Curiosity-Based Robot Navigation under Uncertainty in Crowded Environments [Abstract]
Lightweight Neural Path Planning [Abstract]
Modeling Action Spatiotemporal Relationships Using Graph-Based Class-Level Attention Network for Long-Term Action Detection [Abstract]
Formal Composition of Robotic Systems As Contract Programs [Abstract]
Competitive Ant Coverage: The Value of Pursuit [Abstract]
Human-Aware Navigation in Crowded Environments Using Adaptive Proxemic Area and Group Detection [Abstract]
Efficient Heuristics for Multi-Robot Path Planning in Crowded Environments [Abstract]
Learning Depth Vision-Based Personalized Robot Navigation from Dynamic Demonstrations in Virtual Reality [Abstract]
From Crowd Motion Prediction to Robot Navigation in Crowds [Abstract]
A Game-Theoretic Framework for Joint Forecasting and Planning [Abstract]
Coordination of Bounded Rational Drones through Informed Prior Policy [Abstract]
Mapless Urban Robot Navigation by Following Pedestrians [Abstract]
Motion Planning of Mobile Manipulator for Navigation Including Door Traversal [Abstract]