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Releases: CDrummond/lms-material


19 Dec 21:50
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  1. Fix cover display when re-ordering favourites.
  2. Fix renmaming and deleting favourites.
  3. Use curent cover as queue background.
  4. Use curent artist, album, etc. image as browse background.
  5. When adding/playing a selection, call commands sequentially and wait for each to complete before doing the next.
  6. Revert cover change, and use artwork_url/coverid if supplied.
  7. Re-add option to sort favourites, disables drag'n'drop ordering.
  8. Add button to save default UI settings, and pinned items, on server.
  9. Re-add swipe to change view.
  10. Fix error when browsing apps and there are none.
  11. Remove 'More' menu option from years.
  12. Fix pinned apps breaking browse view.


16 Dec 21:22
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  1. Fix plugin update check.
  2. Remove track/queue duration sleep timers, and replace with option to use remaining duration of current track.
  3. Remove swipe to change views; buggy, and material apps don't do this.
  4. Fix deleting playlists.
  5. Center crop background image in mobile now playing info.
  6. Don't add play actions to toolbar for track/album/atist info.
  7. Fix buttons in fullscreen image view.
  8. Remove option to sort favourites, instead allow drag'n'drop re-ordering.
  9. Don't allow pining of favourites - their IDs seem to change too, and why pin a favourite directly?
  10. Always use player's current cover image for now playing.
  11. Use album artist for album review.
  12. Fix player menu in manage players dialog not always showing.


06 Dec 21:39
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  1. Fix swipe to change views not working after show Information dialog.
  2. Add ellipsis to main toolbar text.
  3. Fix scrollbar initialisation.
  4. Place group players first in drop down menu and in Manage Players dialog.
  5. Auto-switch layout (desktop/mobile) if set to auto and not on mobile device.
  6. If switch desktop/mobile layout in settings, then don't prompt for confirmation.
  7. Ignore swipes on now-playing position slider in mobile layout.
  8. Add 'Play album starting at track' to 1st track as well, just for consistency.
  9. Fix sync dialog.
  10. Detect added/removed players in Manage Players dialog.
  11. Add group player management; add, update, and delete.
  12. Allow changing player name in Player Settings dialog.
  13. Add option to use current track, or queue, duration as sleep timer.
  14. When new plugins are detected in Info page, set activePage=SETUP_PLUGINS in URL.
  15. Group players have replaygain setting.
  16. Provide access to player settings from Manage Players dialog.
  17. Fix radio actions.


02 Dec 22:10
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  1. Better image grid sizing.
  2. Set A..Z group size to 10.
  3. Show signal strength in Information dialog.
  4. If lose server connection, display modal dialog (similar to when there are no players) until connection is re-established.
  5. Allow "PlayAll" / "AddAll" for radio.
  6. Fix multi-artist retrievel in now playing.
  7. Store command used to populate list, so that it can be re-used when fetching more.
  8. Fix un-pinnig of items.
  9. When un-pinnnig an app, re-add 'Pin' menu entry.
  10. Only save the bare minimum of info required for pinned apps.
  11. Use item_id from actions to create pinning ID for mysqueezebox apps.


29 Nov 21:43
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  1. When obtaining A..Z lists, pass all orig params (e.g. artist role)
  2. Don't add playall/addall entries to A..Z groups.
  3. For A..Z group, set max combined group size to 100, and don't split letters into multiple groups until 301 or more.
  4. Retreive biographies for all artists in now playing info.
  5. Change sync dialog to be 'Choose players to sync with $PLAYER'
  6. Add link to trackinfo command in now playing info.
  7. Adjust metrics in manager payers dialog, and only show prev/next buttons if screen is 500px or wider.
  8. Add multiple item selection to browse and queue.


25 Nov 22:21
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  1. Fix virtual library handling.
  2. Fix now playing info backdrop for mobile layout.
  3. Change A..Z group sizes. For 500 or less items, size is 50. For 5000 or less, size is 100. For 10000 or less, size is 200. Otherwise size is 300
  4. Add support for remote libraries.
  5. Alter link text colour to improve legibility.
  6. Allow setting of active player from Manager Players dialog.
  7. Add toggle button to control whether info in now playing dialog should stay in sync with song changes.
  8. Use virtual library ID for A..Z grouping.
  9. Add playall/addall entries to song lists.
  10. Move sync control to manage players dialog.
  11. Fix desktop volume when change players.


22 Nov 21:46
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  1. Use _50x50_o for list covers, and _300x300_f for grid covers.
  2. Add scaled image to slideshow list, and only fetch full sized image when slideshow active.
  3. Crop list images as per grid images.
  4. Add bitrate and file type to now playing.
  5. Only show year if >0
  6. Add tooltip to grid view items.
  7. Allow grid view text to span multiple lines.
  8. Reduce some font sizes.
  9. Show name of last loaded playlist in queue.
  10. Fix listing of playlist tracks.
  11. Move 'Manage Players' dialog to player menu.
  12. If there are no players detected, then poll server ever second to detect players.
  13. Smarter polling whilst playing. Only poll every second if in the first or last 6 seconds of a track.
  14. Change clear queue icon to something (hopefully) more obvious.
  15. Fix fetching more than 100 items in queue.
  16. Click on song duration to toggle showing duration / time remaining.
  17. For desktop layout, optionally show all 3 panes when showing track info.
  18. Draw current cover behind track info.
  19. Reduce grid cover sizes, and add 3rd size.
  20. If splitting artists/albums in A..Z groups, and a letter has more than the 'group size' then split into 'group size' chunks.


20 Nov 06:29
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  1. Only list players that are connected.
  2. Add 'Play album starting at track' item to track context menus. Only if parent is an album, and track is not 1st track.
  3. Respect genre/artist filtering when adding albums/artists to queue.
  4. Add a setting to specify application layout; auto, desktop, mobile.
  5. Add optional grid view for artists, albums, and SlimBrowse icon_list.
  6. Fix durations longer than 24hrs.
  7. Add plugin update info to Information dialog.
  8. Disable swipe to change views whilst photo slideshow is open.
  9. When listing a genre's items, ask whether to list Artists or Albums.
  10. Always send volume up commands, even if at 100% already.
  11. List all artists of a track in toolbar, queue, and now playing.
  12. Fix text/html weblinks.


15 Nov 18:21
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  1. After list is loaded, wait until next tick to scroll to top.
  2. Fix detection of first valid album when getting A..Z lists.
  3. Show context menu when clicking on an item that has actions.go=playControl or actions.go=play
  4. Initial work on desktop UI.
  5. Check with server to determine whether to show track numbers in queue.
  6. Colour current track in queue.
  7. Don't check artist/album in MusicArtistInfo is same as current track, as the plugin may remove characters (e.g. brackets).
  8. Clicking on title in browse sub-toolbar will produce a menu allowing navigation back multiple levels.
  9. Fix language update causing browse items to dissapear.
  10. Use artist_id and album_id to obtain info if available.


11 Nov 17:34
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0.0.9 Pre-release
  1. Additional browse modes only supported if "Use categories as supplied by server" is enabled.
  2. Fix missing menu items if using server supplied browse modes, and start in any view bar browse.
  3. Fix 'What Was That Tune?' missing covers.
  4. If a browse response returns a count of -1, then set count to number of items.
  5. When getting categories from server, modify command parameters for album sort.
  6. Ensure A..Z splitting is not used for 'New Music' or 'Random Albums'
  7. Only show "i" icon in toolbar for now-playing if music and artist info plugin is installed.
  8. Support 'More' command.
  9. Make player list menu scrollable.
  10. Fix adding albums to favorites.
  11. Use encodeURIComponent to encode favorites, not encodeURI
  12. Work-around iOS list size issue by adding a small amount of padding.
  13. Remove confirmation dialog when switching off a player.
  14. Correctly update display of items when list is refreshed.
  15. If player is changed whilst fetching a list of items, delay updating the player specific browse list.
  16. Catch browse response errors, and create an error entry in the list.w
  17. If track has no duration, but has a time, then show time in middle. Mainly for when playing radio streams.