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- name: '果子汉',
- title: '大牛子',
- links: [
- { icon: {svg:''}, link: 'https://github.com/yyx990803' },
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+ },
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+ name: '小念',
+ desc: "真是会虚情假意呢
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+ org: '人工智能教育学部 数字媒体技术',
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+ {icon: {svg: ''}, link: 'https://codeforces.com/profile/yuhyuhy'},
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+ org: '计算机学院',
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+ desc: "什么都垫底 (",
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+ desc: "这个人很懒,没有简介,快提醒他写简介",
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+ org: '计算机学院',
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- name: 'Evan You',
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- { icon: 'twitter', link: 'https://twitter.com/youyuxi' }
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- },{
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- name: 'Evan You',
- title: 'Creator',
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- },{
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- name: 'Evan You',
- title: 'Creator',
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- { icon: 'twitter', link: 'https://twitter.com/youyuxi' }
- ]
- },
@@ -52,11 +175,23 @@ const members = [
- The development of VitePress is guided by an international
- team, some of whom have chosen to be featured below.
+ 太庙
+ 2022级
+ ...
+ 2021级
+ ...
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