TransDSSL: Transformer Based Depth Estimation Via Self-Supervised Learning [Abstract]
Stereo Plane R-CNN: Accurate Scene Geometry Reconstruction Using Planar Segments and Camera-Agnostic Representation [Abstract]
Object-Aware Monocular Depth Prediction with Instance Convolutions [Abstract]
Uncertainty Guided Policy for Active Robotic 3D Reconstruction Using Neural Radiance Fields [Abstract]
Detaching and Boosting: Dual Engine for Scale-Invariant Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation [Abstract]
Lidar Upsampling with Sliced Wasserstein Distance [Abstract]
Accurate 3D Single Object Tracker with Local-To-Global Feature Refinement [Abstract]
Self-Supervised Point Cloud Understanding Via Mask Transformer and Contrastive Learning [Abstract]