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ThreadKeep ⬢ - Your personal archive for online conversations.

Go Prisma

ThreadKeep is a web forum where people can create online forums. It's designed to be easy to use, and a special feature lets users easily pull out the most important information from other people's forums. This project was developed as a part of CVWO Assignment for the School of Computing, National University of Singapore (NUS).

This is the Go backend for ThreadKeep ⬢. For more information, please refer to this repository.

Tech stack

  • Go server hosting
  • PostgreSQL database management with go-prisma ORM.
  • Docker and Google cloud for deployment

Getting Started


  • go (This project is developed based on go1.23.4 linux/amd64.)
  • PostgreSQL database. For this project, you can host your PostgreSQL database locally (via docker) or using Neon database.
  • Docker (Optional) This is in case you want to build and run with docker. Make sure to add your .env file before starting the server. Here is the example of .env file.
  • DATABASE_URL: For this project, you can host your PostgreSQL database locally (via docker) or using Neon database.
  • JWT_SECRET_KEY: You can choose any string you wish to choose.

Setting database

  • Schema file prisma/schema.ts
  • Generate database migration by running go run db push.

Running locally

Make sure that you have created your .env file before starting the server.

go mod download
go run cmd/tag/main.go // add tags to your database
go run cmd/server/main.go

Running with docker

To start the server, execute

docker build --network=host --tag thread-keep:latest .

To see a list of built containers, you can use the docker images command. You would expect to see something like this.

REPOSITORY       TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
thread-keep      latest    <id>         i <time>          <size>

To start the server, execute

docker run --env-file .env -d --name thread-keep -p 8080:8080 thread-keep:latest

If this server is settled properly, you would expect to find the message "Welcome to our api server!" at http://localhost:8080/.

To see a list of running containers, you can use the docker ps command. You would expect something like this.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                COMMAND    CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                       NAMES
<id>           thread-keep:latest   "./main"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes>8080/tcp, :::8080->8080/tcp   thread-keep

To stop the container, execute docker stop <id> or docker stop thread-keep. To remove the container, run docker rm thread-keep.


This project used Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for deployment. Please follow the instruction from this link for more details. The current backend is deployed here.

Database design

This project use PostgreSQL database with Prisma ORM to simplify nitpicking database operation tasks such as database migration. The following ERD Diagram is generated by this link from this schema.

ERD Diagram

This database consists of mainly four tables: User, Thread, Tag, and Comment. The table below shows all relations between these tables.

Relationship Type Description
User and Thread One to Many One user can post multiple threads
User and Comment One to Many One user can post multiple comments
Thread and Comment One to Many One thread consists of multiple comments
Thread and Tag Many to Many One thread consists of multiple tags, and one tag can be used in multiple threads.
Likes One to One with User and Thread A table represents the Likes relation.
Saved One to One with User and Thread A table represents the Saved relation.

API Endpoints

This project mainly use REST API to perform standard database functions. For GET endpoints, all input parameters are parsed as url parameters. For POST endpoints, the requests are handled based on JSON format. Make sure to include relevant headers: Content-Type: application/json and Authorization: Bearer [JWT_TOKEN] for protected endpoints.

All API responses are represented in the following format.

	"payload": data | null (if error),
	"messages": string,
	"errorCode": int (refer to http.status)

User routers /user

  • Handle all logics regarding user information.
  • The user API endpoint does not require authorization header.
Method Endpoint Description Input data (If http.status = 200)
GET /users List all users in this platform None []models.User with jwt_token set to ""
POST /users/create Create new user (Registeration) name (string), password (string) []models.User with generated token
POST /users/verify Handling user authentication (Sign in) name (string), password (string) True | False

Thread routers /threads

  • Handle all CRUD thread operations and thread reactions.
  • Require JWT authorization header (Authorization: Bearer [JWT_TOKEN])
Method Endpoint Description Input data (If http.status = 200)
GET /threads List all threads based on user filter (Optional) skip (int), max_per_page (int), name (string), tags (list of tagID) []models.Thread
POST /threads Obtain individual thread threadID (string) models.Thread
GET /threads/count Count all threads None int
POST /threads/create Create new thread title (string) content (string) user (models.User)
POST /threads/update Update thread details ThreadID (string) title (string) content (string) user (models.User) models.Thread
POST /threads/delete delete individual thread threadID (string) 0 (Failed) | 1 (Success)
GET /threads/tags Get all tags None []models.Tag
POST /threads/tags Get all tags for individual thread threadID []models.Tag
POST /threads/reaction Handle all threads reaction userID (string), threadID (string), reaction (ReactionType) 0 (Failed) | 1 (Success)
POST /threads/reaction/isLike check if user with userID has liked the thread threadID or not. userID (string), threadID (string) True | False

Thread reactions

Thread reactions are handled with ReactionType.

ReactionType int

Comment routers /comments

  • Handle all CRUD comment operations.
  • Require JWT authorization header (Authorization: Bearer [JWT_TOKEN])
Method Endpoint Description Input data (If http.status = 200)
POST /comments Obtain individual comment commentID (string) models.Comment
POST /comments/create Create individual comment content (string), user (models.User) models.Comment
POST /comments/update Update individual comment commentID (string), content (string), user (models.User) models.Comment
POST /comments/delete Delete individual comment commentID (string) 0 (Failed) | 1 (Success)