Toward Closed-Loop Additive Manufacturing: Paradigm Shift in Fabrication, Inspection, and Repair [Abstract]
Optimal Decision Making in Robotic Assembly and Other Trial-And-Error Tasks [Abstract]
A Cartesian Platform for Cooperative Multi-Robot Manipulation Tasks [Abstract]
Robotic Crop Handling in Cluttered and Unstructured Environments Using Simulated L-System Dynamic Plant Models [Abstract]
Understanding the Influence of Robot Motion on the Experimental Processes Present in Food Science Applications [Abstract]
High-Accuracy Injection Using a Mobile Manipulation Robot for Chemistry Lab Automation [Abstract]
Robotic Defect Inspection with Visual and Tactile Perception for Large-Scale Components [Abstract]
Infrastructure to Support Robots: A Practical, Scalable Model for Comparative Evaluation of Design Choices [Abstract]
Development of the Whole-Body Waterproof Shell Applying and Removing System Using Phase-Change Paraffin and Grease for the Multi-DOF Robot [Abstract]
Learning to Adapt the Parameters of Behavior Trees and Motion Generators (BTMGs) to Task Variations [Abstract]
CEFHRI: A Communication Efficient Federated Learning Framework for Recognizing Industrial Human-Robot Interaction [Abstract]
SonoRotor: An Acoustic Rotational Robotic Platform for Zebrafish Embryos and Larvae [Abstract]
Automatic Gripper-Finger Design, Production and Application: Towards Fast and Cost Effective Small Batch Production [Abstract]