Noise Tolerant Identification and Tuning Approach Using Deep Neural Networks for Visual Servoing Applications [Abstract]
Transparent Object Tracking with Enhanced Fusion Module [Abstract]
Self-Supervised Event-Based Monocular Depth Estimation Using Cross-Modal Consistency [Abstract]
Sim-To-Real Vision-Depth Fusion CNNs for Robust Pose Estimation Aboard Autonomous Nano-Quadcopters [Abstract]
SSC-RS: Elevate LiDAR Semantic Scene Completion with Representation Separation and BEV Fusion [Abstract]
PANet: LiDAR Panoptic Segmentation with Sparse Instance Proposal and Aggregation [Abstract]
Online Self-Supervised Thermal Water Segmentation for Aerial Vehicles [Abstract]
Lightweight, Uncertainty-Aware Conformalized Visual Odometry [Abstract]
LiDAR Meta Depth Completion [Abstract]
BarrierNet: Differentiable Control Barrier Functions for Learning of Safe Robot Control [Abstract]
Uncertainty-Aware Panoptic Segmentation [Abstract]