4DRadarSLAM: A 4D Imaging Radar SLAM System for Large-Scale Environments Based on Pose Graph Optimization [Abstract]
A Unified BEV Model for Joint Learning of 3D Local Features and Overlap Estimation [Abstract]
Data-Association-Free Landmark-Based SLAM [Abstract]
Efficient Bundle Adjustment for Coplanar Points and Lines [Abstract]
Convolutional Bayesian Kernel Inference for 3D Semantic Mapping [Abstract]
SHINE-Mapping: Large-Scale 3D Mapping Using Sparse Hierarchical Implicit Neural Representations [Abstract]
Efficient and Hybrid Decoder for Local Map Construction in Bird's-Eye-View [Abstract]
Contour Context: Abstract Structural Distribution for 3D LiDAR Loop Detection and Metric Pose Estimation [Abstract]
The Reflectance Field Map: Mapping Glass and Specular Surfaces in Dynamic Environments [Abstract]
Inverse Perspective Mapping-Based Neural Occupancy Grid Map for Visual Parking [Abstract]
Efficient Implicit Neural Reconstruction Using LiDAR [Abstract]
Factor Graph Fusion of Raw GNSS Sensing with IMU and Lidar for Precise Robot Localization without a Base Station [Abstract]