Foldsformer: Learning Sequential Multi-Step Cloth Manipulation with Space-Time Attention [Abstract]
GraNet: A Multi-Level Graph Network for 6-DoF Grasp Pose Generation in Cluttered Scenes [Abstract]
Modular Neural Network Policies for Learning In-Flight Object Catching with a Robot Hand-Arm System [Abstract]
GVCCI: Lifelong Learning of Visual Grounding for Language-Guided Robotic Manipulation [Abstract]
Bag All You Need: Learning a Generalizable Bagging Strategy for Heterogeneous Objects [Abstract]
Multi-Source Fusion for Voxel-Based 7-DoF Grasping Pose Estimation [Abstract]
VL-Grasp: A 6-Dof Interactive Grasp Policy for Language-Oriented Objects in Cluttered Indoor Scenes [Abstract]
QDP: Learning to Sequentially Optimise Quasi-Static and Dynamic Manipulation Primitives for Robotic Cloth Manipulation [Abstract]
Robust Visual Sim-To-Real Transfer for Robotic Manipulation [Abstract]
Multi-Dimensional Deformable Object Manipulation Using Equivariant Models [Abstract]
Adversarial Object Rearrangement in Constrained Environments with Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks [Abstract]
Probabilistic Slide-Support Manipulation Planning in Clutter [Abstract]
GOATS: Goal Sampling Adaptation for Scooping with Curriculum Reinforcement Learning [Abstract]