:

Enters Blood Bank in Blood Banks table


Verify that when this function is called, data is successfully inserted in table





Enters a Donor in Donors table


db_filename, donorName, donorBloodType

Return Values:

Enters Donor in Donors table


Verify that when this function is called, data is successfully inserted in table





Enters a Patient in Patients table


db_filename, patientName, patientBloodType

Return Values:

Enters Patient in Patients table


Verify that when this function is called, data is successfully inserted in table





Enters a Donation in Donations table


db_filename, donorID, bloodBankID, medicalProfessional, quantity, date

Return Values:

Enters Donation in Donations table


Verify that when this function is called, data is successfully inserted in table





Enters a Transfusion in Transfusions table


db_filename, patientID, bloodBankID, donationID, medicalProfessional, quantity, date

Return Values:

Enters Transfusion in Transfusions table


Verify that when this function is called, data is successfully inserted in table





Gets a list of donor names from Donors table



Return Values:

List of Donor names


Verify that when this function is called, a list of Donor names is returned based on entries in Donors table





Gets a list of patient names from Patients table



Return Values:

List of Patient names


Verify that when this function is called, a list of Patient names is returned based on entries in Patients table





Gets a list of Donation IDs from Donations table



Return Values:

List of Donation IDs


Verify that when this function is called, a list of Donation IDs is returned based on entries in Donations table





Gets a list of Blood Bank names from Blood Banks table



Return Values:

List of Blood Bank names


Verify that when this function is called, a list of Blood Bank names is returned based on entries in Blood Banks table

How Exactly Each of the Pages Behaves with these Methods

About Page

Eligibility Checks

Use case name:

Verify page links you to information about blood donation eligibility.


Test the About page.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

User has a valid username and password, and has auto-sign on. 

Test steps:

1. Navigate to about page.

2. Scroll through bullet points.

3. Click on drop down menus.

Expected result:

User should see more information about blood donations and other resources. 

Actual result:

User is navigated to About page with information concerning donors eligibility.

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)




Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):


Blood Bank Entry Page

Blood Bank Entry - Valid Case

Use case name:

Blood Bank Entry - Valid Case.


When all form entries are valid, verify that the user can enter a Blood Bank into the Blood Banks table using the Blood Bank Entry form on the website.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Blood Banks table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Blood Bank Entry page.
2. Enter valid input for each field in the page (enter data in text boxes / make selections from dropdown menus)
3. Click "Submit" button
4. Verify that alert is generated which states that submission was successful
5. Verify that data from form is successfully entered into Blood Bank table
6. Verify that form data is cleared to prepare for next submission

Expected result:

1. Alert was generated which states that submission was successful
2. Data from form was successfully entered into Blood Bank table
3. Form data was cleared to prepare for next submission

Actual result:

1. Alert was generated which states that submission was successful
2. Data from form was successfully entered into Blood Bank table
3. Form data was cleared to prepare for next submission

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses bloodbank.html and bloodbank.js to render page, as well as enterBloodBank() function in

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

Data from form was successfully entered into Blood Bank table.

Blood Bank Entry - Invalid Case

Use case name:

Blood Bank Entry - Invalid Case.


When one or more form entries are invalid, verify that the user CANNOT enter a Blood Bank into the Blood Banks table using the Blood Bank Entry form on the website.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Blood Banks table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Blood Bank Entry page.
2. Enter invalid input for at least one field in the page (at least one blank text box / unselected dropdown menu)
3. Click "Submit" button
4. Verify that alert is generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
5. Verify that data from form is NOT entered into Blood Bank table
6. Verify that form data is NOT cleared
7. Verify that invalid form entries are marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Expected result:

1. Alert was generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
2. Data from form was NOT entered into Blood Bank table
3. Form data was NOT cleared
4. Invalid form entries were marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Actual result:

1. Alert was generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
2. Data from form was NOT entered into Blood Bank table
3. Form data was NOT cleared
4. Invalid form entries were marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses bloodbank.html and bloodbank.js to render page and do data validation.

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

Data from form was NOT entered into Blood Bank table.

Blood Donation Entry Page

Donation Entry - Valid Case

Use case name:

Donation Entry - Valid Case.


When all form entries are valid, verify that the user can enter a Donation into the Donations table using the Donation Entry form on the website.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Donations table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Donation Entry page.
2. Enter valid input for each field in the page (enter data in text boxes / make selections from dropdown menus)
3. Click "Submit" button
4. Verify that alert is generated which states that submission was successful
5. Verify that data from form is successfully entered into Donation table
6. Verify that form data is cleared to prepare for next submission

Expected result:

1. Alert was generated which states that submission was successful
2. Data from form was successfully entered into Donation table
3. Form data was cleared to prepare for next submission

Actual result:

1. Alert was generated which states that submission was successful
2. Data from form was successfully entered into Donation table
3. Form data was cleared to prepare for next submission

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses donation.html and donation.js to render page, as well as enterDonation() function in

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

Data from form was successfully entered into Donation table.

Donation Entry - Invalid Case

Use case name:

Donation Entry - Invalid Case.


When one or more form entries are invalid, verify that the user CANNOT enter a Donation into the Donations table using the Donation Entry form on the website.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Donations table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Donation Entry page.
2. Enter invalid input for at least one field in the page (at least one blank text box / unselected dropdown menu)
3. Click "Submit" button
4. Verify that alert is generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
5. Verify that data from form is NOT entered into Donation table
6. Verify that form data is NOT cleared
7. Verify that invalid form entries are marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Expected result:

1. Alert was generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
2. Data from form was NOT entered into Donation table
3. Form data was NOT cleared
4. Invalid form entries were marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Actual result:

1. Alert was generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
2. Data from form was NOT entered into Donation table
3. Form data was NOT cleared
4. Invalid form entries were marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses donation.html and donation.js to render page and do data validation.

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

Data from form was NOT entered into Donation table.

Donation Entry - Donor Name List Generation

Use case name:

Donation Entry - Donor Name List Generation.


The Donation Entry page should populate the dropdown menu with the list of Donors in the database, so the user can select a valid entry.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Donors table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Donation Entry page.
2. Click into the Donor Name input box
3. Verify that the dropdown populates with a list of Donor Names.

Expected result:

The dropdown populates with a list of Donor Names.

Actual result:

The dropdown populated with a list of Donor Names.

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses getDonorsList() function in

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):


Donation Entry - Blood Bank Name List Generation

Use case name:

Donation Entry - Blood Bank Name List Generation.


The Donation Entry page should populate the dropdown menu with the list of Blood Banks in the database, so the user can select a valid entry.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Blood Banks table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Donation Entry page.
2. Click into the Blood Bank Name input box
3. Verify that the dropdown populates with a list of Blood Bank Names.

Expected result:

The dropdown populates with a list of Blood Bank Names.

Actual result:

The dropdown populated with a list of Blood Bank Names.

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses getBloodBanksList() function in

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):


Blood Transfusion Entry Page

Transfusion Entry - Valid Case

Use case name:

Transfusion Entry - Valid Case.


When all form entries are valid, verify that the user can enter a Transfusion into the Transfusions table using the Transfusion Entry form on the website.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Transfusions table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Transfusion Entry page.
2. Enter valid input for each field in the page (enter data in text boxes / make selections from dropdown menus)
3. Click "Submit" button
4. Verify that alert is generated which states that submission was successful
5. Verify that data from form is successfully entered into Transfusion table
6. Verify that form data is cleared to prepare for next submission

Expected result:

1. Alert was generated which states that submission was successful
2. Data from form was successfully entered into Transfusion table
3. Form data was cleared to prepare for next submission

Actual result:

1. Alert was generated which states that submission was successful
2. Data from form was successfully entered into Transfusion table
3. Form data was cleared to prepare for next submission

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses transfusion.html and transfusion.js to render page, as well as enterTransfusion() function in

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

Data from form was successfully entered into Transfusion table.

Transfusion Entry - Invalid Case

Use case name:

Transfusion Entry - Invalid Case.


When one or more form entries are invalid, verify that the user CANNOT enter a Transfusion into the Transfusions table using the Transfusion Entry form on the website.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Transfusions table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Transfusion Entry page.
2. Enter invalid input for at least one field in the page (at least one blank text box / unselected dropdown menu)
3. Click "Submit" button
4. Verify that alert is generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
5. Verify that data from form is NOT entered into Transfusion table
6. Verify that form data is NOT cleared
7. Verify that invalid form entries are marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Expected result:

1. Alert was generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
2. Data from form was NOT entered into Transfusion table
3. Form data was NOT cleared
4. Invalid form entries were marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Actual result:

1. Alert was generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
2. Data from form was NOT entered into Transfusion table
3. Form data was NOT cleared
4. Invalid form entries were marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses transfusion.html and transfusion.js to render page and do data validation.

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

Data from form was NOT entered into Transfusion table.

Transfusion Entry - Patient Name List Generation

Use case name:

Transfusion Entry - Patient Name List Generation.


The Transfusion Entry page should populate the dropdown menu with the list of Patients in the database, so the user can select a valid entry.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Patients table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Transfusion Entry page.
2. Click into the Patient Name input box
3. Verify that the dropdown populates with a list of Patient Names.

Expected result:

The dropdown populates with a list of Patient Names.

Actual result:

The dropdown populated with a list of Patient Names.

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses getPatientsList() function in

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):


Transfusion Entry - Donation ID List Generation

Use case name:

Transfusion Entry - Donation ID List Generation.


The Transfusion Entry page should populate the dropdown menu with the list of Donation IDs in the database, so the user can select a valid entry.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Donations table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Transfusion Entry page.
2. Click into the Donation ID input box
3. Verify that the dropdown populates with a list of Donation IDs.

Expected result:

The dropdown populates with a list of Donation IDs.

Actual result:

The dropdown populated with a list of Donation IDs.

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses getDonationIDsList() function in

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):


Transfusion Entry - Blood Bank Name List Generation

Use case name:

Transfusion Entry - Blood Bank Name List Generation.


The Transfusion Entry page should populate the dropdown menu with the list of Blood Banks in the database, so the user can select a valid entry.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Blood Banks table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Transfusion Entry page.
2. Click into the Blood Bank Name input box
3. Verify that the dropdown populates with a list of Blood Bank Names.

Expected result:

The dropdown populates with a list of Blood Bank Names.

Actual result:

The dropdown populated with a list of Blood Bank Names.

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses getBloodBanksList() function in

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):


Blood Transfer Page

Blood unit viewing by clicking button

Use case name : Verify blood unit viewing Description: Test if the enter button/link correctly retrieves Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals Table for the blood type specified in the input box Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied): Blood type entered needs to be field in Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals Table Test steps: 1. Navigate to login page 2. Navigate to Donations, Transfusions, and Transfers 3. Enter blood type 4. Click enter button Expected result: User should see amount of units available for specified blood type at each instituion in Space Monkeys network. Actual result (when you are testing this, how can you tell it worked): User sees table view Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed) N/A Notes: N/A Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully): User can see blood that can be potentially transferred to their instituion

Request blood to be transferred by clicking button

Use case name : Verify blood units request Description: Test if the request button/link correctly requests blood from a hospital Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied): Donation_ID, Receiving Hospital, and Sending Hospital entered needs to be field in Donation and Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals Tables Test steps: 1. Navigate to login page 2. Navigate to Donations, Transfusions, and Transfers 3. Enter Donation_ID, Receiving Hospital, and Sending Hospital 4. Click request button Expected result: Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals should update based on requested amounts Actual result (when you are testing this, how can you tell it worked): Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals should show amount changes Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed) N/A Notes: N/A Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully): Bloodbanks_and_Hospitals should be updated

Donor Page

Donor Table Display

Use case name:

Test the Donor Table


Verify Donor Table is able to be correctly displayed on the donor page

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Donor data must be entered into the database.

Test steps:

  1. Navigate to the donor page
  2. Ensure that the Donors data is displayed

Expected result:

User should be able to view Donor data

Actual result (when you are testing this, how can you tell it worked):

User should see Donor data displayed in a table

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed):




Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

All data for Donors that exist in the Donor table in the database must be visible

Donor Entry - Valid Case

Use case name:

Donor Entry - Valid Case.


When all form entries are valid, verify that the user can enter a Donor into the Donors table using the Donor Entry form on the website.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Donors table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Donor Entry page.
2. Enter valid input for each field in the page (enter data in text boxes / make selections from dropdown menus)
3. Click "Submit" button
4. Verify that alert is generated which states that submission was successful
5. Verify that data from form is successfully entered into Donor table
6. Verify that form data is cleared to prepare for next submission

Expected result:

1. Alert was generated which states that submission was successful
2. Data from form was successfully entered into Donor table
3. Form data was cleared to prepare for next submission

Actual result:

1. Alert was generated which states that submission was successful
2. Data from form was successfully entered into Donor table
3. Form data was cleared to prepare for next submission

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses donor.html and donor.js to render page, as well as enterDonor() function in

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

Data from form was successfully entered into Donor table.

Donor Entry - Invalid Case

Use case name:

Donor Entry - Invalid Case.


When one or more form entries are invalid, verify that the user CANNOT enter a Donor into the Donors table using the Donor Entry form on the website.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Donors table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Donor Entry page.
2. Enter invalid input for at least one field in the page (at least one blank text box / unselected dropdown menu)
3. Click "Submit" button
4. Verify that alert is generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
5. Verify that data from form is NOT entered into Donor table
6. Verify that form data is NOT cleared
7. Verify that invalid form entries are marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Expected result:

1. Alert was generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
2. Data from form was NOT entered into Donor table
3. Form data was NOT cleared
4. Invalid form entries were marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Actual result:

1. Alert was generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
2. Data from form was NOT entered into Donor table
3. Form data was NOT cleared
4. Invalid form entries were marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses donor.html and donor.js to render page and validate data.

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

Data from form was NOT entered into Donor table.

Patient Page

Patient Table Display

Use case name:

Test the Patient Table


Verify Patient Table is able to be correctly displayed on the patient page

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

The patient table in the database must contain patient data for at least one patient

Test steps:

  1. Navigate to patient page
  2. Ensure that patient data is displayed correctly

Expected result:

User should be able to view patient data

Actual result (when you are testing this, how can you tell it worked):

User should see patient data displayed in a table

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed):




Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

All data for patients that exist in the Patient table in the database must be visible

Patient Entry - Valid Case

Use case name:

Patient Entry - Valid Case.


When all form entries are valid, verify that the user can enter a Patient into the Patients table using the Patient Entry form on the website.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Patients table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Patient Entry page.
2. Enter valid input for each field in the page (enter data in text boxes / make selections from dropdown menus)
3. Click "Submit" button
4. Verify that alert is generated which states that submission was successful
5. Verify that data from form is successfully entered into Patient table
6. Verify that form data is cleared to prepare for next submission

Expected result:

1. Alert was generated which states that submission was successful
2. Data from form was successfully entered into Patient table
3. Form data was cleared to prepare for next submission

Actual result:

1. Alert was generated which states that submission was successful
2. Data from form was successfully entered into Patient table
3. Form data was cleared to prepare for next submission

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses patient.html and patient.js to render page, as well as enterPatient() function in

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

Data from form was successfully entered into Patient table.

Patient Entry - Invalid Case

Use case name:

Patient Entry - Invalid Case.


When one or more form entries are invalid, verify that the user CANNOT enter a Patient into the Patients table using the Patient Entry form on the website.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Patients table must be created in the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Patient Entry page.
2. Enter invalid input for at least one field in the page (at least one blank text box / unselected dropdown menu)
3. Click "Submit" button
4. Verify that alert is generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
5. Verify that data from form is NOT entered into Patient table
6. Verify that form data is NOT cleared
7. Verify that invalid form entries are marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Expected result:

1. Alert was generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
2. Data from form was NOT entered into Patient table
3. Form data was NOT cleared
4. Invalid form entries were marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Actual result:

1. Alert was generated which states that user should check all form entries and resubmit
2. Data from form was NOT entered into Patient table
3. Form data was NOT cleared
4. Invalid form entries were marked to the user by displaying a warning icon, changing font weight / color, and a message to the user on hover over the form title.

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)



Uses patient.html and patient.js to render page and validate data.

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

Data from form was NOT entered into Patient table.

Blood Levels and Visualization Page

Table Display

Use case name:

Verify correct data from table is displayed on Blood Levels Page.


Test the Bloodbank and Hospitals table.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Valid bloodbanks and hospitals table must be retrievable from the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Blood Levels & Visualization page.

Expected result:

User should be able to see all blood levels

Actual result:

User should see table of each hospital/bloodbanks current levels of blood.

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)




Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

All data for hospitals and bloodbanks must be valid and have a value for each blood type.

Visual Display

Use case name:

Verify the data from table is displayed appropriately on the pie graph.


Test the Bloodbank and Hospitals pie graph.

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

Valid bloodbanks and hospitals table must be retrievable from the database.

Test steps:

1. Navigate to Blood Levels & Visualization page.
2. Verify data is appropriately displayed in both table and graph.

Expected result:

User should be able to see two models that represent all blood levels.

Actual result:

User is navigated to a visualization of all blood data in the space monkey's bloodbank.

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed)




Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

All data for hospitals and bloodbanks must be valid and have a value for each blood type, represented in the table and pie graph.

Blood Details Page

Donation Table Display

Use case name:

Test the Donation Table


Verify Donation Table is able to be correctly displayed on the details page

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

A valid hospital with Donation data must be selected on the page, Display: Donations checkbox must be checked

Test steps:

  1. Navigate to details page
  2. Choose a hospital
  3. Ensure that the Donations checkbox is displayed

Expected result:

User should be able to view Donations of the selected hospital

Actual result (when you are testing this, how can you tell it worked):

User should see Donation data displayed when a hospital is chosen and the Display: Donations checkbox is active

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed):




Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

All data for Donations that exist in the Donation table in the database must be visible for the selected hospital

Transfusion Table Display

Use case name:

Test the Transfusion Table


Verify Transfusion Table is able to be correctly displayed on the details page

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

A valid hospital with Transfusion data must be selected on the page, Display: Transfusions checkbox must be checked

Test steps:

  1. Navigate to details page
  2. Choose a hospital
  3. Ensure that the Transfusions checkbox is displayed

Expected result:

User should be able to view Transfusions of the selected hospital

Actual result (when you are testing this, how can you tell it worked):

User should see Transfusion data displayed when a hospital is chosen and the Display: Transfusions checkbox is active

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed):




Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

All data for Transfusions that exist in the Transfusion table in the database must be visible for the selected hospital

Transfer Table Display

Use case name:

Test the Transfer Table


Verify Transfer Table is able to be correctly displayed on the details page

Pre-conditions (what needs to be true about the system before the test can be applied):

A valid hospital with Transfer data must be selected on the page, Display: Transfers checkbox must be checked

Test steps:

  1. Navigate to details page
  2. Choose a hospital
  3. Ensure that the Transfers checkbox is displayed

Expected result:

User should be able to view Transfers of the selected hospital

Actual result (when you are testing this, how can you tell it worked):

User should see Transfer data displayed when a hospital is chosen and the Display: Transfers checkbox is active

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed):




Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

All data for Transfers that exist in the Transfer table in the database must be visible for the selected hospital

Report Complications Page

Table Description

Use case name:

  • Test Complication Table


  • The complication table stores the Transfusion_ID, Complication_ID and Comments about a transfusion. A person can search the data about a certain transfusion and add a complication report (Comments) about that patient or problems related to the transfusion and its attributes (blood type, amount, patient, etc).


  • Ensure that the function to add the Comment values to the table.
  • Ensure the attributes and values of the table exist.

Field names and short description


  • This is of INT type ,adds it is the primary key for this table. It specifies the unique number assigned to each complication report.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the unique number assigned to each blood transfusion. It is the FOREIGN KEY.


  • This field is of VARCHAR(180) type. It specifies the possible complications that the patient is having from the blood transfusion.

Test to verify each table

  • There is a function getTransfusion(), that gets the values Complication_ID and Transfusion_ID from the database. After the data is found another function addComplication() adds a comment into the Complication Table.

Test steps

  1. Navigate to Complication Report page
  2. Search for the transfusion_ID
  3. Make sure the checkbox is displayed
  4. Check if transfusion_ID input exist
  5. Check if submitting 'Comment' works and display a message ("New Comment added!")
  6. Check if the table has the new data

Expected result:

  • Transfusion id: 1
  • Hospital : 4
  • Comment: Throwing up multiple times a day

Actual result:

  • Transfusion id: 1
  • Hospital : 4
  • Comment: Throwing up multiple times a day

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed):

  • Pass


  • Uses ComplicationReport.html, ComplicationReport.html, ComplicationReport.js and

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

  • The new data (Comments) should be able to be viewed in the 'View Complication Reports Page'.

View Complication Reports Page

Table Description

Use case name:

  • Test Complication Table
  • Test Transfusion Table


  • The View Complication Reports Page uses 2 functions (getTransfusion(), getComplication())to fetch data from the 'Transfusion Table' where a user can search a complication report using the 'Transfusion_ID' key to access the 'Comments'. Other informations would be displayed (Hospital_ID, Amount, Patient_ID, etc) fetching the data from Transfusion Table using the 'Transfusion_ID'.


  • Ensure that the data from the tables exist.

Test to verify each table

  1. Navigate to View Complication Report page
  2. Search for the transfusion_ID
  3. Make sure the checkbox is displayed
  4. Check if transfusion_ID input exist in the Complication Table
  5. Check if transfusion_ID input exist in the Transfusion Table
  6. Check if the output boxes are displaying the correct values


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the individual receiving the blood for the transfusion. It is a FOREIGN KEY.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the units of blood in the transfusion. Each transfusion will be 1 unit.

Blood type:

  • This field is of VARCHAR(2) type. It specifies the blood type of the patient receiving blood. A_Positive_Units INT, A_Negative_Units INT, B_Positive_Units INT, B_Negative_Units INT, AB_Positive_Units INT, AB_Negative_Units INT, O_Positive_Units INT, O_Negative_Units INT.

Blood Bank ID:

  • Institution_ID INT. It is a FOREIGN KEY. It specifies the institution which the blood donation takes place.


  • Date_Time DATETIME


  • This field is of VARCHAR(180) type. It specifies the possible complications that the patient is having from the blood transfusion.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the blood donor of the donation. It is a FOREIGN KEY.


  • This field is of INT type. It specifies the unique number assigned to each blood transfusion. It is the FOREIGN KEY.

Expected result:

  • User should be able to check the report using the transfusion id.
  • User should be able to see all the attributes displayed on the page: Patient_ID: 2 Donor_ID: 1 Institution_ID: 1 Transfusion_ID: 3 Comments: Throwing up multiple times a day Date_TIME: 20230711 9:00:00

Actual result:

  • Patient_ID: 2
  • Donor_ID: 1
  • Institution_ID: 1
  • Transfusion_ID: 3
  • Comments: Throwing up multiple times a day
  • Date_TIME: 20230711 9:00:00

Status (Pass/Fail, when this test was performed):

  • Pass


  • The page uses ViewReport.html, ViewReport.css, ViewReport.js, and

Post-conditions (what must be true about the system when the test has completed successfully):

  • The data from the database tables should be able to be viewed in the 'View Complication Reports Page'.