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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 17, 2021. It is now read-only.

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114 lines (94 loc) · 4.27 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (94 loc) · 4.27 KB



  • Fork / pull the project

    git clone; git checkout $BRANCH

  • Create virtual environment

    virtualenv $ENV_NAME
    cd $ENV_NAME
    source ./bin/activate
  • Install dependencies (see README)

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Setup a `config.ini

  • Start


Add Translations

In a list is available with words. Translations of those words are available in the words folder. You can add a translation by adding a folder for a new language. Use IETF language tags for these folders. You can find a list with region/language examples here.

Within the folder, create a wordlist.json. The worlist.json file contains a list of lists. For each word in a list of possible translations is added.

You don't have to translate all phrases and you don't have to translate everything word by word - every phrase is a possible composite of one list item of every one of the lists.

Coding Style

For the general code base, a clear style(with consideration for PEP-8 should be adopted:

Source encoding:

  • UTF-8
  • every source file has a single line comment for encoding declaration at the top


  • 4 spaces indent
  • continuation lines:
    • aligned vertically to the delimiter or
    • with hanging indent and no arguments on the first line

Line length and line breaks:

  • maximum line-length of 79 characters
  • maximum line-length of 72 characters inside doc blocks / comments
  • line breaks must use Python's implied line continuation inside parentheses, brackets and braces if possible
  • if not possible, a backslash may be used
  • top level functions and classes are surrounded by two blank lines
  • method declarations and class variables are surrounded by a single blank line
  • logical separation with a single blank line may be used
  • a semicolon must not occur to mark the end of a line
  • multiple statements must not occur on the same line


  • whitespaces must not occur:
    • at the end of lines or on blank lines
    • before a comma, semicolon or colon
    • immediately inside parentheses, brackets or braces
    • immediately befor the parentheses that start an argument list for a function call or indexing/slicing
    • around the assignment-operator for keywords or parameters
  • single whitespaces must occur:
    • around binary operators
      • assignment ( = )
      • augmented assignment ( +=, -=, /=, *= )
      • comparison ( == , < , > , != , <> , <= , >= , in , not in , is , is not )
      • boolean ( and , or , not )
      • after a colon inside lambdas, list comprehension


  • imports must be at the top of the file
  • separate imports must be on separate lines
  • imports from the same module may be on a single line
  • imports must be grouped by:
    • standard Python library
  • imports must not use explicit relative import declarations
  • imports must not use an asterisk import declaration (i.e. from mod import *)

Quotes and comments:

  • double quotes for all string literals
  • triple quotes for comments and doc blocks
  • comments must be full sentences
  • inline comments should not be used
  • doc strings are PEP 257


  • all identifiers must be in English
  • configuration variables are all capitalized with underscores
  • constants are all capitalized with underscores
  • variables are all lowercase with underscores
  • classes are capitalized words with no underscores
  • the letters of abbreviations in class names are all capitialized
  • Exception names are treated as class names
  • module names are all lowercase and may contain underscores
  • functions and class methods are all lowercase with underscores
  • class methods inherited by the Twisted API are mixed case(commonly refered to as "camel case")
  • weak internal functions of classes are prefixed with an underscore
  • class properties and methods not to be accessed externally must be prefixed with two underscores
  • when an identifier conflicts with a Python keyword, a synonym must be used
  • instance methods must use self as the first keyword
  • class methods must use cls as the first keyword