Bipedal Robot Walking Control Using Human Whole-Body Dynamic Telelocomotion [Abstract]
Foot Stepping Algorithm of Humanoids with Double Support Time Adjustment Based on Capture Point Control [Abstract]
Optimizing Bipedal Locomotion for the 100m Dash with Comparison to Human Running [Abstract]
Effect of the Dynamics of a Horizontally Wobbling Mass on Biped Walking Performance [Abstract]
Robust Bipedal Locomotion: Leveraging Saltation Matrices for Gait Optimization [Abstract]
Topology-Based MPC for Automatic Footstep Placement and Contact Surface Selection [Abstract]
Online Non-Linear Centroidal MPC for Humanoid Robots Payload Carrying with Contact-Stable Force Parametrization [Abstract]
Holistic View of Inverse Optimal Control by Introducing Projections on Singularity Curves [Abstract]