- 2d Fenwick tree
- Fenwick tree
- min heap
- singly linked list
- doubly linked list
- lazy propagation
- Li Chao tree
- maximum subarray problem
- merge sort tree
- persistent segment tree
- range update point query
- segment tree beats
- rope
- trie
- binary trie
- bitset
- offline dynamic connectivity
- policy based data structures
- connection profile dp
- convex hull trick
- divide and conquer optimization
- knapsack problem
- Knuth's optimization
- travelling salesman problem
- Graham scan
- monotone chain
- point in convex polygon
- rotating calipers
- bipartite matching
- Dinic's algorithm
- Edmonds-Karp algorithm
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- Hopcroft-Karp algorithm
- max-flow min-cut theorem
- minimum cost maximum flow
- Kruskal's algorithm
- Prim's algorithm
- Bellman-Ford algorithm
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- Floyd-Warshall algorithm
- shortest path faster algorithm
- topological sorting
- 2-satisfiability
- Kosaraju's algorithm
- Tarjan's algorithm
- centroid
- centroid decomposition
- Euler tour technique
- lowest common ancestor
- Hierholzer's algorithm
- xor convolution
- Gaussian elimination
- matrix multiplication
- combination
- Euler's phi (totient) function
- extended Euclidean algorithm
- floor sum
- harmonic lemma
- integer partition
- Lucas' theorem
- multiplicative functions
- power tower
- Miller-Rabin primality test
- Pollard's rho algorithm
- sieve of Eratosthenes
- Berlekamp-Massey algorithm
- Boyer-Moore majority vote algorithm
- imos
- int128
- Kadane's algorithm
- Knuth's algorithm X
- Mo's algorithm
- parallel binary search
- permutation cycle decomposition
- prefix sum
- small to large trick
- square root decomposition
- Sprague-Grundy theorem
- ternary search
- Aho-Corasick algorithm
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
- Manacher's algorithm
- suffix array and lcp array
- z algorithm