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Java Class - 1

Initial Setup Instructions


  • Head First Java: One of the best Java book for beginners.

  • Core Java Volume 1: Covers both basics and advanced topics in Java, Highly recommened for those who are already familiar with Java.

  • The Complete Java Reference: Another great book covering basics of Java in crisp and concise manner.

  • Oracle Docs: Best resource for learning Java, all you have to learn is how to search the docs :P. Recommend for advanced users.

  • Java TPoint: Great online resource for learning Java concepts.

  • Bucky Roberts Video Series: Great youtube playlist to learn java in a fun manner.

Java Basics and Useful Links

  • Java is an object oriented, class-based, concurrent, secured programming language.

  • Initiators: James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton

  • Features of java:

    1. Write once run anywhere
    2. Multithreated
    3. Security
    4. Built in graphics
    5. Object Oriented language
    6. Support Multimedia
    7. Open product
    8. Platform independent
  • Command to set temporary path in cmd

    • set path=C:\Program Files\Java<jdk_folder_name>\bin
  • Compilation:

    • Compile time

      • javac
      • Class -> Compiler -> Bytecode
    • Runtime

      • java fileName
      • classfile -> classloader -> bytecode verifier -> interpreter -> runtime -> hardware
  • JDK

    • Compiler(javac), tools(javap, java) + JRE
  • JRE

    • JVM + Euntime Environment
    • Provide set of software tools which are used for developing Java applications.
    • It is used to provide the runtime environment.
    • JRE implements JVM.
    • Since JRE is implementation of jvm therefore is also released by different other companies (openjdk, oraclejdk)
  • JVM

    • Can run anything compiled to bytecode. It is a virtual machine.

    • JVM is system dependent.

    • Functions of JVM Loads code Verifies code Executes code Provides runtime environment

      therefore used to convert and run bytecode line by line. bytecode -> machine code -> run that line

    • How JVM Works

    • JDK vs JRE vs JVM

  • JIT

    • line by line, hence --> performance problem -- (solution needed) --> jit
    • Hepls java interpreter to run and execute code faster
    • Refer this link
    • Two observations firstly of repeated code segments, secondly wrongly written code.
  • Classes and Objects