Enforcing the Consensus between Trajectory Optimization and Policy Learning for Precise Robot Control [Abstract]
Neural Optimal Control Using Learned System Dynamics [Abstract]
Learned Risk Metric Maps for Kinodynamic Systems [Abstract]
Autonomous Drifting with 3 Minutes of Data Via Learned Tire Models [Abstract]
DDK: A Deep Koopman Approach for Longitudinal and Lateral Control of Autonomous Ground Vehicles [Abstract]
Meta-Learning-Based Optimal Control for Soft Robotic Manipulators to Interact with Unknown Environments [Abstract]
Dealing with Sparse Rewards in Continuous Control Robotics Via Heavy-Tailed Policy Optimization [Abstract]
MPC with Sensor-Based Online Cost Adaptation [Abstract]
ReachLipBnB: A Branch-And-Bound Method for Reachability Analysis of Neural Network Autonomous Systems Using Lipschitz Bounds [Abstract]
Gradient-Based Trajectory Optimization with Learned Dynamics [Abstract]
RAMP-Net: A Robust Adaptive MPC for Quadrotors Via Physics-Informed Neural Network [Abstract]