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Releases: CDrummond/lms-material


06 Feb 09:24
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  1. Fix swipe to change info view tab.
  2. Another attempt to work-around long-press on 'Manage players' entry causing an entry in sync dialog to get checked.
  3. Handle "radioparadise:" URLs when showing track source.
  4. Don't show 'Internet/Other' beside tech info.
  5. Use space to separate tech info.
  6. Better shuffle albums icon.
  7. Add swipe left/right on cover to change track.
  8. Re-factor language handling.
  9. Allow other LMS plugins to register Javascript and dialogs.
  10. Optionally collapse discs of multi-disc albums - either always collapse, or when 200 or more tracks. Setting is controlled server-side.
  11. Fix browser-context menu for text fields in browse list.
  12. Add player voltage to 'Information' dialog.
  13. Remove code to work-around LMS returning incorrect queue size. Queue is still corrupt and causes flashing.
  14. If LMS returns less queue items than its size, just add blank items.


16 Jan 07:59
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  1. Remove hover from list in 'Synchronise' dialog to work-around item being selected after long-press of 'Manage players' in players menu.
  2. Close players menu 3/4 of a second after long-press on 'Manage players' entry.
  3. If set to show technical info then also append this to track details when using 'Copy details' action.
  4. Add 'BBC Sounds' to sources mapping.
  5. When checking if source is already in tech info, remove spaces from source.
  6. Use different home icon if 'go home' just closes dialogs.
  7. Try to work-around LMS returning incorrect queue size.
  8. Make 'Source' entry in now-playing a link to online service's track, if possible.
  9. Correctly handle LMS's new British English language setting.


09 Jan 08:54
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  1. Update traslations.
  2. Add track source (Spotify, Qobuz, etc.) to technical info.
  3. Slightly alter metrics of desktop layout toolbar to help on iPad. If iPad is not detected, or padding required elsewhere, add "?addpadd" to URL.
  4. Catch exceptions when try to access localstorage.
  5. Fix setting disc title from comment.
  6. Move 'Stop button' config option into 'Now playing' section, as that is where it applies.
  7. Set cursor for menu items.
  8. Fix bottom toolbar button positions if stop button is shown.
  9. Only open sync dialog on long-press of 'Manage players' menu entry.


30 Dec 10:30
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  1. Only show multi-disc icon, and prompt for disc to use, etc., if LMS is set to group multi-disc albums.
  2. Add add and play actions to subtoolbar for 'All songs' listings.
  3. Don't show disc headers in 'All songs' listings.
  4. Hide settings password.
  5. Update gallery image when track changes if this is showing now playing cover.
  6. Only show 'Play disc starting at track' if there are multiple discs.


24 Dec 08:39
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  1. Fix hiding queue.
  2. Reduce desktop splitter width to 1px.
  3. When navigating lists by entering text, if press enter then 'click' on first match.
  4. Close expanded now-playing via 'esc' key on desktop layout.
  5. If displaying a "More..." list and there is already a "More..." entry in the history, then clear history up to previous "More..." - so that there is only 1 "More..." entry.


19 Dec 06:58
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  1. Draw multi-disc icon top-left for multi-disc albums, in grid view.
  2. Add 'Remove disc' option to play queue context menu.
  3. When adding a multi-disc album, prompt whether to add all discs or just a specific disc.
  4. Replace $FAVURL with item's favourite URL in custom actions.
  5. Add (server side) setting to use comment field as disc title for multi-disc albums.
  6. Add 'Play disc starting at track' action for multi-disc albums.
  7. Remove 'more' action if is the same as 'go'
  8. When showing jumplist of (e.g.) 'New Music' show same dots for active and inactive, just change colour of active item.
  9. Adjust desktop default pane sizes; queue 30% min-width 400px.
  10. Remove 'Open mini-player' buttons from players menu.
  11. If screen is 320px or less, then don't show covers in 'Manage players' dialog - to give player name more space.
  12. Place Spotty's actions from end of album track list into a menu.
  13. Update Spotty icon mapping.
  14. Add button to control synchronisation to 'Player settings' dialog.
  15. Redesign 'Synchronisation' dialog to have a check list.
  16. Don't scroll action selector with players list in 'Transfer queue' dialog.
  17. Allow pressing 'Toggle queue' button whilst now playing is expanded, or info is being shown.
  18. Long-press on player in players menu will open 'Synchronisation' dialog.
  19. Add sliders to player settings pages.
  20. Attempt to add album year to subtoolbar when showing album track listings in Spotty.


14 Nov 07:21
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  1. If have entry without an icon don't allow grid usage.
  2. Don't play/pause if press 'space' whilst typing to jump to list entry.
  3. Correctly handle 'nextWindow' when browsing if no items are returned.
  4. Fix icon mapping under 'My Music'
  5. Fix 'Play album starting at track' for multi-disc albums.
  6. When selecting ranges, treat Ctrl+Select the same as Shift+Select.
  7. Change 'onerror' image from radio to cover PNG.
  8. Refresh list of virtual libraries when one is created or deleted, via MaterialSkin.
  9. Use SVG for play queue current indicator.


23 Oct 21:24
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  1. Translation updates.
  2. When replacing strings in custom actions replace all occurances.
  3. Handle 'nextWindow' when browsing if no items are returned.
  4. Update Roboto fonts.
  5. Allow multiple characters when jumping in list via keypress.


16 Oct 10:02
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  1. Translation updates.
  2. Remove any leading slash from xxx_svg.png paths.
  3. Add custom actions to context menus.
  4. Allow adding custom actions to album track, queue, playlist, and playlist tracks' context menus (use "album-track", "queue-track", "playlist", or "playlist-track" as section in JSON file).
  5. Allow replacing "$IMAGE" with item's image URL in custom actions.
  6. Fix "lmscommand" custom actions.
  7. Fix RadioNet icon mapping.


09 Oct 08:21
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  1. Media keys support.
  2. Remove podcast search, etc, as LMS now provides its own.
  3. Allow configuring of web-app display setting.
  4. Extend custom actions to allow invoking JSONRPC commands.
  5. Add custom action support for genre and year listings.
  6. Allow hiding of LSM settings sections via 'hideSettings' within server-side preference file. e.g. set "hideSettings: 'mediadirs1'" in "prefs/plugin/material-skin.prefs" will cause media dirs section to be hidden.
  7. Dont add resize parameters to plugin image URLs.
  8. Allow alert notifications to be canceled.
  9. Add custom update notifications.
  10. Hide playlists from online services from 'Add to playlist' and 'Save play queue' dialogs.
  11. If have playlists from online services, then use the service's logo as an icon for online playlists and a list icon for LMS playlists.
  12. Allow info and error notifications to be client specific - so will only show if Material's active player ID matches that supplied.
  13. Fix downloading playlist.
  14. Fix downloading individual tracks from playlists.
  15. Don't allow adjusting volume via mouse wheel in group volume or 'Manage players' dialogs.
  16. Add player icon mapping for HTTP and Alexa.
  17. Remove note stating iPhone does not support drag'n'drop.
  18. With embedded iframes dont add 'javascript:' entries to 'history' - fixes back button with 'Visual Statistics' plugin.