From 105b402acf75dc5438f25f3c3e2892fc2f6eacf3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: CDrummond Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2024 10:50:01 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Revert mistaken commit to vuetify.min.js --- .../HTML/material/html/lib/vuetify.min.js | 10195 +--------------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 10190 deletions(-) diff --git a/MaterialSkin/HTML/material/html/lib/vuetify.min.js b/MaterialSkin/HTML/material/html/lib/vuetify.min.js index e272c542c..fda959ede 100644 --- a/MaterialSkin/HTML/material/html/lib/vuetify.min.js +++ b/MaterialSkin/HTML/material/html/lib/vuetify.min.js @@ -1,10191 +1,6 @@ /*! - * Vuetify v1.5.24 - * Forged by John Leider - * Released under the MIT License. - */ -! function(t, e) { - "object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module ? module.exports = e(require("vue")) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["vue"], e) : "object" == typeof exports ? exports.Vuetify = e(require("vue")) : t.Vuetify = e(t.Vue) -}("undefined" != typeof self ? self : this, function(t) { - return function(t) { - var e = {}; - - function i(n) { - if (e[n]) return e[n].exports; - var s = e[n] = { - i: n, - l: !1, - exports: {} - }; - return t[n].call(s.exports, s, s.exports, i), s.l = !0, s.exports - } - return i.m = t, i.c = e, i.d = function(t, e, n) { - i.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, { - enumerable: !0, - get: n - }) - }, i.r = function(t) { - "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, { - value: "Module" - }), Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { - value: !0 - }) - }, i.t = function(t, e) { - if (1 & e && (t = i(t)), 8 & e) return t; - if (4 & e && "object" == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t; - var n = Object.create(null); - if (i.r(n), Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { - enumerable: !0, - value: t - }), 2 & e && "string" != typeof t) - for (var s in t) i.d(n, s, function(e) { - return t[e] - }.bind(null, s)); - return n - }, i.n = function(t) { - var e = t && t.__esModule ? function() { - return t.default - } : function() { - return t - }; - return i.d(e, "a", e), e - }, i.o = function(t, e) { - return, e) - }, i.p = "/dist/", i(i.s = 46) - }([function(e, i) { - e.exports = t - }, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) {}, function(t, e, i) { - "use strict"; - i.r(e); - var n = {}; - i.r(n), i.d(n, "linear", function() { - return rt - }), i.d(n, "easeInQuad", function() { - return ot - }), i.d(n, "easeOutQuad", function() { - return at - }), i.d(n, "easeInOutQuad", function() { - return lt - }), i.d(n, "easeInCubic", function() { - return ut - }), i.d(n, "easeOutCubic", function() { - return ct - }), i.d(n, "easeInOutCubic", function() { - return ht - }), i.d(n, "easeInQuart", function() { - return dt - }), i.d(n, "easeOutQuart", function() { - return ft - }), i.d(n, "easeInOutQuart", function() { - return pt - }), i.d(n, "easeInQuint", function() { - return vt - }), i.d(n, "easeOutQuint", function() { - return mt - }), i.d(n, "easeInOutQuint", function() { - return gt - }); - var s = {}; - i.r(s), i.d(s, "VApp", function() { - return Qt - }), i.d(s, "VAvatar", function() { - return re - }), i.d(s, "VBottomNav", function() { - return be - }), i.d(s, "VBtn", function() { - return Ye - }), i.d(s, "VCard", function() { - return Je - }), i.d(s, "VCardMedia", function() { - return ii - }), i.d(s, "VCardTitle", function() { - return ni - }), i.d(s, "VCardActions", function() { - return si - }), i.d(s, "VCardText", function() { - return ri - }), i.d(s, "VCheckbox", function() { - return ki - }), i.d(s, "VChip", function() { - return _i - }), i.d(s, "VCombobox", function() { - return ms - }), i.d(s, "VDialog", function() { - return Ss - }), i.d(s, "VDivider", function() { - return nn - }), i.d(s, "VForm", function() { - return xs - }), i.d(s, "VContainer", function() { - return Cs - }), i.d(s, "VContent", function() { - return $s - }), i.d(s, "VFlex", function() { - return Is - }), i.d(s, "VLayout", function() { - return _s - }), i.d(s, "VSpacer", function() { - return Ts - }), i.d(s, "VHover", function() { - return As - }), i.d(s, "VIcon", function() { - return ui - }), i.d(s, "VImg", function() { - return ei - }), i.d(s, "VInput", function() { - return yi - }), i.d(s, "VLabel", function() { - return di - }), i.d(s, "VList", function() { - return fn - }), i.d(s, "VListGroup", function() { - return Nn - }), i.d(s, "VListTile", function() { - return un - }), i.d(s, "VListTileAction", function() { - return cn - }), i.d(s, "VListTileAvatar", function() { - return zn - }), i.d(s, "VListTileActionText", function() { - return Hn - }), i.d(s, "VListTileContent", function() { - return Fn - }), i.d(s, "VListTileTitle", function() { - return jn - }), i.d(s, "VListTileSubTitle", function() { - return Wn - }), i.d(s, "VMenu", function() { - return Ji - }), i.d(s, "VSheet", function() { - return Ge - }), i.d(s, "VPicker", function() { - return Vs - }), i.d(s, "VProgressLinear", function() { - return is - }), i.d(s, "VRating", function() { - return Es - }), i.d(s, "VSelect", function() { - return Ns - }), i.d(s, "VSlider", function() { - return Hs - }), i.d(s, "VSnackbar", function() { - return Fs - }), i.d(s, "VSubheader", function() { - return on - }), i.d(s, "VSwitch", function() { - return qs - }), i.d(s, "VTabs", function() { - return tr - }), i.d(s, "VTab", function() { - return ir - }), i.d(s, "VTabItem", function() { - return sr - }), i.d(s, "VTabsItems", function() { - return Ks - }), i.d(s, "VTabsSlider", function() { - return Gs - }), i.d(s, "VTextField", function() { - return ar - }), i.d(s, "VTimePicker", function() { - return xr - }), i.d(s, "VTimePickerClock", function() { - return dr - }), i.d(s, "VTimePickerTitle", function() { - return cr - }), i.d(s, "VToolbar", function() { - return kr - }), i.d(s, "VToolbarSideIcon", function() { - return $r - }), i.d(s, "VToolbarTitle", function() { - return Ir - }), i.d(s, "VToolbarItems", function() { - return _r - }), i.d(s, "VTooltip", function() { - return Tr - }), i.d(s, "VTreeview", function() { - return Nr - }), i.d(s, "VTreeviewNode", function() { - return Vr - }), i.d(s, "VBottomSheetTransition", function() { - return vn - }), i.d(s, "VCarouselTransition", function() { - return mn - }), i.d(s, "VCarouselReverseTransition", function() { - return gn - }), i.d(s, "VTabTransition", function() { - return yn - }), i.d(s, "VTabReverseTransition", function() { - return bn - }), i.d(s, "VMenuTransition", function() { - return Sn - }), i.d(s, "VFabTransition", function() { - return xn - }), i.d(s, "VDialogTransition", function() { - return wn - }), i.d(s, "VDialogBottomTransition", function() { - return Cn - }), i.d(s, "VFadeTransition", function() { - return kn - }), i.d(s, "VScaleTransition", function() { - return $n - }), i.d(s, "VScrollXTransition", function() { - return In - }), i.d(s, "VScrollXReverseTransition", function() { - return _n - }), i.d(s, "VScrollYTransition", function() { - return Tn - }), i.d(s, "VScrollYReverseTransition", function() { - return An - }), i.d(s, "VSlideXTransition", function() { - return On - }), i.d(s, "VSlideXReverseTransition", function() { - return Vn - }), i.d(s, "VSlideYTransition", function() { - return Bn - }), i.d(s, "VSlideYReverseTransition", function() { - return En - }), i.d(s, "VExpandTransition", function() { - return Mn - }), i.d(s, "VExpandXTransition", function() { - return Ln - }), i.d(s, "VRowExpandTransition", function() { - return Dn - }); - i(6); - var r = i(0), - o = i.n(r), - a = { - bar: 0, - bottom: 0, - footer: 0, - insetFooter: 0, - left: 0, - right: 0, - top: 0, - components: { - bar: {}, - bottom: {}, - footer: {}, - insetFooter: {}, - left: {}, - right: {}, - top: {} - }, - bind: function(t, e, i) { - var n; - this.components[e] && (this.components[e] = ((n = {})[t] = i, n), this.update(e)) - }, - unbind: function(t, e) { - null != this.components[e][t] && (delete this.components[e][t], this.update(e)) - }, - update: function(t) { - this[t] = Object.values(this.components[t]).reduce(function(t, e) { - return t + e - }, 0) - } - }, - l = function() { - return (l = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }, - u = { - thresholds: { - xs: 600, - sm: 960, - md: 1280, - lg: 1920 - }, - scrollbarWidth: 16 - }; - - function c(t) { - return void 0 === t && (t = {}), t || (t = {}), o.a.extend({ - data: function() { - return l({ - clientHeight: d(), - clientWidth: h(), - resizeTimeout: void 0 - }, u, t) - }, - computed: { - breakpoint: function() { - var t, e = this.clientWidth < this.thresholds.xs, - i = this.clientWidth < && !e, - n = this.clientWidth < - this.scrollbarWidth && !(i || e), - s = this.clientWidth < this.thresholds.lg - this.scrollbarWidth && !(n || i || e), - r = this.clientWidth >= this.thresholds.lg - this.scrollbarWidth, - o = e, - a = i, - l = (e || i) && !(n || s || r), - u = !e && (i || n || s || r), - c = n, - h = (e || i || n) && !(s || r), - d = !(e || i) && (n || s || r), - f = s, - p = (e || i || n || s) && !r, - v = !(e || i || n) && (s || r), - m = r; - switch (!0) { - case e: - t = "xs"; - break; - case i: - t = "sm"; - break; - case n: - t = "md"; - break; - case s: - t = "lg"; - break; - default: - t = "xl" - } - return { - xs: e, - sm: i, - md: n, - lg: s, - xl: r, - name: t, - xsOnly: o, - smOnly: a, - smAndDown: l, - smAndUp: u, - mdOnly: c, - mdAndDown: h, - mdAndUp: d, - lgOnly: f, - lgAndDown: p, - lgAndUp: v, - xlOnly: m, - width: this.clientWidth, - height: this.clientHeight, - thresholds: this.thresholds, - scrollbarWidth: this.scrollbarWidth - } - } - }, - created: function() { - "undefined" != typeof window && window.addEventListener("resize", this.onResize, { - passive: !0 - }) - }, - beforeDestroy: function() { - "undefined" != typeof window && window.removeEventListener("resize", this.onResize) - }, - methods: { - onResize: function() { - clearTimeout(this.resizeTimeout), this.resizeTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.setDimensions, 200) - }, - setDimensions: function() { - this.clientHeight = d(), this.clientWidth = h() - } - } - }) - } - - function h() { - return "undefined" == typeof document ? 0 : Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0) - } - - function d() { - return "undefined" == typeof document ? 0 : Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0) - } - var f = function() { - return (f = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }, - p = { - primary: "#1976D2", - secondary: "#424242", - accent: "#82B1FF", - error: "#FF5252", - info: "#2196F3", - success: "#4CAF50", - warning: "#FB8C00" - }; - var v = { - complete: "fas fa-check", - cancel: "fas fa-times-circle", - close: "fas fa-times", - delete: "fas fa-times-circle", - clear: "fas fa-times-circle", - success: "fas fa-check-circle", - info: "fas fa-info-circle", - warning: "fas fa-exclamation", - error: "fas fa-exclamation-triangle", - prev: "fas fa-chevron-left", - next: "fas fa-chevron-right", - checkboxOn: "fas fa-check-square", - checkboxOff: "far fa-square", - checkboxIndeterminate: "fas fa-minus-square", - delimiter: "fas fa-circle", - sort: "fas fa-sort-up", - expand: "fas fa-chevron-down", - menu: "fas fa-bars", - subgroup: "fas fa-caret-down", - dropdown: "fas fa-caret-down", - radioOn: "far fa-dot-circle", - radioOff: "far fa-circle", - edit: "fas fa-edit", - ratingEmpty: "far fa-star", - ratingFull: "fas fa-star", - ratingHalf: "fas fa-star-half" - }; - var m = { - md: { - complete: "check", - cancel: "cancel", - close: "close", - delete: "cancel", - clear: "clear", - success: "check_circle", - info: "info", - warning: "priority_high", - error: "warning", - prev: "chevron_left", - next: "chevron_right", - checkboxOn: "check_box", - checkboxOff: "check_box_outline_blank", - checkboxIndeterminate: "indeterminate_check_box", - delimiter: "fiber_manual_record", - sort: "arrow_upward", - expand: "keyboard_arrow_down", - menu: "menu", - subgroup: "arrow_drop_down", - dropdown: "arrow_drop_down", - radioOn: "radio_button_checked", - radioOff: "radio_button_unchecked", - edit: "edit", - ratingEmpty: "star_border", - ratingFull: "star", - ratingHalf: "star_half", - loading: "cached" - }, - mdi: { - complete: "mdi-check", - cancel: "mdi-close-circle", - close: "mdi-close", - delete: "mdi-close-circle", - clear: "mdi-close", - success: "mdi-check-circle", - info: "mdi-information", - warning: "mdi-exclamation", - error: "mdi-alert", - prev: "mdi-chevron-left", - next: "mdi-chevron-right", - checkboxOn: "mdi-checkbox-marked", - checkboxOff: "mdi-checkbox-blank-outline", - checkboxIndeterminate: "mdi-minus-box", - delimiter: "mdi-circle", - sort: "mdi-arrow-up", - expand: "mdi-chevron-down", - menu: "mdi-menu", - subgroup: "mdi-menu-down", - dropdown: "mdi-menu-down", - radioOn: "mdi-radiobox-marked", - radioOff: "mdi-radiobox-blank", - edit: "mdi-pencil", - ratingEmpty: "mdi-star-outline", - ratingFull: "mdi-star", - ratingHalf: "mdi-star-half" - }, - fa: v, - fa4: { - complete: "fa fa-check", - cancel: "fa fa-times-circle", - close: "fa fa-times", - delete: "fa fa-times-circle", - clear: "fa fa-times-circle", - success: "fa fa-check-circle", - info: "fa fa-info-circle", - warning: "fa fa-exclamation", - error: "fa fa-exclamation-triangle", - prev: "fa fa-chevron-left", - next: "fa fa-chevron-right", - checkboxOn: "fa fa-check-square", - checkboxOff: "fa fa-square-o", - checkboxIndeterminate: "fa fa-minus-square", - delimiter: "fa fa-circle", - sort: "fa fa-sort-up", - expand: "fa fa-chevron-down", - menu: "fa fa-bars", - subgroup: "fa fa-caret-down", - dropdown: "fa fa-caret-down", - radioOn: "fa fa-dot-circle", - radioOff: "fa fa-circle-o", - edit: "fa fa-pencil", - ratingEmpty: "fa fa-star-o", - ratingFull: "fa fa-star", - ratingHalf: "fa fa-star-half-o" - }, - faSvg: function(t, e) { - var i = {}; - for (var n in e) i[n] = { - component: t, - props: { - icon: e[n].split(" fa-") - } - }; - return i - }("font-awesome-icon", v) - }; - - function g(t, e) { - return void 0 === t && (t = "md"), void 0 === e && (e = {}), Object.assign({}, m[t] ||, e) - } - var y = function() { - return (y = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }, - b = { - minifyTheme: null, - themeCache: null, - customProperties: !1, - cspNonce: null - }; - var S = { - dataIterator: { - rowsPerPageText: "Items per page:", - rowsPerPageAll: "All", - pageText: "{0}-{1} of {2}", - noResultsText: "No matching records found", - nextPage: "Next page", - prevPage: "Previous page" - }, - dataTable: { - rowsPerPageText: "Rows per page:" - }, - noDataText: "No data available", - carousel: { - prev: "Previous visual", - next: "Next visual" - } - }, - x = ("function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator, function() { - return (x = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }); - - function w(t, e, i) { - return void 0 === e && (e = "div"), o.a.extend({ - name: i || t.replace(/__/g, "-"), - functional: !0, - render: function(i, n) { - var s =, - r = n.children; - return s.staticClass = (t + " " + (s.staticClass || "")).trim(), i(e, s, r) - } - }) - } - - function C(t, e) { - return Array.isArray(t) ? t.concat(e) : (t && e.push(t), e) - } - - function k(t, e, i) { - return void 0 === e && (e = "top center 0"), { - name: t, - functional: !0, - props: { - group: { - type: Boolean, - default: !1 - }, - hideOnLeave: { - type: Boolean, - default: !1 - }, - leaveAbsolute: { - type: Boolean, - default: !1 - }, - mode: { - type: String, - default: i - }, - origin: { - type: String, - default: e - } - }, - render: function(e, i) { - var n = "transition" + ( ? "-group" : ""); - = || {}, = { - name: t, - mode: i.props.mode - }, = || {}, Object.isExtensible( || ( = x({},; - var s = [], - r = []; - s.push(function(t) { - = i.props.origin, = i.props.origin - }), i.props.leaveAbsolute && r.push(function(t) { - return = "absolute" - }), i.props.hideOnLeave && r.push(function(t) { - return = "none" - }); - var o =, - a = o.beforeEnter, - l = o.leave; - return = function() { - return C(a, s) - }, = C(l, r), e(n,, i.children) - } - } - } - - function $(t, e, i) { - return void 0 === i && (i = "in-out"), { - name: t, - functional: !0, - props: { - mode: { - type: String, - default: i - } - }, - render: function(i, n) { - return i("transition", { - props: x({}, n.props, { - name: t - }), - on: e - }, n.children) - } - } - } - - function I(t, e, i) { - t.addEventListener(e, function n() { - i(), t.removeEventListener(e, n, !1) - }, !1) - } - var _ = !1; - try { - if ("undefined" != typeof window) { - var T = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", { - get: function() { - _ = !0 - } - }); - window.addEventListener("testListener", T, T), window.removeEventListener("testListener", T, T) - } - } catch (t) { - console.warn(t) - } - - function A(t, e, i) { - var n = e.length - 1; - if (n < 0) return void 0 === t ? i : t; - for (var s = 0; s < n; s++) { - if (null == t) return i; - t = t[e[s]] - } - return null == t ? i : void 0 === t[e[n]] ? i : t[e[n]] - } - - function O(t, e) { - if (t === e) return !0; - if (t instanceof Date && e instanceof Date && t.getTime() !== e.getTime()) return !1; - if (t !== Object(t) || e !== Object(e)) return !1; - var i = Object.keys(t); - return i.length === Object.keys(e).length && i.every(function(i) { - return O(t[i], e[i]) - }) - } - - function V(t, e, i) { - return e && e.constructor === String ? A(t, (e = (e = e.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, ".$1")).replace(/^\./, "")).split("."), i) : i - } - - function B(t, e, i) { - if (null == e) return void 0 === t ? i : t; - if (t !== Object(t)) return void 0 === i ? t : i; - if ("string" == typeof e) return V(t, e, i); - if (Array.isArray(e)) return A(t, e, i); - if ("function" != typeof e) return i; - var n = e(t, i); - return void 0 === n ? i : n - } - - function E(t) { - return Array.from({ - length: t - }, function(t, e) { - return e - }) - } - - function M(t) { - if (!t || t.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return 0; - var e = +window.getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue("z-index"); - return e || M(t.parentNode) - } - var L = { - "&": "&", - "<": "<", - ">": ">" - }; - - function D(t) { - return t.replace(/[&<>]/g, function(t) { - return L[t] || t - }) - } - - function P(t, e) { - for (var i = {}, n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { - var s = e[n]; - void 0 !== t[s] && (i[s] = t[s]) - } - return i - } - - function N(t, e) { - return void 0 === e && (e = "px"), null == t || "" === t ? void 0 : isNaN(+t) ? String(t) : "" + Number(t) + e - } - - function z(t) { - return (t || "").replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase() - } - var H = Object.freeze({ - enter: 13, - tab: 9, - delete: 46, - esc: 27, - space: 32, - up: 38, - down: 40, - left: 37, - right: 39, - end: 35, - home: 36, - del: 46, - backspace: 8, - insert: 45, - pageup: 33, - pagedown: 34 - }), - F = "$vuetify.icons."; - - function j(t) { - return Object.keys(t) - } - var W = /-(\w)/g, - R = function(t) { - return t.replace(W, function(t, e) { - return e ? e.toUpperCase() : "" - }) - }; - - function Y(t) { - return t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1) - } - - function q(t, e, i) { - return t.$slots[e] && t.$scopedSlots[e] && t.$scopedSlots[e].name ? i ? "v-slot" : "scoped" : t.$slots[e] ? "normal" : t.$scopedSlots[e] ? "scoped" : void 0 - } - - function X(t, e, i) { - if (i && (e = { - _isVue: !0, - $parent: i, - $options: e - }), e) { - if (e.$_alreadyWarned = e.$_alreadyWarned || [], e.$_alreadyWarned.includes(t)) return; - e.$_alreadyWarned.push(t) - } - return "[Vuetify] " + t + (e ? function(t) { - if (t._isVue && t.$parent) { - for (var e = [], i = 0; t;) { - if (e.length > 0) { - var n = e[e.length - 1]; - if (n.constructor === t.constructor) { - i++, t = t.$parent; - continue - } - i > 0 && (e[e.length - 1] = [n, i], i = 0) - } - e.push(t), t = t.$parent - } - return "\n\nfound in\n\n" +, e) { - return "" + (0 === e ? "---\x3e " : " ".repeat(5 + 2 * e)) + (Array.isArray(t) ? J(t[0]) + "... (" + t[1] + " recursive calls)" : J(t)) - }).join("\n") - } - return "\n\n(found in " + J(t) + ")" - }(e) : "") - } - - function U(t, e, i) { - var n = X(t, e, i); - null != n && console.warn(n) - } - - function K(t, e, i) { - var n = X(t, e, i); - null != n && console.error(n) - } - - function G(t, e, i, n) { - U("'" + t + "' is deprecated, use '" + e + "' instead", i, n) - } - var Z = /(?:^|[-_])(\w)/g, - Q = function(t) { - return t.replace(Z, function(t) { - return t.toUpperCase() - }).replace(/[-_]/g, "") - }; - - function J(t, e) { - if (t.$root === t) return ""; - var i = "function" == typeof t && null != t.cid ? t.options : t._isVue ? t.$options || t.constructor.options : t || {}, - n = || i._componentTag, - s = i.__file; - if (!n && s) { - var r = s.match(/([^\/\\]+)\.vue$/); - n = r && r[1] - } - return (n ? "<" + Q(n) + ">" : "") + (s && !1 !== e ? " at " + s : "") - } - var tt = function(t, e) { - var i = "function" == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator]; - if (!i) return t; - var n, s, r =, - o = []; - try { - for (; - (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(n =;) o.push(n.value) - } catch (t) { - s = { - error: t - } - } finally { - try { - n && !n.done && (i = r.return) && - } finally { - if (s) throw s.error - } - } - return o - }, - et = function() { - for (var t = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) t = t.concat(tt(arguments[e])); - return t - }, - it = "$vuetify.", - nt = Symbol("Lang fallback"); - - function st(t) { - return void 0 === t && (t = {}), { - locales: Object.assign({ - en: S - }, t.locales), - current: t.current || "en", - t: function(e) { - for (var i = [], n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) i[n - 1] = arguments[n]; - return e.startsWith(it) ? t.t ? t.t.apply(t, et([e], i)) : function t(e, i, n) { - void 0 === n && (n = !1); - var s = i.replace(it, ""), - r = V(e, s, nt); - return r === nt && (n ? (K('Translation key "' + s + '" not found in fallback'), r = i) : (U('Translation key "' + s + '" not found, falling back to default'), r = t(S, i, !0))), r - }(this.locales[this.current], e).replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(t, e) { - return String(i[+e]) - }) : e - } - } - } - var rt = function(t) { - return t - }, - ot = function(t) { - return t * t - }, - at = function(t) { - return t * (2 - t) - }, - lt = function(t) { - return t < .5 ? 2 * t * t : (4 - 2 * t) * t - 1 - }, - ut = function(t) { - return t * t * t - }, - ct = function(t) { - return --t * t * t + 1 - }, - ht = function(t) { - return t < .5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1 - }, - dt = function(t) { - return t * t * t * t - }, - ft = function(t) { - return 1 - --t * t * t * t - }, - pt = function(t) { - return t < .5 ? 8 * t * t * t * t : 1 - 8 * --t * t * t * t - }, - vt = function(t) { - return t * t * t * t * t - }, - mt = function(t) { - return 1 + --t * t * t * t * t - }, - gt = function(t) { - return t < .5 ? 16 * t * t * t * t * t : 1 + 16 * --t * t * t * t * t - }; - - function yt(t) { - return null == t ? t : - } - - function bt(t) { - return "string" == typeof t ? document.querySelector(t) : t && t._isVue ? t.$el : t instanceof HTMLElement ? t : null - } - var St = function() { - return (St = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }; - - function xt(t, e) { - void 0 === e && (e = {}); - var i = St({ - container: document.scrollingElement || document.body || document.documentElement, - duration: 500, - offset: 0, - easing: "easeInOutCubic", - appOffset: !0 - }, e), - s = function(t) { - var e = bt(t); - if (e) return e; - throw "string" == typeof t ? new Error('Container element "' + t + '" not found.') : new TypeError("Container must be a Selector/HTMLElement/VueComponent, received " + yt(t) + " instead.") - }(i.container); - if (i.appOffset) { - var r = s.classList.contains("v-navigation-drawer"), - a = s.classList.contains("v-navigation-drawer--clipped"); - i.offset += o.a.prototype.$, r && !a || (i.offset += o.a.prototype.$ - } - var l =, - u = function(t) { - if ("number" == typeof t) return t; - var e = bt(t); - if (!e) throw "string" == typeof t ? new Error('Target element "' + t + '" not found.') : new TypeError("Target must be a Number/Selector/HTMLElement/VueComponent, received " + yt(t) + " instead."); - for (var i = 0; e;) i += e.offsetTop, e = e.offsetParent; - return i - }(t) - i.offset, - c = s.scrollTop; - if (u === c) return Promise.resolve(u); - var h = "function" == typeof i.easing ? i.easing : n[i.easing]; - if (!h) throw new TypeError('Easing function "' + i.easing + '" not found.'); - return new Promise(function(t) { - return requestAnimationFrame(function e(n) { - var r = n - l, - o = Math.abs(i.duration ? Math.min(r / i.duration, 1) : 1); - s.scrollTop = Math.floor(c + (u - c) * h(o)); - var a = s === document.body ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : s.clientHeight; - if (1 === o || a + s.scrollTop === s.scrollHeight) return t(u); - requestAnimationFrame(e) - }) - }) - } - var wt = { - install: function(t, e) { - if (void 0 === e && (e = {}), !this.installed) { - this.installed = !0, o.a !== t && K("Multiple instances of Vue detected\nSee\n\nIf you're seeing \"$attrs is readonly\", it's caused by this"), - function(t, e) { - var i = e || "^2.5.18", - n = i.split(".", 3).map(function(t) { - return t.replace(/\D/g, "") - }).map(Number), - s = t.version.split(".", 3).map(function(t) { - return parseInt(t, 10) - }); - s[0] === n[0] && (s[1] > n[1] || s[1] === n[1] && s[2] >= n[2]) || U("Vuetify requires Vue version " + i) - }(t); - var i, n, s = st(e.lang); - if (t.prototype.$vuetify = new t({ - mixins: [c(e.breakpoint)], - data: { - application: a, - dark: !1, - icons: g(e.iconfont, e.icons), - lang: s, - options: (n = e.options, void 0 === n && (n = {}), y({}, b, n)), - rtl: e.rtl, - theme: (i = e.theme, void 0 === i && (i = {}), !1 !== i && f({}, p, i)) - }, - methods: { - goTo: xt, - t: s.t.bind(s) - } - }), e.directives) - for (var r in e.directives) t.directive(r, e.directives[r]); - ! function e(i) { - if (i) { - for (var n in i) { - var s = i[n]; - s && !e(s.$_vuetify_subcomponents) && t.component(n, s) - } - return !0 - } - return !1 - }(e.components) - } - }, - version: "1.5.24" - }; - i(7); - - function Ct(t) { - var e; - if ("number" == typeof t) e = t; - else { - if ("string" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("Colors can only be numbers or strings, recieved " + (null == t ? t : + " instead"); - var i = "#" === t[0] ? t.substring(1) : t; - 3 === i.length && (i = i.split("").map(function(t) { - return t + t - }).join("")), 6 !== i.length && U("'" + t + "' is not a valid rgb color"), e = parseInt(i, 16) - } - return e < 0 ? (U("Colors cannot be negative: '" + t + "'"), e = 0) : (e > 16777215 || isNaN(e)) && (U("'" + t + "' is not a valid rgb color"), e = 16777215), e - } - - function kt(t) { - var e = t.toString(16); - return e.length < 6 && (e = "0".repeat(6 - e.length) + e), "#" + e - } - var $t = [ - [3.2406, -1.5372, -.4986], - [-.9689, 1.8758, .0415], - [.0557, -.204, 1.057] - ], - It = function(t) { - return t <= .0031308 ? 12.92 * t : 1.055 * Math.pow(t, 1 / 2.4) - .055 - }, - _t = [ - [.4124, .3576, .1805], - [.2126, .7152, .0722], - [.0193, .1192, .9505] - ], - Tt = function(t) { - return t <= .04045 ? t / 12.92 : Math.pow((t + .055) / 1.055, 2.4) - }; - - function At(t) { - for (var e, i = Array(3), n = It, s = $t, r = 0; r < 3; ++r) i[r] = Math.round(255 * (e = n(s[r][0] * t[0] + s[r][1] * t[1] + s[r][2] * t[2]), Math.max(0, Math.min(1, e)))); - return (i[0] << 16) + (i[1] << 8) + (i[2] << 0) - } - - function Ot(t) { - for (var e = [0, 0, 0], i = Tt, n = _t, s = i((t >> 16 & 255) / 255), r = i((t >> 8 & 255) / 255), o = i((t >> 0 & 255) / 255), a = 0; a < 3; ++a) e[a] = n[a][0] * s + n[a][1] * r + n[a][2] * o; - return e - } - var Vt = .20689655172413793, - Bt = function(t) { - return t > Math.pow(Vt, 3) ? Math.cbrt(t) : t / (3 * Math.pow(Vt, 2)) + 4 / 29 - }, - Et = function(t) { - return t > Vt ? Math.pow(t, 3) : 3 * Math.pow(Vt, 2) * (t - 4 / 29) - }; - - function Mt(t) { - var e = Bt, - i = e(t[1]); - return [116 * i - 16, 500 * (e(t[0] / .95047) - i), 200 * (i - e(t[2] / 1.08883))] - } - - function Lt(t) { - var e = Et, - i = (t[0] + 16) / 116; - return [.95047 * e(i + t[1] / 500), e(i), 1.08883 * e(i - t[2] / 200)] - } - var Dt = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(t) { - return typeof t - } : function(t) { - return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t - }, - Pt = function(t, e) { - var i = "function" == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator]; - if (!i) return t; - var n, s, r =, - o = []; - try { - for (; - (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(n =;) o.push(n.value) - } catch (t) { - s = { - error: t - } - } finally { - try { - n && !n.done && (i = r.return) && - } finally { - if (s) throw s.error - } - } - return o - }; - var Nt = function(t, e) { - return "\n." + t + " {\n background-color: " + e + " !important;\n border-color: " + e + " !important;\n}\n." + t + "--text {\n color: " + e + " !important;\n caret-color: " + e + " !important;\n}" - }, - zt = function(t, e, i) { - var n = Pt(e.split(/(\d)/, 2), 2), - s = n[0], - r = n[1]; - return "\n." + t + "." + s + "-" + r + " {\n background-color: " + i + " !important;\n border-color: " + i + " !important;\n}\n." + t + "--text.text--" + s + "-" + r + " {\n color: " + i + " !important;\n caret-color: " + i + " !important;\n}" - }, - Ht = function(t, e) { - return void 0 === e && (e = "base"), "--v-" + t + "-" + e - }, - Ft = function(t, e) { - return void 0 === e && (e = "base"), "var(" + Ht(t, e) + ")" - }; - - function jt(t, e) { - for (var i = { - base: kt(e) - }, n = 5; n > 0; --n) i["lighten" + n] = kt(Wt(e, n)); - for (n = 1; n <= 4; ++n) i["darken" + n] = kt(Rt(e, n)); - return i - } - - function Wt(t, e) { - var i = Mt(Ot(t)); - return i[0] = i[0] + 10 * e, At(Lt(i)) - } - - function Rt(t, e) { - var i = Mt(Ot(t)); - return i[0] = i[0] - 10 * e, At(Lt(i)) - } - var Yt = { - data: function() { - return { - style: null - } - }, - computed: { - parsedTheme: function() { - return function t(e, i) { - void 0 === i && (i = !1); - for (var n = Object.keys(e), s = {}, r = 0; r < n.length; ++r) { - var o = n[r], - a = e[o]; - i ? ("base" === o || o.startsWith("lighten") || o.startsWith("darken")) && (s[o] = kt(Ct(a))) : "object" === (void 0 === a ? "undefined" : Dt(a)) ? s[o] = t(a, !0) : s[o] = jt(0, Ct(a)) - } - return s - }(this.$vuetify.theme) - }, - generatedStyles: function() { - var t, e = this.parsedTheme; - return null != this.$vuetify.options.themeCache && null != (t = this.$vuetify.options.themeCache.get(e)) ? t : (t = function(t, e) { - void 0 === e && (e = !1); - var i = Object.keys(t); - if (!i.length) return ""; - var n = "", - s = ""; - s += "a { color: " + (e ? Ft("primary") : t.primary.base) + "; }"; - for (var r = 0; r < i.length; ++r) { - var o = i[r], - a = t[o]; - if ("object" === (void 0 === a ? "undefined" : Dt(a))) { - s += Nt(o, e ? Ft(o) : a.base), e && (n += " " + Ht(o) + ": " + a.base + ";\n"); - for (var l = Object.keys(a), u = 0; u < l.length; ++u) { - var c = l[u], - h = a[c]; - "base" !== c && (s += zt(o, c, e ? Ft(o, c) : h), e && (n += " " + Ht(o, c) + ": " + h + ";\n")) - } - } - } - return e && (n = ":root {\n" + n + "}\n\n"), n + s - }(e, this.$vuetify.options.customProperties), null != this.$vuetify.options.minifyTheme && (t = this.$vuetify.options.minifyTheme(t)), null != this.$vuetify.options.themeCache && this.$vuetify.options.themeCache.set(e, t), t) - }, - vueMeta: function() { - if (!1 === this.$vuetify.theme) return {}; - var t = { - cssText: this.generatedStyles, - id: "vuetify-theme-stylesheet", - type: "text/css" - }; - return this.$vuetify.options.cspNonce && (t.nonce = this.$vuetify.options.cspNonce), { - style: [t] - } - } - }, - metaInfo: function() { - return this.vueMeta - }, - head: function() { - return this.vueMeta - }, - watch: { - generatedStyles: function() { - !this.meta && this.applyTheme() - } - }, - created: function() { - if (!1 !== this.$vuetify.theme) - if (this.$meta); - else if ("undefined" == typeof document && this.$ssrContext) { - var t = this.$vuetify.options.cspNonce ? ' nonce="' + this.$vuetify.options.cspNonce + '"' : ""; - this.$ssrContext.head = this.$ssrContext.head || "", this.$ssrContext.head += '" - } else "undefined" != typeof document && (this.genStyle(), this.applyTheme()) - }, - methods: { - applyTheme: function() { - && ( = this.generatedStyles) - }, - genStyle: function() { - var t = document.getElementById("vuetify-theme-stylesheet"); - t || ((t = document.createElement("style")).type = "text/css", = "vuetify-theme-stylesheet", this.$vuetify.options.cspNonce && t.setAttribute("nonce", this.$vuetify.options.cspNonce), document.head.appendChild(t)), = t - } - } - }, - qt = function() { - return (qt = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }; - - function Xt(t) { - var e = qt({}, t.props, t.injections), - i =; - return{ - isDark: i - }) - } - var Ut = o.a.extend().extend({ - name: "themeable", - provide: function() { - return { - theme: this.themeableProvide - } - }, - inject: { - theme: { - default: { - isDark: !1 - } - } - }, - props: { - dark: { - type: Boolean, - default: null - }, - light: { - type: Boolean, - default: null - } - }, - data: function() { - return { - themeableProvide: { - isDark: !1 - } - } - }, - computed: { - isDark: function() { - return !0 === this.dark || !0 !== this.light && this.theme.isDark - }, - themeClasses: function() { - return { - "theme--dark": this.isDark, - "theme--light": !this.isDark - } - }, - rootIsDark: function() { - return !0 === this.dark || !0 !== this.light && this.$vuetify.dark - }, - rootThemeClasses: function() { - return { - "theme--dark": this.rootIsDark, - "theme--light": !this.rootIsDark - } - } - }, - watch: { - isDark: { - handler: function(t, e) { - t !== e && (this.themeableProvide.isDark = this.isDark) - }, - immediate: !0 - } - } - }), - Kt = Ut; - var Gt = { - inserted: function(t, e) { - var i = e.value, - n = e.options || { - passive: !0 - }; - window.addEventListener("resize", i, n), t._onResize = { - callback: i, - options: n - }, e.modifiers && e.modifiers.quiet || i() - }, - unbind: function(t) { - if (t._onResize) { - var e = t._onResize, - i = e.callback, - n = e.options; - window.removeEventListener("resize", i, n), delete t._onResize - } - } - }, - Zt = function() { - return (Zt = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }, - Qt = { - name: "v-app", - directives: { - Resize: Gt - }, - mixins: [Yt, Kt], - props: { - id: { - type: String, - default: "app" - }, - dark: Boolean - }, - computed: { - classes: function() { - return Zt({ - "application--is-rtl": this.$vuetify.rtl - }, this.themeClasses) - } - }, - watch: { - dark: function() { - this.$vuetify.dark = this.dark - } - }, - mounted: function() { - this.$vuetify.dark = this.dark - }, - render: function(t) { - var e = { - staticClass: "application", - class: this.classes, - attrs: { - "data-app": !0 - }, - domProps: { - id: - } - }, - i = t("div", { - staticClass: "application--wrap" - }, this.$slots.default); - return t("div", e, [i]) - } - }, - Jt = (i(8), function() { - return (Jt = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }), - te = function(t, e) { - var i = "function" == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator]; - if (!i) return t; - var n, s, r =, - o = []; - try { - for (; - (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(n =;) o.push(n.value) - } catch (t) { - s = { - error: t - } - } finally { - try { - n && !n.done && (i = r.return) && - } finally { - if (s) throw s.error - } - } - return o - }; - - function ee(t) { - return !!t && !!t.match(/^(#|(rgb|hsl)a?\()/) - } - var ie = o.a.extend({ - name: "colorable", - props: { - color: String - }, - methods: { - setBackgroundColor: function(t, e) { - var i; - return void 0 === e && (e = {}), ee(t) ? = Jt({},, { - "background-color": "" + t, - "border-color": "" + t - }) : t && (e.class = Jt({}, e.class, ((i = {})[t] = !0, i))), e - }, - setTextColor: function(t, e) { - var i; - if (void 0 === e && (e = {}), ee(t)) = Jt({},, { - color: "" + t, - "caret-color": "" + t - }); - else if (t) { - var n = te(t.toString().trim().split(" ", 2), 2), - s = n[0], - r = n[1]; - e.class = Jt({}, e.class, ((i = {})[s + "--text"] = !0, i)), r && (e.class["text--" + r] = !0) - } - return e - } - } - }); - - function ne() { - for (var t = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) t[e] = arguments[e]; - return o.a.extend({ - mixins: t - }) - } - var se = function() { - return (se = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }, - re = ne(ie).extend({ - name: "v-avatar", - functional: !0, - props: { - color: String, - size: { - type: [Number, String], - default: 48 - }, - tile: Boolean - }, - render: function(t, e) { - var i =, - n = e.props, - s = e.children; - i.staticClass = ("v-avatar " + (i.staticClass || "")).trim(), n.tile && (i.staticClass += " v-avatar--tile"); - var r = N(n.size); - return = se({ - height: r, - width: r - },, t("div", ie.options.methods.setBackgroundColor(n.color, i), s) - } - }), - oe = re, - ae = (i(9), { - absolute: Boolean, - bottom: Boolean, - fixed: Boolean, - left: Boolean, - right: Boolean, - top: Boolean - }); - - function le(t) { - return void 0 === t && (t = []), o.a.extend({ - name: "positionable", - props: t.length ? P(ae, t) : ae - }) - } - var ue = le(); - - function ce(t, e) { - return void 0 === e && (e = []), ne(le(["absolute", "fixed"])).extend({ - name: "applicationable", - props: { - app: Boolean - }, - computed: { - applicationProperty: function() { - return t - } - }, - watch: { - app: function(t, e) { - e ? this.removeApplication(!0) : this.callUpdate() - }, - applicationProperty: function(t, e) { - this.$vuetify.application.unbind(this._uid, e) - } - }, - activated: function() { - this.callUpdate() - }, - created: function() { - for (var t = 0, i = e.length; t < i; t++) this.$watch(e[t], this.callUpdate); - this.callUpdate() - }, - mounted: function() { - this.callUpdate() - }, - deactivated: function() { - this.removeApplication() - }, - destroyed: function() { - this.removeApplication() - }, - methods: { - callUpdate: function() { - && this.$vuetify.application.bind(this._uid, this.applicationProperty, this.updateApplication()) - }, - removeApplication: function(t) { - void 0 === t && (t = !1), (t || && this.$vuetify.application.unbind(this._uid, this.applicationProperty) - }, - updateApplication: function() { - return 0 - } - } - }) - } - i(10); - var he, de, fe, pe, ve = (void 0 === he && (he = "value"), void 0 === de && (de = "change"), o.a.extend({ - name: "proxyable", - model: { - prop: he, - event: de - }, - props: (fe = {}, fe[he] = { - required: !1 - }, fe), - data: function() { - return { - internalLazyValue: this[he] - } - }, - computed: { - internalValue: { - get: function() { - return this.internalLazyValue - }, - set: function(t) { - t !== this.internalLazyValue && (this.internalLazyValue = t, this.$emit(de, t)) - } - } - }, - watch: (pe = {}, pe[he] = function(t) { - this.internalLazyValue = t - }, pe) - })), - me = function() { - return (me = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }, - ge = ne(ve, Kt).extend({ - name: "base-item-group", - props: { - activeClass: { - type: String, - default: "v-item--active" - }, - mandatory: Boolean, - max: { - type: [Number, String], - default: null - }, - multiple: Boolean - }, - data: function() { - return { - internalLazyValue: void 0 !== this.value ? this.value : this.multiple ? [] : void 0, - items: [] - } - }, - computed: { - classes: function() { - return me({}, this.themeClasses) - }, - selectedItems: function() { - var t = this; - return this.items.filter(function(e, i) { - return t.toggleMethod(t.getValue(e, i)) - }) - }, - selectedValues: function() { - return Array.isArray(this.internalValue) ? this.internalValue : [this.internalValue] - }, - toggleMethod: function() { - var t = this; - if (!this.multiple) return function(e) { - return t.internalValue === e - }; - var e = this.internalValue; - return Array.isArray(e) ? function(t) { - return e.includes(t) - } : function() { - return !1 - } - } - }, - watch: { - internalValue: function() { - this.$nextTick(this.updateItemsState) - } - }, - created: function() { - this.multiple && !Array.isArray(this.internalValue) && U("Model must be bound to an array if the multiple property is true.", this) - }, - methods: { - getValue: function(t, e) { - return null == t.value || "" === t.value ? e : t.value - }, - onClick: function(t, e) { - this.updateInternalValue(this.getValue(t, e)) - }, - register: function(t) { - var e = this, - i = this.items.push(t) - 1; - t.$on("change", function() { - return e.onClick(t, i) - }), this.mandatory && null == this.internalLazyValue && this.updateMandatory(), this.updateItem(t, i) - }, - unregister: function(t) { - if (!this._isDestroyed) { - var e = this.items.indexOf(t), - i = this.getValue(t, e); - if (this.items.splice(e, 1), !(this.selectedValues.indexOf(i) < 0)) { - if (!this.mandatory) return this.updateInternalValue(i); - this.multiple && Array.isArray(this.internalValue) ? this.internalValue = this.internalValue.filter(function(t) { - return t !== i - }) : this.internalValue = void 0, this.selectedItems.length || this.updateMandatory(!0) - } - } - }, - updateItem: function(t, e) { - var i = this.getValue(t, e); - t.isActive = this.toggleMethod(i) - }, - updateItemsState: function() { - if (this.mandatory && !this.selectedItems.length) return this.updateMandatory(); - this.items.forEach(this.updateItem) - }, - updateInternalValue: function(t) { - this.multiple ? this.updateMultiple(t) : this.updateSingle(t) - }, - updateMandatory: function(t) { - if (this.items.length) { - var e = t ? this.items.length - 1 : 0; - this.updateInternalValue(this.getValue(this.items[e], e)) - } - }, - updateMultiple: function(t) { - var e = (Array.isArray(this.internalValue) ? this.internalValue : []).slice(), - i = e.findIndex(function(e) { - return e === t - }); - this.mandatory && i > -1 && e.length - 1 < 1 || null != this.max && i < 0 && e.length + 1 > this.max || (i > -1 ? e.splice(i, 1) : e.push(t), this.internalValue = e) - }, - updateSingle: function(t) { - var e = t === this.internalValue; - this.mandatory && e || (this.internalValue = e ? void 0 : t) - } - }, - render: function(t) { - return t("div", { - staticClass: "v-item-group", - class: this.classes - }, this.$slots.default) - } - }), - ye = (ge.extend({ - name: "v-item-group", - provide: function() { - return { - itemGroup: this - } - } - }), ge.extend({ - name: "button-group", - provide: function() { - return { - btnToggle: this - } - }, - props: { - activeClass: { - type: String, - default: "v-btn--active" - } - }, - computed: { - classes: function() { - return - } - } - })), - be = ne(ce("bottom", ["height", "value"]), ie, Kt).extend({ - name: "v-bottom-nav", - props: { - active: [Number, String], - mandatory: Boolean, - height: { - default: 56, - type: [Number, String], - validator: function(t) { - return !isNaN(parseInt(t)) - } - }, - shift: Boolean, - value: null - }, - computed: { - classes: function() { - return { - "v-bottom-nav--absolute": this.absolute, - "v-bottom-nav--fixed": !this.absolute && ( || this.fixed), - "v-bottom-nav--shift": this.shift, - "v-bottom-nav--active": this.value - } - }, - computedHeight: function() { - return parseInt(this.height) - } - }, - methods: { - updateApplication: function() { - return this.value ? this.computedHeight : 0 - }, - updateValue: function(t) { - this.$emit("update:active", t) - } - }, - render: function(t) { - return t(ye, this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, { - staticClass: "v-bottom-nav", - class: this.classes, - style: { - height: parseInt(this.computedHeight) + "px" - }, - props: { - mandatory: Boolean(this.mandatory || void 0 !==, - value: - }, - on: { - change: this.updateValue - } - }), this.$slots.default) - } - }), - Se = (i(11), i(12), ne(ie).extend({ - name: "v-progress-circular", - props: { - button: Boolean, - indeterminate: Boolean, - rotate: { - type: [Number, String], - default: 0 - }, - size: { - type: [Number, String], - default: 32 - }, - width: { - type: [Number, String], - default: 4 - }, - value: { - type: [Number, String], - default: 0 - } - }, - computed: { - calculatedSize: function() { - return Number(this.size) + (this.button ? 8 : 0) - }, - circumference: function() { - return 2 * Math.PI * this.radius - }, - classes: function() { - return { - "v-progress-circular--indeterminate": this.indeterminate, - "v-progress-circular--button": this.button - } - }, - normalizedValue: function() { - return this.value < 0 ? 0 : this.value > 100 ? 100 : parseFloat(this.value) - }, - radius: function() { - return 20 - }, - strokeDashArray: function() { - return Math.round(1e3 * this.circumference) / 1e3 - }, - strokeDashOffset: function() { - return (100 - this.normalizedValue) / 100 * this.circumference + "px" - }, - strokeWidth: function() { - return Number(this.width) / +this.size * this.viewBoxSize * 2 - }, - styles: function() { - return { - height: this.calculatedSize + "px", - width: this.calculatedSize + "px" - } - }, - svgStyles: function() { - return { - transform: "rotate(" + Number(this.rotate) + "deg)" - } - }, - viewBoxSize: function() { - return this.radius / (1 - Number(this.width) / +this.size) - } - }, - methods: { - genCircle: function(t, e, i) { - return t("circle", { - class: "v-progress-circular__" + e, - attrs: { - fill: "transparent", - cx: 2 * this.viewBoxSize, - cy: 2 * this.viewBoxSize, - r: this.radius, - "stroke-width": this.strokeWidth, - "stroke-dasharray": this.strokeDashArray, - "stroke-dashoffset": i - } - }) - }, - genSvg: function(t) { - var e = [this.indeterminate || this.genCircle(t, "underlay", 0), this.genCircle(t, "overlay", this.strokeDashOffset)]; - return t("svg", { - style: this.svgStyles, - attrs: { - xmlns: "", - viewBox: this.viewBoxSize + " " + this.viewBoxSize + " " + 2 * this.viewBoxSize + " " + 2 * this.viewBoxSize - } - }, e) - } - }, - render: function(t) { - var e = t("div", { - staticClass: "v-progress-circular__info" - }, this.$slots.default), - i = this.genSvg(t); - return t("div", this.setTextColor(this.color, { - staticClass: "v-progress-circular", - attrs: { - role: "progressbar", - "aria-valuemin": 0, - "aria-valuemax": 100, - "aria-valuenow": this.indeterminate ? void 0 : this.normalizedValue - }, - class: this.classes, - style: this.styles, - on: this.$listeners - }), [i, e]) - } - })), - xe = Se; - - function we(t, e) { - return function() { - return U("The " + t + " component must be used inside a " + e) - } - } - - function Ce(t, e, i) { - var n, s = e && i ? { - register: we(e, i), - unregister: we(e, i) - } : null; - return o.a.extend({ - name: "registrable-inject", - inject: (n = {}, n[t] = { - default: s - }, n) - }) - } - - function ke(t) { - return o.a.extend({ - name: "registrable-provide", - methods: { - register: null, - unregister: null - }, - provide: function() { - var e; - return (e = {})[t] = { - register: this.register, - unregister: this.unregister - }, e - } - }) - } - - function $e(t, e, i) { - return Ce(t, e, i).extend({ - name: "groupable", - props: { - activeClass: { - type: String, - default: function() { - if (this[t]) return this[t].activeClass - } - }, - disabled: Boolean - }, - data: function() { - return { - isActive: !1 - } - }, - computed: { - groupClasses: function() { - var t; - return this.activeClass ? ((t = {})[this.activeClass] = this.isActive, t) : {} - } - }, - created: function() { - this[t] && this[t].register(this) - }, - beforeDestroy: function() { - this[t] && this[t].unregister(this) - }, - methods: { - toggle: function() { - this.$emit("change") - } - } - }) - } - $e("itemGroup"); - var Ie = function(t, e) { - var i = "function" == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator]; - if (!i) return t; - var n, s, r =, - o = []; - try { - for (; - (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(n =;) o.push(n.value) - } catch (t) { - s = { - error: t - } - } finally { - try { - n && !n.done && (i = r.return) && - } finally { - if (s) throw s.error - } - } - return o - }, - _e = function() { - for (var t = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) t = t.concat(Ie(arguments[e])); - return t - }; - - function Te(t, e) { - = e, = e - } - - function Ae(t, e) { - = e.toString() - } - - function Oe(t) { - return "TouchEvent" === - } - var Ve = { - show: function(t, e, i) { - if (void 0 === i && (i = {}), e._ripple && e._ripple.enabled) { - var n = document.createElement("span"), - s = document.createElement("span"); - n.appendChild(s), n.className = "v-ripple__container", i.class && (n.className += " " + i.class); - var r = function(t, e, i) { - void 0 === i && (i = {}); - var n = e.getBoundingClientRect(), - s = Oe(t) ? t.touches[t.touches.length - 1] : t, - r = s.clientX - n.left, - o = s.clientY -, - a = 0, - l = .3; - e._ripple && ? (l = .15, a = e.clientWidth / 2, a = ? a : a + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r - a, 2) + Math.pow(o - a, 2)) / 4) : a = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e.clientWidth, 2) + Math.pow(e.clientHeight, 2)) / 2; - var u = (e.clientWidth - 2 * a) / 2 + "px", - c = (e.clientHeight - 2 * a) / 2 + "px"; - return { - radius: a, - scale: l, - x: ? u : r - a + "px", - y: ? c : o - a + "px", - centerX: u, - centerY: c - } - }(t, e, i), - o = r.radius, - a = r.scale, - l = r.x, - u = r.y, - c = r.centerX, - h = r.centerY, - d = 2 * o + "px"; - s.className = "v-ripple__animation", = d, = d, e.appendChild(n); - var f = window.getComputedStyle(e); - f && "static" === f.position && ( = "relative", e.dataset.previousPosition = "static"), s.classList.add("v-ripple__animation--enter"), s.classList.add("v-ripple__animation--visible"), Te(s, "translate(" + l + ", " + u + ") scale3d(" + a + "," + a + "," + a + ")"), Ae(s, 0), s.dataset.activated = String(, setTimeout(function() { - s.classList.remove("v-ripple__animation--enter"), s.classList.add("v-ripple__animation--in"), Te(s, "translate(" + c + ", " + h + ") scale3d(1,1,1)"), Ae(s, .25) - }, 0) - } - }, - hide: function(t) { - if (t && t._ripple && t._ripple.enabled) { - var e = t.getElementsByClassName("v-ripple__animation"); - if (0 !== e.length) { - var i = e[e.length - 1]; - if (!i.dataset.isHiding) { - i.dataset.isHiding = "true"; - var n = - Number(i.dataset.activated), - s = Math.max(250 - n, 0); - setTimeout(function() { - i.classList.remove("v-ripple__animation--in"), i.classList.add("v-ripple__animation--out"), Ae(i, 0), setTimeout(function() { - 1 === t.getElementsByClassName("v-ripple__animation").length && t.dataset.previousPosition && ( = t.dataset.previousPosition, delete t.dataset.previousPosition), i.parentNode && t.removeChild(i.parentNode) - }, 300) - }, s) - } - } - } - } - }; - - function Be(t) { - return void 0 === t || !!t - } - - function Ee(t) { - var e = {}, - i = t.currentTarget; - i && i._ripple && !i._ripple.touched && (Oe(t) && (i._ripple.touched = !0), = i._ripple.centered, i._ripple.class && (e.class = i._ripple.class),, i, e)) - } - - function Me(t) { - var e = t.currentTarget; - e && (window.setTimeout(function() { - e._ripple && (e._ripple.touched = !1) - }), Ve.hide(e)) - } - - function Le(t, e, i) { - var n = Be(e.value); - n || Ve.hide(t), t._ripple = t._ripple || {}, t._ripple.enabled = n; - var s = e.value || {}; - && (t._ripple.centered = !0), s.class && (t._ripple.class = e.value.class), && ( =, n && !i ? (t.addEventListener("touchstart", Ee, { - passive: !0 - }), t.addEventListener("touchend", Me, { - passive: !0 - }), t.addEventListener("touchcancel", Me), t.addEventListener("mousedown", Ee), t.addEventListener("mouseup", Me), t.addEventListener("mouseleave", Me), t.addEventListener("dragstart", Me, { - passive: !0 - })) : !n && i && De(t) - } - - function De(t) { - t.removeEventListener("mousedown", Ee), t.removeEventListener("touchstart", Me), t.removeEventListener("touchend", Me), t.removeEventListener("touchcancel", Me), t.removeEventListener("mouseup", Me), t.removeEventListener("mouseleave", Me), t.removeEventListener("dragstart", Me) - } - var Pe = { - bind: function(t, e, i) { - Le(t, e, !1), i.context && i.context.$nextTick(function() { - var e = window.getComputedStyle(t); - if (e && "inline" === e.display) { - var n = i.fnOptions ? [i.fnOptions, i.context] : [i.componentInstance]; - U.apply(void 0, _e(["v-ripple can only be used on block-level elements"], n)) - } - }) - }, - unbind: function(t) { - delete t._ripple, De(t) - }, - update: function(t, e) { - e.value !== e.oldValue && Le(t, e, Be(e.oldValue)) - } - }, - Ne = function() { - return (Ne = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }, - ze = o.a.extend({ - name: "routable", - directives: { - Ripple: Pe - }, - props: { - activeClass: String, - append: Boolean, - disabled: Boolean, - exact: { - type: Boolean, - default: void 0 - }, - exactActiveClass: String, - href: [String, Object], - to: [String, Object], - nuxt: Boolean, - replace: Boolean, - ripple: [Boolean, Object], - tag: String, - target: String - }, - computed: { - computedRipple: function() { - return !(!this.ripple || this.disabled) && this.ripple - } - }, - methods: { - click: function(t) { - this.$emit("click", t) - }, - generateRouteLink: function(t) { - var e, i, n = this.exact, - s = ((e = { - attrs: { - disabled: this.disabled - }, - class: t, - props: {}, - directives: [{ - name: "ripple", - value: this.computedRipple - }] - })[ ? "nativeOn" : "on"] = Ne({}, this.$listeners, { - click: - }), e); - if (void 0 === this.exact && (n = "/" === || === Object( && "/" ===, { - var r = this.activeClass, - o = this.exactActiveClass || r; - this.proxyClass && (r += " " + this.proxyClass, o += " " + this.proxyClass), i = this.nuxt ? "nuxt-link" : "router-link", Object.assign(s.props, { - to:, - exact: n, - activeClass: r, - exactActiveClass: o, - append: this.append, - replace: this.replace - }) - } else "a" === (i = (this.href ? "a" : this.tag) || "a") && this.href && (s.attrs.href = this.href); - return && ( =, { - tag: i, - data: s - } - } - } - }); - - function He(t, e) { - var i, n; - return void 0 === t && (t = "value"), void 0 === e && (e = "input"), o.a.extend({ - name: "toggleable", - model: { - prop: t, - event: e - }, - props: (i = {}, i[t] = { - required: !1 - }, i), - data: function() { - return { - isActive: !!this[t] - } - }, - watch: (n = {}, n[t] = function(t) { - this.isActive = !!t - }, n.isActive = function(i) { - !!i !== this[t] && this.$emit(e, i) - }, n) - }) - } - var Fe, je = He(), - We = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(t) { - return typeof t - } : function(t) { - return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t - }, - Re = function() { - return (Re = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }, - Ye = ne(ie, ze, ue, Kt, $e("btnToggle"), He("inputValue")).extend().extend({ - name: "v-btn", - props: { - activeClass: { - type: String, - default: "v-btn--active" - }, - block: Boolean, - depressed: Boolean, - fab: Boolean, - flat: Boolean, - icon: Boolean, - large: Boolean, - loading: Boolean, - outline: Boolean, - ripple: { - type: [Boolean, Object], - default: null - }, - round: Boolean, - small: Boolean, - tag: { - type: String, - default: "button" - }, - type: { - type: String, - default: "button" - }, - value: null - }, - computed: { - classes: function() { - var t; - return Re(((t = { - "v-btn": !0 - })[this.activeClass] = this.isActive, t["v-btn--absolute"] = this.absolute, t["v-btn--block"] = this.block, t["v-btn--bottom"] = this.bottom, t["v-btn--disabled"] = this.disabled, t["v-btn--flat"] = this.flat, t["v-btn--floating"] = this.fab, t["v-btn--fixed"] = this.fixed, t["v-btn--icon"] = this.icon, t["v-btn--large"] = this.large, t["v-btn--left"] = this.left, t["v-btn--loader"] = this.loading, t["v-btn--outline"] = this.outline, t["v-btn--depressed"] = this.depressed && !this.flat || this.outline, t["v-btn--right"] = this.right, t["v-btn--round"] = this.round, t["v-btn--router"] =, t["v-btn--small"] = this.small, t["v-btn--top"] =, t), this.themeClasses) - }, - computedRipple: function() { - var t = !this.icon && !this.fab || { - circle: !0 - }; - return !this.disabled && (null !== this.ripple ? this.ripple : t) - } - }, - watch: { - $route: "onRouteChange" - }, - methods: { - click: function(t) { - !this.fab && t.detail && this.$el.blur(), this.$emit("click", t), this.btnToggle && this.toggle() - }, - genContent: function() { - return this.$createElement("div", { - class: "v-btn__content" - }, this.$slots.default) - }, - genLoader: function() { - return this.$createElement("span", { - class: "v-btn__loading" - }, this.$slots.loader || [this.$createElement(xe, { - props: { - indeterminate: !0, - size: 23, - width: 2 - } - })]) - }, - onRouteChange: function() { - var t = this; - if ( && this.$ { - var e = "" + this.activeClass; - this.$nextTick(function() { - V(t.$, e) && t.toggle() - }) - } - } - }, - render: function(t) { - var e = this.outline || this.flat || this.disabled ? this.setTextColor : this.setBackgroundColor, - i = this.generateRouteLink(this.classes), - n = i.tag, - s =, - r = [this.genContent(), this.loading && this.genLoader()]; - return "button" === n && (s.attrs.type = this.type), s.attrs.value = ["string", "number"].includes(We(this.value)) ? this.value : JSON.stringify(this.value), this.btnToggle && (s.ref = "link"), t(n, e(this.color, s), r) - } - }), - qe = Ye, - Xe = (i(1), i(13), o.a.extend({ - name: "elevatable", - props: { - elevation: [Number, String] - }, - computed: { - computedElevation: function() { - return this.elevation - }, - elevationClasses: function() { - var t; - return this.computedElevation || 0 === this.computedElevation ? ((t = {})["elevation-" + this.computedElevation] = !0, t) : {} - } - } - })), - Ue = o.a.extend({ - name: "measurable", - props: { - height: [Number, String], - maxHeight: [Number, String], - maxWidth: [Number, String], - minHeight: [Number, String], - minWidth: [Number, String], - width: [Number, String] - }, - computed: { - measurableStyles: function() { - var t = {}, - e = N(this.height), - i = N(this.minHeight), - n = N(this.minWidth), - s = N(this.maxHeight), - r = N(this.maxWidth), - o = N(this.width); - return e && (t.height = e), i && (t.minHeight = i), n && (t.minWidth = n), s && (t.maxHeight = s), r && (t.maxWidth = r), o && (t.width = o), t - } - } - }), - Ke = function() { - return (Ke = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }, - Ge = ne(ie, Xe, Ue, Kt).extend({ - name: "v-sheet", - props: { - tag: { - type: String, - default: "div" - }, - tile: Boolean - }, - computed: { - classes: function() { - return Ke({ - "v-sheet": !0, - "v-sheet--tile": this.tile - }, this.themeClasses, this.elevationClasses) - }, - styles: function() { - return this.measurableStyles - } - }, - render: function(t) { - var e = { - class: this.classes, - style: this.styles, - on: this.$listeners - }; - return t(this.tag, this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, e), this.$slots.default) - } - }), - Ze = Ge, - Qe = function() { - return (Qe = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }, - Je = ne(ze, Ze).extend({ - name: "v-card", - props: { - flat: Boolean, - hover: Boolean, - img: String, - raised: Boolean - }, - computed: { - classes: function() { - return Qe({ - "v-card": !0, - "v-card--flat": this.flat, - "v-card--hover": this.hover - }, - }, - styles: function() { - var t = Qe({},; - return this.img && (t.background = 'url("' + this.img + '") center center / cover no-repeat'), t - } - }, - render: function(t) { - var e = this.generateRouteLink(this.classes), - i = e.tag, - n =; - return = this.styles, t(i, this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, n), this.$slots.default) - } - }), - ti = (i(14), i(15), ne(Ue).extend({ - name: "v-responsive", - props: { - aspectRatio: [String, Number] - }, - computed: { - computedAspectRatio: function() { - return Number(this.aspectRatio) - }, - aspectStyle: function() { - return this.computedAspectRatio ? { - paddingBottom: 1 / this.computedAspectRatio * 100 + "%" - } : void 0 - }, - __cachedSizer: function() { - return this.aspectStyle ? this.$createElement("div", { - style: this.aspectStyle, - staticClass: "v-responsive__sizer" - }) : [] - } - }, - methods: { - genContent: function() { - return this.$createElement("div", { - staticClass: "v-responsive__content" - }, this.$slots.default) - } - }, - render: function(t) { - return t("div", { - staticClass: "v-responsive", - style: this.measurableStyles, - on: this.$listeners - }, [this.__cachedSizer, this.genContent()]) - } - })), - ei = ti.extend({ - name: "v-img", - props: { - alt: String, - contain: Boolean, - src: { - type: [String, Object], - default: "" - }, - gradient: String, - lazySrc: String, - srcset: String, - sizes: String, - position: { - type: String, - default: "center center" - }, - transition: { - type: [Boolean, String], - default: "fade-transition" - } - }, - data: function() { - return { - currentSrc: "", - image: null, - isLoading: !0, - calculatedAspectRatio: void 0 - } - }, - computed: { - computedAspectRatio: function() { - return this.normalisedSrc.aspect - }, - normalisedSrc: function() { - return "string" == typeof this.src ? { - src: this.src, - srcset: this.srcset, - lazySrc: this.lazySrc, - aspect: Number(this.aspectRatio || this.calculatedAspectRatio) - } : { - src: this.src.src, - srcset: this.srcset || this.src.srcset, - lazySrc: this.lazySrc || this.src.lazySrc, - aspect: Number(this.aspectRatio || this.src.aspect || this.calculatedAspectRatio) - } - }, - __cachedImage: function() { - if (!this.normalisedSrc.src && !this.normalisedSrc.lazySrc) return []; - var t = [], - e = this.isLoading ? this.normalisedSrc.lazySrc : this.currentSrc; - this.gradient && t.push("linear-gradient(" + this.gradient + ")"), e && t.push('url("' + e + '")'); - var i = this.$createElement("div", { - staticClass: "v-image__image", - class: { - "v-image__image--preload": this.isLoading, "v-image__image--contain": this.contain, "v-image__image--cover": !this.contain - }, - style: { - backgroundImage: t.join(", "), - backgroundPosition: this.position - }, - key: +this.isLoading - }); - return this.transition ? this.$createElement("transition", { - attrs: { - name: this.transition, - mode: "in-out" - } - }, [i]) : i - } - }, - watch: { - src: function() { - this.isLoading ? this.loadImage() : this.init() - }, - "$vuetify.breakpoint.width": "getSrc" - }, - mounted: function() { - this.init() - }, - methods: { - init: function() { - if (this.normalisedSrc.lazySrc) { - var t = new Image; - t.src = this.normalisedSrc.lazySrc, this.pollForSize(t, null) - } - this.normalisedSrc.src && this.loadImage() - }, - onLoad: function() { - this.getSrc(), this.isLoading = !1, this.$emit("load", this.src) - }, - onError: function() { - K("Image load failed\n\nsrc: " + this.normalisedSrc.src, this), this.$emit("error", this.src) - }, - getSrc: function() { - this.image && (this.currentSrc = this.image.currentSrc || this.image.src) - }, - loadImage: function() { - var t = this, - e = new Image; - this.image = e, e.onload = function() { - e.decode ? e.decode().catch(function(e) { - U("Failed to decode image, trying to render anyway\n\nsrc: " + t.normalisedSrc.src + (e.message ? "\nOriginal error: " + e.message : ""), t) - }).then(t.onLoad) : t.onLoad() - }, e.onerror = this.onError, e.src = this.normalisedSrc.src, this.sizes && (e.sizes = this.sizes), this.normalisedSrc.srcset && (e.srcset = this.normalisedSrc.srcset), this.aspectRatio || this.pollForSize(e), this.getSrc() - }, - pollForSize: function(t, e) { - var i = this; - void 0 === e && (e = 100); - ! function n() { - var s = t.naturalHeight, - r = t.naturalWidth; - s || r ? i.calculatedAspectRatio = r / s : null != e && setTimeout(n, e) - }() - }, - __genPlaceholder: function() { - if (this.$slots.placeholder) { - var t = this.isLoading ? [this.$createElement("div", { - staticClass: "v-image__placeholder" - }, this.$slots.placeholder)] : []; - return this.transition ? this.$createElement("transition", { - attrs: { - name: this.transition - } - }, t) : t[0] - } - } - }, - render: function(t) { - var e =, t); - return += " v-image", = { - role: this.alt ? "img" : void 0, - "aria-label": this.alt - }, e.children = [this.__cachedSizer, this.__cachedImage, this.__genPlaceholder(), this.genContent()], t(e.tag,, e.children) - } - }), - ii = ei.extend({ - name: "v-card-media", - mounted: function() { - G("v-card-media", this.src ? "v-img" : "v-responsive", this) - } - }), - ni = o.a.extend({ - name: "v-card-title", - functional: !0, - props: { - primaryTitle: Boolean - }, - render: function(t, e) { - var i =, - n = e.props, - s = e.children; - return i.staticClass = ("v-card__title " + (i.staticClass || "")).trim(), n.primaryTitle && (i.staticClass += " v-card__title--primary"), t("div", i, s) - } - }), - si = w("v-card__actions"), - ri = w("v-card__text"), - oi = (i(3), i(17), o.a.extend({ - name: "sizeable", - props: { - large: Boolean, - medium: Boolean, - size: { - type: [Number, String] - }, - small: Boolean, - xLarge: Boolean - } - })), - ai = function() { - return (ai = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }; - ! function(t) { - t.small = "16px", t.default = "24px", t.medium = "28px", t.large = "36px", t.xLarge = "40px" - }(Fe || (Fe = {})); - var li = ne(ie, oi, Kt).extend({ - name: "v-icon", - props: { - disabled: Boolean, - left: Boolean, - right: Boolean - }, - methods: { - getIcon: function() { - var t = ""; - return this.$slots.default && (t = this.$slots.default[0].text.trim()), - function(t, e) { - return e.startsWith(F) ? V(t, e, e) : e - }(this, t) - }, - getSize: function() { - var t = { - small: this.small, - medium: this.medium, - large: this.large, - xLarge: this.xLarge - }, - e = j(t).find(function(e) { - return t[e] - }); - return e && Fe[e] || N(this.size) - }, - getDefaultData: function() { - return { - staticClass: "v-icon", - class: { - "v-icon--disabled": this.disabled, "v-icon--left": this.left, "v-icon--link": this.$ || this.$listeners["!click"], "v-icon--right": this.right - }, - attrs: ai({ - "aria-hidden": !0 - }, this.$attrs), - on: this.$listeners - } - }, - applyColors: function(t) { - t.class = ai({}, t.class, this.themeClasses), this.setTextColor(this.color, t) - }, - renderFontIcon: function(t, e) { - var i = [], - n = this.getDefaultData(), - s = "material-icons", - r = t.indexOf("-"), - o = r <= -1; - o ? i.push(t) : function(t) { - return ["fas", "far", "fal", "fab"].some(function(e) { - return t.includes(e) - }) - }(s = t.slice(0, r)) && (s = ""), n.class[s] = !0, n.class[t] = !o; - var a = this.getSize(); - return a && ( = { - fontSize: a - }), this.applyColors(n), e("i", n, i) - }, - renderSvgIcon: function(t, e) { - var i = this.getDefaultData(); - i.class["v-icon--is-component"] = !0; - var n = this.getSize(); - n && ( = { - fontSize: n, - height: n - }), this.applyColors(i); - var s = t.component; - return i.props = t.props, i.nativeOn = i.on, e(s, i) - } - }, - render: function(t) { - var e = this.getIcon(); - return "string" == typeof e ? this.renderFontIcon(e, t) : this.renderSvgIcon(e, t) - } - }), - ui = o.a.extend({ - name: "v-icon", - $_wrapperFor: li, - functional: !0, - render: function(t, e) { - var i =, - n = e.children, - s = ""; - return i.domProps && (s = i.domProps.textContent || i.domProps.innerHTML || s, delete i.domProps.textContent, delete i.domProps.innerHTML), t(li, i, s ? [s] : n) - } - }), - ci = ui, - hi = (i(16), i(18), function() { - return (hi = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }), - di = ne(Kt).extend({ - name: "v-label", - functional: !0, - props: { - absolute: Boolean, - color: { - type: String, - default: "primary" - }, - disabled: Boolean, - focused: Boolean, - for: String, - left: { - type: [Number, String], - default: 0 - }, - right: { - type: [Number, String], - default: "auto" - }, - value: Boolean - }, - render: function(t, e) { - var i = e.children, - n = e.listeners, - s = e.props, - r = { - staticClass: "v-label", - class: hi({ - "v-label--active": s.value, - "v-label--is-disabled": s.disabled - }, Xt(e)), - attrs: { - for: s.for, - "aria-hidden": !s.for - }, - on: n, - style: { - left: N(s.left), - right: N(s.right), - position: s.absolute ? "absolute" : "relative" - } - }; - return t("label", ie.options.methods.setTextColor(s.focused && s.color, r), i) - } - }), - fi = di, - pi = (i(19), ne(ie, Kt).extend({ - name: "v-messages", - props: { - value: { - type: Array, - default: function() { - return [] - } - } - }, - methods: { - genChildren: function() { - return this.$createElement("transition-group", { - staticClass: "v-messages__wrapper", - attrs: { - name: "message-transition", - tag: "div" - } - }, - }, - genMessage: function(t, e) { - var i = this.$scopedSlots.default ? this.$scopedSlots.default({ - message: t, - key: e - }) : void 0, - n = D(t), - s = i ? void 0 : n; - return this.$createElement("div", { - staticClass: "v-messages__message", - key: e, - domProps: { - innerHTML: s - } - }, i) - } - }, - render: function(t) { - return t("div", this.setTextColor(this.color, { - staticClass: "v-messages", - class: this.themeClasses - }), [this.genChildren()]) - } - })), - vi = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(t) { - return typeof t - } : function(t) { - return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t - }, - mi = ne(ie, Ce("form")).extend({ - name: "validatable", - props: { - disabled: Boolean, - error: Boolean, - errorCount: { - type: [Number, String], - default: 1 - }, - errorMessages: { - type: [String, Array], - default: function() { - return [] - } - }, - messages: { - type: [String, Array], - default: function() { - return [] - } - }, - readonly: Boolean, - rules: { - type: Array, - default: function() { - return [] - } - }, - success: Boolean, - successMessages: { - type: [String, Array], - default: function() { - return [] - } - }, - validateOnBlur: Boolean, - value: { - required: !1 - } - }, - data: function() { - return { - errorBucket: [], - hasColor: !1, - hasFocused: !1, - hasInput: !1, - isFocused: !1, - isResetting: !1, - lazyValue: this.value, - valid: !1 - } - }, - computed: { - hasError: function() { - return this.internalErrorMessages.length > 0 || this.errorBucket.length > 0 || this.error - }, - hasSuccess: function() { - return this.internalSuccessMessages.length > 0 || this.success - }, - externalError: function() { - return this.internalErrorMessages.length > 0 || this.error - }, - hasMessages: function() { - return this.validationTarget.length > 0 - }, - hasState: function() { - return this.hasSuccess || this.shouldValidate && this.hasError - }, - internalErrorMessages: function() { - return this.genInternalMessages(this.errorMessages) - }, - internalMessages: function() { - return this.genInternalMessages(this.messages) - }, - internalSuccessMessages: function() { - return this.genInternalMessages(this.successMessages) - }, - internalValue: { - get: function() { - return this.lazyValue - }, - set: function(t) { - this.lazyValue = t, this.$emit("input", t) - } - }, - shouldValidate: function() { - return !!this.externalError || !this.isResetting && (this.validateOnBlur ? this.hasFocused && !this.isFocused : this.hasInput || this.hasFocused) - }, - validations: function() { - return this.validationTarget.slice(0, Number(this.errorCount)) - }, - validationState: function() { - return this.hasError && this.shouldValidate ? "error" : this.hasSuccess ? "success" : this.hasColor ? this.color : void 0 - }, - validationTarget: function() { - return this.internalErrorMessages.length > 0 ? this.internalErrorMessages : this.successMessages.length > 0 ? this.internalSuccessMessages : this.messages.length > 0 ? this.internalMessages : this.shouldValidate ? this.errorBucket : [] - } - }, - watch: { - rules: { - handler: function(t, e) { - O(t, e) || this.validate() - }, - deep: !0 - }, - internalValue: function() { - this.hasInput = !0, this.validateOnBlur || this.$nextTick(this.validate) - }, - isFocused: function(t) { - t || this.disabled || this.readonly || (this.hasFocused = !0, this.validateOnBlur && this.validate()) - }, - isResetting: function() { - var t = this; - setTimeout(function() { - t.hasInput = !1, t.hasFocused = !1, t.isResetting = !1, t.validate() - }, 0) - }, - hasError: function(t) { - this.shouldValidate && this.$emit("update:error", t) - }, - value: function(t) { - this.lazyValue = t - } - }, - beforeMount: function() { - this.validate() - }, - created: function() { - this.form && this.form.register(this) - }, - beforeDestroy: function() { - this.form && this.form.unregister(this) - }, - methods: { - genInternalMessages: function(t) { - return t ? Array.isArray(t) ? t : [t] : [] - }, - reset: function() { - this.isResetting = !0, this.internalValue = Array.isArray(this.internalValue) ? [] : void 0 - }, - resetValidation: function() { - this.isResetting = !0 - }, - validate: function(t, e) { - void 0 === t && (t = !1); - var i = []; - e = e || this.internalValue, t && (this.hasInput = this.hasFocused = !0); - for (var n = 0; n < this.rules.length; n++) { - var s = this.rules[n], - r = "function" == typeof s ? s(e) : s; - "string" == typeof r ? i.push(r) : "boolean" != typeof r && K("Rules should return a string or boolean, received '" + (void 0 === r ? "undefined" : vi(r)) + "' instead", this) - } - return this.errorBucket = i, this.valid = 0 === i.length, this.valid - } - } - }), - gi = function() { - return (gi = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }, - yi = ne(ie, Kt, mi).extend({ - name: "v-input", - props: { - appendIcon: String, - appendIconCb: Function, - backgroundColor: { - type: String, - default: "" - }, - height: [Number, String], - hideDetails: Boolean, - hint: String, - label: String, - loading: Boolean, - persistentHint: Boolean, - prependIcon: String, - prependIconCb: Function, - value: { - required: !1 - } - }, - data: function() { - return { - attrsInput: {}, - lazyValue: this.value, - hasMouseDown: !1 - } - }, - computed: { - classes: function() { - return {} - }, - classesInput: function() { - return gi({}, this.classes, { - "v-input--has-state": this.hasState, - "v-input--hide-details": this.hideDetails, - "v-input--is-label-active": this.isLabelActive, - "v-input--is-dirty": this.isDirty, - "v-input--is-disabled": this.disabled, - "v-input--is-focused": this.isFocused, - "v-input--is-loading": !1 !== this.loading && void 0 !== this.loading, - "v-input--is-readonly": this.readonly - }, this.themeClasses) - }, - directivesInput: function() { - return [] - }, - hasHint: function() { - return !this.hasMessages && this.hint && (this.persistentHint || this.isFocused) - }, - hasLabel: function() { - return Boolean(this.$slots.label || this.label) - }, - internalValue: { - get: function() { - return this.lazyValue - }, - set: function(t) { - this.lazyValue = t, this.$emit(this.$_modelEvent, t) - } - }, - isDirty: function() { - return !!this.lazyValue - }, - isDisabled: function() { - return Boolean(this.disabled || this.readonly) - }, - isLabelActive: function() { - return this.isDirty - } - }, - watch: { - value: function(t) { - this.lazyValue = t - } - }, - beforeCreate: function() { - this.$_modelEvent = this.$options.model && this.$options.model.event || "input" - }, - methods: { - genContent: function() { - return [this.genPrependSlot(), this.genControl(), this.genAppendSlot()] - }, - genControl: function() { - return this.$createElement("div", { - staticClass: "v-input__control" - }, [this.genInputSlot(), this.genMessages()]) - }, - genDefaultSlot: function() { - return [this.genLabel(), this.$slots.default] - }, - genIcon: function(t, e, i) { - var n = this; - void 0 === i && (i = !0); - var s = this[t + "Icon"], - r = "click:" + z(t); - e = e || this[t + "IconCb"], i && t && e && G(":" + t + "-icon-cb", "@" + r, this); - var o = { - props: { - color: this.validationState, - dark: this.dark, - disabled: this.disabled, - light: this.light - }, - on: this.$listeners[r] || e ? { - click: function(t) { - t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), n.$emit(r, t), e && e(t) - }, - mouseup: function(t) { - t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation() - } - } : void 0 - }; - return this.$createElement("div", { - staticClass: "v-input__icon v-input__icon--" + z(t), - key: "" + t + s - }, [this.$createElement(ci, o, s)]) - }, - genInputSlot: function() { - return this.$createElement("div", this.setBackgroundColor(this.backgroundColor, { - staticClass: "v-input__slot", - style: { - height: N(this.height) - }, - directives: this.directivesInput, - on: { - click: this.onClick, - mousedown: this.onMouseDown, - mouseup: this.onMouseUp - }, - ref: "input-slot" - }), [this.genDefaultSlot()]) - }, - genLabel: function() { - return this.hasLabel ? this.$createElement(fi, { - props: { - color: this.validationState, - dark: this.dark, - focused: this.hasState, - for: this.$, - light: this.light - } - }, this.$slots.label || this.label) : null - }, - genMessages: function() { - var t = this; - if (this.hideDetails) return null; - var e = this.hasHint ? [this.hint] : this.validations; - return this.$createElement(pi, { - props: { - color: this.hasHint ? "" : this.validationState, - dark: this.dark, - light: this.light, - value: this.hasMessages || this.hasHint ? e : [] - }, - scopedSlots: { - default: this.$scopedSlots.message ? function(e) { - return t.$scopedSlots.message(e) - } : void 0 - } - }) - }, - genSlot: function(t, e, i) { - if (!i.length) return null; - var n = t + "-" + e; - return this.$createElement("div", { - staticClass: "v-input__" + n, - ref: n - }, i) - }, - genPrependSlot: function() { - var t = []; - return this.$slots.prepend ? t.push(this.$slots.prepend) : this.prependIcon && t.push(this.genIcon("prepend")), this.genSlot("prepend", "outer", t) - }, - genAppendSlot: function() { - var t = []; - return this.$slots.append ? t.push(this.$slots.append) : this.appendIcon && t.push(this.genIcon("append")), this.genSlot("append", "outer", t) - }, - onClick: function(t) { - this.$emit("click", t) - }, - onMouseDown: function(t) { - this.hasMouseDown = !0, this.$emit("mousedown", t) - }, - onMouseUp: function(t) { - this.hasMouseDown = !1, this.$emit("mouseup", t) - } - }, - render: function(t) { - return t("div", this.setTextColor(this.validationState, { - staticClass: "v-input", - attrs: this.attrsInput, - class: this.classesInput - }), this.genContent()) - } - }), - bi = yi, - Si = o.a.extend({ - name: "rippleable", - directives: { - Ripple: Pe - }, - props: { - ripple: { - type: [Boolean, Object], - default: !0 - } - }, - methods: { - genRipple: function(t) { - return void 0 === t && (t = {}), this.ripple ? (t.staticClass = "v-input--selection-controls__ripple", t.directives = t.directives || [], t.directives.push({ - name: "ripple", - value: { - center: !0 - } - }), t.on = Object.assign({ - click: this.onChange - }, this.$listeners), this.$createElement("div", t)) : null - }, - onChange: function() {} - } - }), - xi = o.a.extend({ - name: "comparable", - props: { - valueComparator: { - type: Function, - default: O - } - } - }), - wi = bi.extend({ - name: "selectable", - mixins: [Si, xi], - model: { - prop: "inputValue", - event: "change" - }, - props: { - color: { - type: String, - default: "accent" - }, - id: String, - inputValue: null, - falseValue: null, - trueValue: null, - multiple: { - type: Boolean, - default: null - }, - label: String - }, - data: function(t) { - return { - lazyValue: t.inputValue - } - }, - computed: { - computedColor: function() { - return this.isActive ? this.color : this.validationState - }, - isMultiple: function() { - return !0 === this.multiple || null === this.multiple && Array.isArray(this.internalValue) - }, - isActive: function() { - var t = this, - e = this.value, - i = this.internalValue; - return this.isMultiple ? !!Array.isArray(i) && i.some(function(i) { - return t.valueComparator(i, e) - }) : void 0 === this.trueValue || void 0 === this.falseValue ? e ? this.valueComparator(e, i) : Boolean(i) : this.valueComparator(i, this.trueValue) - }, - isDirty: function() { - return this.isActive - } - }, - watch: { - inputValue: function(t) { - this.lazyValue = t - } - }, - methods: { - genLabel: function() { - if (!this.hasLabel) return null; - var t =; - return = { - click: this.onChange - }, t - }, - genInput: function(t, e) { - return this.$createElement("input", { - attrs: Object.assign({ - "aria-label": this.label, - "aria-checked": this.isActive.toString(), - disabled: this.isDisabled, - id:, - role: t, - type: t - }, e), - domProps: { - value: this.value, - checked: this.isActive - }, - on: { - blur: this.onBlur, - change: this.onChange, - focus: this.onFocus, - keydown: this.onKeydown - }, - ref: "input" - }) - }, - onBlur: function() { - this.isFocused = !1 - }, - onChange: function() { - var t = this; - if (!this.isDisabled) { - var e = this.value, - i = this.internalValue; - if (this.isMultiple) { - Array.isArray(i) || (i = []); - var n = i.length; - (i = i.filter(function(i) { - return !t.valueComparator(i, e) - })).length === n && i.push(e) - } else i = void 0 !== this.trueValue && void 0 !== this.falseValue ? this.valueComparator(i, this.trueValue) ? this.falseValue : this.trueValue : e ? this.valueComparator(i, e) ? null : e : !i; - this.validate(!0, i), this.internalValue = i - } - }, - onFocus: function() { - this.isFocused = !0 - }, - onKeydown: function(t) {} - } - }), - Ci = function() { - return (Ci = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }, - ki = { - name: "v-checkbox", - mixins: [wi], - props: { - indeterminate: Boolean, - indeterminateIcon: { - type: String, - default: "$vuetify.icons.checkboxIndeterminate" - }, - onIcon: { - type: String, - default: "$vuetify.icons.checkboxOn" - }, - offIcon: { - type: String, - default: "$vuetify.icons.checkboxOff" - } - }, - data: function(t) { - return { - inputIndeterminate: t.indeterminate - } - }, - computed: { - classes: function() { - return { - "v-input--selection-controls": !0, - "v-input--checkbox": !0 - } - }, - computedIcon: function() { - return this.inputIndeterminate ? this.indeterminateIcon : this.isActive ? this.onIcon : this.offIcon - } - }, - watch: { - indeterminate: function(t) { - this.inputIndeterminate = t - } - }, - methods: { - genCheckbox: function() { - return this.$createElement("div", { - staticClass: "v-input--selection-controls__input" - }, [this.genInput("checkbox", Ci({}, this.$attrs, { - "aria-checked": this.inputIndeterminate ? "mixed" : this.isActive.toString() - })), this.genRipple(this.setTextColor(this.computedColor)), this.$createElement(ci, this.setTextColor(this.computedColor, { - props: { - dark: this.dark, - light: this.light - } - }), this.computedIcon)]) - }, - genDefaultSlot: function() { - return [this.genCheckbox(), this.genLabel()] - } - } - }, - $i = ki, - Ii = (i(20), function() { - return (Ii = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }), - _i = ne(ie, Kt, je).extend({ - name: "v-chip", - props: { - close: Boolean, - disabled: Boolean, - label: Boolean, - outline: Boolean, - selected: Boolean, - small: Boolean, - textColor: String, - value: { - type: Boolean, - default: !0 - } - }, - computed: { - classes: function() { - return Ii({ - "v-chip--disabled": this.disabled, - "v-chip--selected": this.selected && !this.disabled, - "v-chip--label": this.label, - "v-chip--outline": this.outline, - "v-chip--small": this.small, - "v-chip--removable": this.close - }, this.themeClasses) - } - }, - methods: { - genClose: function(t) { - var e = this; - return t("div", { - staticClass: "v-chip__close", - on: { - click: function(t) { - t.stopPropagation(), e.$emit("input", !1) - } - } - }, [t(ci, "$vuetify.icons.delete")]) - }, - genContent: function(t) { - return t("span", { - staticClass: "v-chip__content" - }, [this.$slots.default, this.close && this.genClose(t)]) - } - }, - render: function(t) { - var e = this.setBackgroundColor(this.color, { - staticClass: "v-chip", - class: this.classes, - attrs: { - tabindex: this.disabled ? -1 : 0 - }, - directives: [{ - name: "show", - value: this.isActive - }], - on: this.$listeners - }), - i = this.textColor || this.outline && this.color; - return t("span", this.setTextColor(i, e), [this.genContent(t)]) - } - }), - Ti = _i, - Ai = (i(4), i(5), i(21), i(27), o.a.extend().extend({ - name: "delayable", - props: { - openDelay: { - type: [Number, String], - default: 0 - }, - closeDelay: { - type: [Number, String], - default: 0 - } - }, - data: function() { - return { - openTimeout: void 0, - closeTimeout: void 0 - } - }, - methods: { - clearDelay: function() { - clearTimeout(this.openTimeout), clearTimeout(this.closeTimeout) - }, - runDelay: function(t, e) { - var i = this; - this.clearDelay(); - var n = parseInt(this[t + "Delay"], 10); - this[t + "Timeout"] = setTimeout(e || function() { - i.isActive = { - open: !0, - close: !1 - }[t] - }, n) - } - } - })), - Oi = function(t, e) { - var i = "function" == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator]; - if (!i) return t; - var n, s, r =, - o = []; - try { - for (; - (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(n =;) o.push(n.value) - } catch (t) { - s = { - error: t - } - } finally { - try { - n && !n.done && (i = r.return) && - } finally { - if (s) throw s.error - } - } - return o - }, - Vi = function() { - for (var t = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) t = t.concat(Oi(arguments[e])); - return t - }; - var Bi = ne().extend({ - name: "dependent", - data: function() { - return { - closeDependents: !0, - isActive: !1, - isDependent: !0 - } - }, - watch: { - isActive: function(t) { - if (!t) - for (var e = this.getOpenDependents(), i = 0; i < e.length; i++) e[i].isActive = !1 - } - }, - methods: { - getOpenDependents: function() { - return this.closeDependents ? function t(e) { - for (var i = [], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { - var s = e[n]; - s.isActive && s.isDependent ? i.push(s) : i.push.apply(i, Vi(t(s.$children))) - } - return i - }(this.$children) : [] - }, - getOpenDependentElements: function() { - for (var t = [], e = this.getOpenDependents(), i = 0; i < e.length; i++) t.push.apply(t, Vi(e[i].getClickableDependentElements())); - return t - }, - getClickableDependentElements: function() { - var t = [this.$el]; - return this.$refs.content && t.push(this.$refs.content), this.overlay && t.push(this.overlay), t.push.apply(t, Vi(this.getOpenDependentElements())), t - } - } - }), - Ei = o.a.extend().extend({ - name: "bootable", - props: { - lazy: Boolean - }, - data: function() { - return { - isBooted: !1 - } - }, - computed: { - hasContent: function() { - return this.isBooted || !this.lazy || this.isActive - } - }, - watch: { - isActive: function() { - this.isBooted = !0 - } - }, - methods: { - showLazyContent: function(t) { - return this.hasContent ? t : void 0 - } - } - }), - Mi = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(t) { - return typeof t - } : function(t) { - return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t - }; - var Li = { - name: "detachable", - mixins: [Ei], - props: { - attach: { - type: null, - default: !1, - validator: function(t) { - var e = void 0 === t ? "undefined" : Mi(t); - return "boolean" === e || "string" === e || t.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE - } - }, - contentClass: { - default: "" - } - }, - data: function() { - return { - hasDetached: !1 - } - }, - watch: { - attach: function() { - this.hasDetached = !1, this.initDetach() - }, - hasContent: "initDetach" - }, - beforeMount: function() { - var t = this; - this.$nextTick(function() { - t.activatorNode && (Array.isArray(t.activatorNode) ? t.activatorNode : [t.activatorNode]).forEach(function(e) { - e.elm && t.$el.parentNode.insertBefore(e.elm, t.$el) - }) - }) - }, - mounted: function() { - !this.lazy && this.initDetach() - }, - deactivated: function() { - this.isActive = !1 - }, - beforeDestroy: function() { - try { - if (this.$refs.content && this.$refs.content.parentNode.removeChild(this.$refs.content), this.activatorNode)(Array.isArray(this.activatorNode) ? this.activatorNode : [this.activatorNode]).forEach(function(t) { - t.elm && t.elm.parentNode.removeChild(t.elm) - }) - } catch (t) { - console.log(t) - } - }, - methods: { - getScopeIdAttrs: function() { - var t, e = this.$vnode && this.$vnode.context.$options._scopeId; - return e && ((t = {})[e] = "", t) - }, - initDetach: function() { - var t; - this._isDestroyed || !this.$refs.content || this.hasDetached || "" === this.attach || !0 === this.attach || "attach" === this.attach || ((t = !1 === this.attach ? document.querySelector("[data-app]") : "string" == typeof this.attach ? document.querySelector(this.attach) : this.attach) ? (t.insertBefore(this.$refs.content, t.firstChild), this.hasDetached = !0) : U("Unable to locate target " + (this.attach || "[data-app]"), this)) - } - } - }, - Di = function(t, e) { - var i = "function" == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator]; - if (!i) return t; - var n, s, r =, - o = []; - try { - for (; - (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(n =;) o.push(n.value) - } catch (t) { - s = { - error: t - } - } finally { - try { - n && !n.done && (i = r.return) && - } finally { - if (s) throw s.error - } - } - return o - }, - Pi = function() { - for (var t = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) t = t.concat(Di(arguments[e])); - return t - }, - Ni = o.a.extend().extend({ - name: "stackable", - data: function() { - return { - stackClass: "unpecified", - stackElement: null, - stackExclude: null, - stackMinZIndex: 0, - isActive: !1 - } - }, - computed: { - activeZIndex: function() { - if ("undefined" == typeof window) return 0; - var t = this.stackElement || this.$refs.content, - e = this.isActive ? this.getMaxZIndex(this.stackExclude || [t]) + 2 : M(t); - return null == e ? e : parseInt(e) - } - }, - methods: { - getMaxZIndex: function(t) { - void 0 === t && (t = []); - for (var e = this.$el, i = [this.stackMinZIndex, M(e)], n = Pi(document.getElementsByClassName(this.stackClass)), s = 0; s < n.length; s++) t.includes(n[s]) || i.push(M(n[s])); - return Math.max.apply(Math, Pi(i)) - } - } - }), - zi = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(t) { - return typeof t - } : function(t) { - return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t - }, - Hi = { - activator: { - top: 0, - left: 0, - bottom: 0, - right: 0, - width: 0, - height: 0, - offsetTop: 0, - scrollHeight: 0 - }, - content: { - top: 0, - left: 0, - bottom: 0, - right: 0, - width: 0, - height: 0, - offsetTop: 0, - scrollHeight: 0 - }, - hasWindow: !1 - }, - Fi = o.a.extend({ - name: "menuable", - mixins: [ue, Ni], - props: { - activator: { - default: null, - validator: function(t) { - return ["string", "object"].includes(void 0 === t ? "undefined" : zi(t)) - } - }, - allowOverflow: Boolean, - inputActivator: Boolean, - light: Boolean, - dark: Boolean, - maxWidth: { - type: [Number, String], - default: "auto" - }, - minWidth: [Number, String], - nudgeBottom: { - type: [Number, String], - default: 0 - }, - nudgeLeft: { - type: [Number, String], - default: 0 - }, - nudgeRight: { - type: [Number, String], - default: 0 - }, - nudgeTop: { - type: [Number, String], - default: 0 - }, - nudgeWidth: { - type: [Number, String], - default: 0 - }, - offsetOverflow: Boolean, - positionX: { - type: Number, - default: null - }, - positionY: { - type: Number, - default: null - }, - zIndex: { - type: [Number, String], - default: null - } - }, - data: function() { - return { - absoluteX: 0, - absoluteY: 0, - activatorFixed: !1, - dimensions: Object.assign({}, Hi), - isContentActive: !1, - pageWidth: 0, - pageYOffset: 0, - stackClass: "v-menu__content--active", - stackMinZIndex: 6 - } - }, - computed: { - computedLeft: function() { - var t = this.dimensions.activator, - e = this.dimensions.content, - i = (this.isAttached ? t.offsetLeft : t.left) || 0, - n = Math.max(t.width, e.width), - s = 0; - if (s += this.left ? i - (n - t.width) : i, this.offsetX) { - var r = isNaN(this.maxWidth) ? t.width : Math.min(t.width, this.maxWidth); - s += this.left ? -r : t.width - } - return this.nudgeLeft && (s -= parseInt(this.nudgeLeft)), this.nudgeRight && (s += parseInt(this.nudgeRight)), s - }, - computedTop: function() { - var t = this.dimensions.activator, - e = this.dimensions.content, - i = 0; - return && (i += t.height - e.height), this.isAttached ? i += t.offsetTop : i += + this.pageYOffset, this.offsetY && (i += ? -t.height : t.height), this.nudgeTop && (i -= parseInt(this.nudgeTop)), this.nudgeBottom && (i += parseInt(this.nudgeBottom)), i - }, - hasActivator: function() { - return !!this.$slots.activator || !!this.$scopedSlots.activator || this.activator || this.inputActivator - }, - isAttached: function() { - return !1 !== this.attach - } - }, - watch: { - disabled: function(t) { - t && this.callDeactivate() - }, - isActive: function(t) { - this.disabled || (t ? this.callActivate() : this.callDeactivate()) - }, - positionX: "updateDimensions", - positionY: "updateDimensions" - }, - beforeMount: function() { - this.checkForWindow() - }, - methods: { - absolutePosition: function() { - return { - offsetTop: 0, - offsetLeft: 0, - scrollHeight: 0, - top: this.positionY || this.absoluteY, - bottom: this.positionY || this.absoluteY, - left: this.positionX || this.absoluteX, - right: this.positionX || this.absoluteX, - height: 0, - width: 0 - } - }, - activate: function() {}, - calcLeft: function(t) { - return (this.isAttached ? this.computedLeft : this.calcXOverflow(this.computedLeft, t)) + "px" - }, - calcTop: function() { - return (this.isAttached ? this.computedTop : this.calcYOverflow(this.computedTop)) + "px" - }, - calcXOverflow: function(t, e) { - var i = t + e - this.pageWidth + 12; - return (t = (!this.left || this.right) && i > 0 ? Math.max(t - i, 0) : Math.max(t, 12)) + this.getOffsetLeft() - }, - calcYOverflow: function(t) { - var e = this.getInnerHeight(), - i = this.pageYOffset + e, - n = this.dimensions.activator, - s = this.dimensions.content.height, - r = i < t + s; - return r && this.offsetOverflow && > s ? t = this.pageYOffset + ( - s) : r && !this.allowOverflow ? t = i - s - 12 : t < this.pageYOffset && !this.allowOverflow && (t = this.pageYOffset + 12), t < 12 ? 12 : t - }, - callActivate: function() { - this.hasWindow && this.activate() - }, - callDeactivate: function() { - this.isContentActive = !1, this.deactivate() - }, - checkForWindow: function() { - this.hasWindow || (this.hasWindow = "undefined" != typeof window) - }, - checkForPageYOffset: function() { - this.hasWindow && (this.pageYOffset = this.activatorFixed ? 0 : this.getOffsetTop()) - }, - checkActivatorFixed: function() { - if (!1 === this.attach) { - for (var t = this.getActivator(); t;) { - if ("fixed" === window.getComputedStyle(t).position) return void(this.activatorFixed = !0); - t = t.offsetParent - } - this.activatorFixed = !1 - } - }, - deactivate: function() {}, - getActivator: function(t) { - if (this.inputActivator) return this.$el.querySelector(".v-input__slot"); - if (this.activator) return "string" == typeof this.activator ? document.querySelector(this.activator) : this.activator; - if (this.$refs.activator) return this.$refs.activator.children.length > 0 ? this.$refs.activator.children[0] : this.$refs.activator; - if (t) return this.activatedBy = t.currentTarget ||, this.activatedBy; - if (this.activatedBy) return this.activatedBy; - if (this.activatorNode) { - var e = Array.isArray(this.activatorNode) ? this.activatorNode[0] : this.activatorNode, - i = e && e.elm; - if (i) return i - } - }, - getInnerHeight: function() { - return this.hasWindow ? window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight : 0 - }, - getOffsetLeft: function() { - return this.hasWindow ? window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft : 0 - }, - getOffsetTop: function() { - return this.hasWindow ? window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop : 0 - }, - getRoundedBoundedClientRect: function(t) { - var e = t.getBoundingClientRect(); - return { - top: Math.round(, - left: Math.round(e.left), - bottom: Math.round(e.bottom), - right: Math.round(e.right), - width: Math.round(e.width), - height: Math.round(e.height) - } - }, - measure: function(t) { - if (!t || !this.hasWindow) return null; - var e = this.getRoundedBoundedClientRect(t); - if (this.isAttached) { - var i = window.getComputedStyle(t); - e.left = parseInt(i.marginLeft), = parseInt(i.marginTop) - } - return e - }, - sneakPeek: function(t) { - var e = this; - requestAnimationFrame(function() { - var i = e.$refs.content; - if (!i || e.isShown(i)) return t(); - = "inline-block", t(), = "none" - }) - }, - startTransition: function() { - var t = this; - return new Promise(function(e) { - return requestAnimationFrame(function() { - t.isContentActive = t.hasJustFocused = t.isActive, e() - }) - }) - }, - isShown: function(t) { - return "none" !== - }, - updateDimensions: function() { - var t = this; - this.checkForWindow(), this.checkActivatorFixed(), this.checkForPageYOffset(), this.pageWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; - var e = {}; - if (!this.hasActivator || this.absolute) e.activator = this.absolutePosition(); - else { - var i = this.getActivator(); - e.activator = this.measure(i), e.activator.offsetLeft = i.offsetLeft, this.isAttached ? e.activator.offsetTop = i.offsetTop : e.activator.offsetTop = 0 - } - this.sneakPeek(function() { - e.content = t.measure(t.$refs.content), t.dimensions = e - }) - } - } - }), - ji = o.a.extend({ - name: "returnable", - props: { - returnValue: null - }, - data: function() { - return { - isActive: !1, - originalValue: null - } - }, - watch: { - isActive: function(t) { - t ? this.originalValue = this.returnValue : this.$emit("update:returnValue", this.originalValue) - } - }, - methods: { - save: function(t) { - var e = this; - this.originalValue = t, setTimeout(function() { - e.isActive = !1 - }) - } - } - }), - Wi = { - methods: { - activatorClickHandler: function(t) { - this.openOnClick && !this.isActive ? (this.getActivator(t).focus(), this.isActive = !0, this.absoluteX = t.clientX, this.absoluteY = t.clientY) : this.closeOnClick && this.isActive && (this.getActivator(t).blur(), this.isActive = !1) - }, - mouseEnterHandler: function() { - var t = this; - this.runDelay("open", function() { - t.hasJustFocused || (t.hasJustFocused = !0, t.isActive = !0) - }) - }, - mouseLeaveHandler: function(t) { - var e = this; - this.runDelay("close", function() { - e.$refs.content.contains(t.relatedTarget) || requestAnimationFrame(function() { - e.isActive = !1, e.callDeactivate() - }) - }) - }, - addActivatorEvents: function(t) { - void 0 === t && (t = null), t && !this.disabled && t.addEventListener("click", this.activatorClickHandler) - }, - removeActivatorEvents: function(t) { - void 0 === t && (t = null), t && t.removeEventListener("click", this.activatorClickHandler) - } - } - }, - Ri = function() { - return (Ri = Object.assign || function(t) { - for (var e, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) - for (var s in e = arguments[i]), s) && (t[s] = e[s]); - return t - }).apply(this, arguments) - }, - Yi = function(t, e) { - var i = "function" == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator]; - if (!i) return t; - var n, s, r =, - o = []; - try { - for (; - (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(n =;) o.push(n.value) - } catch (t) { - s = { - error: t - } - } finally { - try { - n && !n.done && (i = r.return) && - } finally { - if (s) throw s.error - } - } - return o - }, - qi = function() { - for (var t = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) t = t.concat(Yi(arguments[e])); - return t - }, - Xi = { - methods: { - genActivator: function() { - if (!this.$slots.activator && !this.$scopedSlots.activator) return null; - var t = {}; - if (this.disabled || (this.openOnHover ? (t.mouseenter = this.mouseEnterHandler, t.mouseleave = this.mouseLeaveHandler) : this.openOnClick && ( = this.activatorClickHandler)), "scoped" === q(this, "activator")) { - t.keydown = this.onKeyDown; - var e = this.$scopedSlots.activator({ - on: t - }); - return this.activatorNode = e, e - } - return this.$createElement("div", { - staticClass: "v-menu__activator", - class: { - "v-menu__activator--active": this.hasJustFocused || this.isActive, "v-menu__activator--disabled": this.disabled - }, - ref: "activator", - on: t - }, this.$slots.activator) - }, - genTransition: function() { - return this.transition ? this.$createElement("transition", { - props: { - name: this.transition - } - }, [this.genContent()]) : this.genContent() - }, - genDirectives: function() { - var t = this, - e = !this.openOnHover && this.closeOnClick ? [{ - name: "click-outside", - value: function() { - t.isActive = !1 - }, - args: { - closeConditional: this.closeConditional, - include: function() { - return qi([t.$el], t.getOpenDependentElements()) - } - } - }] : []; - return e.push({ - name: "show", - value: this.isContentActive - }), e - }, - genContent: function() { - var t, e = this, - i = { - attrs: this.getScopeIdAttrs(), - staticClass: "v-menu__content", - class: Ri({}, this.rootThemeClasses, (t = { - "v-menu__content--auto":, - "v-menu__content--fixed": this.activatorFixed, - menuable__content__active: this.isActive - }, t[this.contentClass.trim()] = !0, t)), - style: this.styles, - directives: this.genDirectives(), - ref: "content", - on: { - click: function(t) { - t.stopPropagation(),"disabled") || e.closeOnContentClick && (e.isActive = !1) - }, - keydown: this.onKeyDown - } - }; - return !this.disabled && this.openOnHover && (i.on.mouseenter = this.mouseEnterHandler), this.openOnHover && (i.on.mouseleave = this.mouseLeaveHandler), this.$createElement("div", i, this.showLazyContent(this.$slots.default)) - } - } - }, - Ui = { - props: { - disableKeys: Boolean - }, - data: function() { - return { - listIndex: -1, - tiles: [] - } - }, - watch: { - isActive: function(t) { - t || (this.listIndex = -1) - }, - listIndex: function(t, e) { - if (t in this.tiles) { - var i = this.tiles[t]; - i.classList.add("v-list__tile--highlighted"), this.$refs.content.scrollTop = i.offsetTop - i.clientHeight - } - e in this.tiles && this.tiles[e].classList.remove("v-list__tile--highlighted") - } - }, - methods: { - onKeyDown: function(t) { - var e = this; - if (t.keyCode === H.esc) { - setTimeout(function() { - e.isActive = !1 - }); - var i = this.getActivator(); - this.$nextTick(function() { - return i && i.focus() - }) - } else t.keyCode === ? setTimeout(function() { - e.$refs.content.contains(document.activeElement) || (e.isActive = !1) - }) : this.changeListIndex(t) - }, - changeListIndex: function(t) { - if (this.getTiles(), t.keyCode === H.down && this.listIndex < this.tiles.length - 1) this.listIndex++; - else if (t.keyCode === H.up && this.listIndex > -1) this.listIndex--; - else { - if (t.keyCode !== H.enter || -1 === this.listIndex) return; - this.tiles[this.listIndex].click() - } - t.preventDefault() - }, - getTiles: function() { - this.tiles = this.$refs.content.querySelectorAll(".v-list__tile") - } - } - }, - Ki = { - data: function() { - return { - calculatedTopAuto: 0 - } - }, - methods: { - calcScrollPosition: function() { - var t = this.$refs.content, - e = t.querySelector(".v-list__tile--active"), - i = t.scrollHeight - t.offsetHeight; - return e ? Math.min(i, Math.max(0, e.offsetTop - t.offsetHeight / 2 + e.offsetHeight / 2)) : t.scrollTop - }, - calcLeftAuto: function() { - return this.isAttached ? 0 : parseInt(this.dimensions.activator.left - 2 * this.defaultOffset) - }, - calcTopAuto: function() { - var t = this.$refs.content, - e = t.querySelector(".v-list__tile--active"); - if (e || (this.selectedIndex = null), this.offsetY || !e) return this.computedTop; - this.selectedIndex = Array.from(this.tiles).indexOf(e); - var i = e.offsetTop - this.calcScrollPosition(), - n = t.querySelector(".v-list__tile").offsetTop; - return this.computedTop - i - n - } - } - }; - - function Gi() { - return !1 - } - var Zi = { - inserted: function(t, e) { - var i = function(i) { - return function(t, e, i) { - i.args = i.args || {}; - var n = i.args.closeConditional || Gi; - if (t && !1 !== n(t) && !("isTrusted" in t && !t.isTrusted || "pointerType" in t && !t.pointerType)) { - var s = (i.args.include || function() { - return [] - })(); - s.push(e), !s.some(function(e) { - return e.contains( - }) && setTimeout(function() { - n(t) && i.value && i.value(t) - }, 0) - } - }(i, t, e) - }; - (document.querySelector("[data-app]") || document.body).addEventListener("click", i, !0), t._clickOutside = i - }, - unbind: function(t) { - if (t._clickOutside) { - var e = document.querySelector("[data-app]") || document.body; - e && e.removeEventListener("click", t._clickOutside, !0), delete t._clickOutside - } - } - }, - Qi = ne(Kt).extend({ - name: "theme-provider", - props: { - root: Boolean - }, - computed: { - isDark: function() { - return this.root ? this.rootIsDark : - } - }, - render: function() { - return this.$slots.default && this.$slots.default.find(function(t) { - return !t.isComment && " " !== t.text - }) - } - }), - Ji = o.a.extend({ - name: "v-menu", - provide: function() { - return { - theme: this.theme - } - }, - directives: { - ClickOutside: Zi, - Resize: Gt - }, - mixins: [Wi, Bi, Ai, Li, Xi, Ui, Fi, Ki, ji, je, Kt], - props: { - auto: Boolean, - closeOnClick: { - type: Boolean, - default: !0 - }, - closeOnContentClick: { - type: Boolean, - default: !0 - }, - disabled: Boolean, - fullWidth: Boolean, - maxHeight: { - default: "auto" - }, - openOnClick: { - type: Boolean, - default: !0 - }, - offsetX: Boolean, - offsetY: Boolean, - openOnHover: Boolean, - origin: { - type: String, - default: "top left" - }, - transition: { - type: [Boolean, String], - default: "v-menu-transition" - } - }, - data: function() { - return { - defaultOffset: 8, - hasJustFocused: !1, - resizeTimeout: null - } - }, - computed: { - calculatedLeft: function() { - var t = Math.max(this.dimensions.content.width, parseFloat(this.calculatedMinWidth)); - return ? this.calcXOverflow(this.calcLeftAuto(), t) + "px" : this.calcLeft(t) - }, - calculatedMaxHeight: function() { - return ? "200px" : N(this.maxHeight) - }, - calculatedMaxWidth: function() { - return isNaN(this.maxWidth) ? this.maxWidth : this.maxWidth + "px" - }, - calculatedMinWidth: function() { - if (this.minWidth) return isNaN(this.minWidth) ? this.minWidth : this.minWidth + "px"; - var t = Math.min(this.dimensions.activator.width + this.nudgeWidth + ( ? 16 : 0), Math.max(this.pageWidth - 24, 0)), - e = isNaN(parseInt(this.calculatedMaxWidth)) ? t : parseInt(this.calculatedMaxWidth); - return Math.min(e, t) + "px" - }, - calculatedTop: function() { - return ! || this.isAttached ? this.calcTop() : this.calcYOverflow(this.calculatedTopAuto) + "px" - }, - styles: function() { - return { - maxHeight: this.calculatedMaxHeight, - minWidth: this.calculatedMinWidth, - maxWidth: this.calculatedMaxWidth, - top: this.calculatedTop, - left: this.calculatedLeft, - transformOrigin: this.origin, - zIndex: this.zIndex || this.activeZIndex - } - } - }, - watch: { - activator: function(t, e) { - this.removeActivatorEvents(e), this.addActivatorEvents(t) - }, - disabled: function(t) { - this.activator && (t ? this.removeActivatorEvents(this.activator) : this.addActivatorEvents(this.activator)) - }, - isContentActive: function(t) { - this.hasJustFocused = t - } - }, - mounted: function() { - this.isActive && this.activate(), "v-slot" === q(this, "activator", !0) && K("v-tooltip's activator slot must be bound, try '