Primitive Skill-Based Robot Learning from Human Evaluative Feedback [Abstract]
Autocomplete of 3D Motions for UAV Teleoperation [Abstract]
Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Human-Object Relations Using Graph Neural Networks for Human Action Recognition and 3D Motion Forecasting [Abstract]
Improving Human-Robot Interaction Effectiveness in Human-Robot Collaborative Object Transportation Using Force Prediction [Abstract]
Leveraging Saliency-Aware Gaze Heatmaps for Multiperspective Teaching of Unknown Objects [Abstract]
Language Guided Temporally Adaptive Perception for Efficient Natural Language Grounding in Cluttered Dynamic Worlds [Abstract]
T-Top, an Open Source Tabletop Robot with Advanced Onboard Audio, Vision and Deep Learning Capabilities [Abstract]
Learning Human Motion Intention for pHRI Assistive Control [Abstract]
VARIQuery: VAE Segment-Based Active Learning for Query Selection in Preference-Based Reinforcement Learning [Abstract]
Interactive Spatiotemporal Token Attention Network for Skeleton-Based General Interactive Action Recognition [Abstract]
Learning Joint Policies for Human-Robot Dialog and Co-Navigation [Abstract]
Natural Language Specification of Reinforcement Learning Policies through Differentiable Decision Trees [Abstract]
Robots Autonomously Detecting People: A Multimodal Deep Contrastive Learning Method Robust to Intraclass Variations [Abstract]