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Graphcore benchmarks: BERT training

This readme dscribes how to run BERT models for NLP pre-training and training on IPUs.


BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations for Transformers) is a deep learning model implemented in ONNX that is used for NLP. It requires pre-training with unsupervised learning on a large dataset such as Wikipedia. It is then trained on more specific tasks for fine tuning - Graphcore uses SQuAD (Stanford Question Answering Dataset), a Q&A dataset, for training BERT on IPUs.

There are two BERT models:

  • BERT Base – 12 layers (transformer blocks), 110 million parameters
  • BERT Large – 24 layers (transformer blocks), 340 million parameters

BERT models

BERT Large requires 14 IPUs for pre-training (Wikipedia) and 13 IPUs for training on the SQuAD dataset. There are 2 layers of the model per IPU and the other IPUs are used for embedding and projection.

Similarly BERT Base requires 8 IPUs for pre-training (Wikipedia) and 7 IPUs for training on the SQuAD dataset (2 layers of the model per IPU, other IPUs used for embedding and projection). Better performance can be achieved by using 14 IPUs for pre-training (Wikipedia) and 13 IPUs for training on the SQuAD dataset (1 layer of the model per IPU, other IPUs used for embedding and projection), which is the option used in the JSON configuration files provided.

NOTE: IPUs can only be acquired in powers of two (2, 4, 8, 16). Unused IPUs will be unavailable for other tasks.

The BERT Large model has up to 340 million parameters and therefore it is split across a number of IPUs (pipeline parallel). For example a 14 IPU pipeline for pre-training a 24 layer model could be arranged as follows: IPU0: Tied Token Embedding/Projection IPU1: Position Embedding/Losses IPU2: Transformer layer 1 and 2 IPU3: Transformer layer 3 and 4 ... IPU13: Transformer layer 23 and 24

PopART/Poplar may use knowledge of the physical IPU connectivity to decide how the virtual IPUs map to physical devices for maximum efficiency, for example using a ring topology.


SQuAD is a large reading comprehension dataset which contains 100,000+ question-answer pairs on 500+ articles.

The wikipedia dataset contains approximately 2.5 billion wordpiece tokens. This is only an approximate size since the wikipedia dump file is updated all the time.

Instructions on how to download the Wikipedia and SQuAD datasets can be found in the bert_data/ file. At least 1TB of disk space will be required for full pre-training (two phases, phase 1 with sequence_length=128 and phase 2 with sequence_length=384) and the data should be stored on NVMe SSDs for maximum performance.

If full pre-training is required (with the two phases with different sequence lengths) then data will need to be generated separately for the two phases:

  • once with --sequence-length 128 --mask-tokens 20 --duplication-factor 6
  • once with --sequence-length 384 --mask-tokens 56 --duplication-factor 6

See the bert_data/ file for more details on how to generate this data.

Running the models

The following files are provided for running the BERT benchmarks.

File Description Main training loop BERT model definition Utility functions
bert_data/ Directory containing the data pipeline and training data generation

- - Dataloader and preprocessing. Loads binary files into Numpy arrays to be passed popart.PyStepIO, with shapes based on training options, --batches-per-step & --pipeline - Script to generate binary files to be loaded from text data
configs/ Directory containing JSON configuration files to be used by the --config argument.
custom_ops/ Directory containing custom PopART operators. These are optimised parts of the graph that target Poplar/Poplibs operations directly.
- attention.cpp - This operation is the fwd and grad implementation for multi-headed self-attention.
- detach.cpp - This operation is an identity with no grad implementation. This allows for the embedding dictionary to only be updated by its use in the projection.
-embeddingGather.cpp - This operation is a modification on the PopART Gather to ensure correct layout of the weights.

Quick start guide

Prepare the environment

1) Download the Poplar SDK

Install the Poplar SDK following the instructions in the Getting Started guide for your IPU system. Make sure to source the scripts for poplar and popART.

2) Install Boost and compile custom_ops

Install Boost:

apt-get update; apt-get install libboost-all-dev

Compile custom_ops:


This should create

3) Python

Create a virtualenv and install the required packages:

virtualenv venv -p python3.6
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install <path to gc_tensorflow.whl>

Note: TensorFlow is required by You can use the standard TensorFlow version for this BERT example, however using the Graphcore TensorFlow version allows this virtual environment to be used for other TensorFlow programs targeting the IPU.

Generate pre-training data (small sample)

As an example we will create data from a small sample: bert_data/sample_text.txt, however the steps are the same for a large corpus of text. As described above, see bert_data/ for instructions on how to generate data for the Wikipedia and SQuAD datasets.

Download the vocab file

You can download a vocab from the pre-trained model checkpoints at For this example we are using Bert-Base, uncased.

Creating the data

Create a directory to keep the data.

mkdir data

bert_data/ has a few options that can be viewed by running with -h/--help.

Data for the sample text is created by running:

python3 bert_data/ \
  --input-file bert_data/sample_text.txt \
  --output-file data/sample_text.bin \
  --vocab-file data/ckpts/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt \
  --do-lower-case \
  --sequence-length 128 \
  --mask-tokens 20 \
  --duplication-factor 6

NOTE: --input-file/--output-file can take multiple arguments if you want to split your dataset between files.

When creating data for your own dataset, make sure the text has been preprocessed as specified at This means with one sentence per line and documents delimited by empty lines.

Quick-Start SQuAD Data Setup

The supplied configs for SQuAD assume data has been set up in advance. In particular these are:

  • data/ckpts/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt: The vocabularly used in pre-training (included in the Google Checkpoint)
  • data/squad/train-v1.1.json: The training dataset for SQuAD v1.1
  • data/squad/dev-v1.1.json: The evaluation dataset for SQuAD v1.1
  • data/squad/ The official SQuAD v1.1 evaluation script
  • data/squad/results: The results output path. This is created automatically by the script.

A full guide for setting up the data is given in the bert_data directory. The following serves as a quick-start guide to run the Bert Base SQuAD fine-tuning configurations with a pre-trained checkpoint.

Pre-Trained Checkpoint

Download pre-trained Base checkpoint containing the vocabulary from

$ cd <examples_repo>/applications/popart/bert
$ curl --create-dirs -L -o data/ckpts/
$ unzip data/ckpts/ -d data/ckpts

SQuAD 1.1 Dataset and Evaluation Script

Download the SQuAD dataset (from

$ cd <examples_repo>/applications/popart/bert
$ curl --create-dirs -L -o data/squad/dev-v1.1.json
$ curl --create-dirs -L -o data/squad/train-v1.1.json
$ curl -L -o data/squad/

Run the training loop for pre-training (small sample)

For the sample text a configuration has been created - configs/demo.json. It sets the following options:

  # Two layers as our dataset does not need the capacity of the usual 12 Layer BERT Base
  "num_layers": 2,
  "no_dropout": true,
  "popart_dtype": "FLOAT16",
  "loss_scaling": 1.0,
  "stochastic_rounding": true,
  # The data generation should have created 64 samples. Therefore, we will do an epoch per
  "batches_per_step": 64,
  "epochs": 150,
  # Here we specify the file we created in the previous step.
  "input_files": [
  "shuffle": true,
  "no_validation": true

Run this config:

python3 --config configs/demo.json

This will compile the graph and run for 150 epochs. At end our model should have overfit to 100% test accuracy.

View the pre-training results in Tensorboard

requirements.txt will install a standalone version of tensorboard. The program will log all training runs to --log-dir(logs by default). View them by running:

tensorboard --logdir logs

Run the training loop for pre-training (Wikipedia)

For BERT Base phase 1, use the following command:

python3 --config configs/pretrain_base_128.json

For BERT Base phase 2, use the following command:

python3 --config configs/pretrain_base_384.json

Run the training loop with training data (SQuAD 1.1)

How to get the SQuAD 1.1 training dataset is described in bert_data/README.

You can then extract the weights and launch SQuAD fine tuning using one of the preset configurations.

To run SQuAD with a BERT Base model and sequence length of 384:

python3 --config configs/squad_base_384.json

and for BERT Large:

python3 --config configs/squad_large_384.json

View the JSON files in configs for detailed parameters.

Training options has many different options. Run with -h/--help to view them. Any options used on the command line will overwrite those specified in the configuration file.


Before running inference you should run fine tuning or acquire fine-tuned weights in order to obtain accurate results. Without fine-tuned weights the inference performance will be poor.

How to get the SQuAD 1.1 files required for inference is described in bert_data/README.

To run SQuAD BERT Base inference with a sequence length of 128:

python3 --config configs/squad_base_128_inference.json

and for BERT Large with a sequence length of 384:

python3 --config configs/squad_large_384_inference.json

View the JSON files in configs for detailed parameters.

It is also possible to run inference on the pretraining graph to validate the MLM/NSP results. It requires input files to be provided, either by adding them to the config or by using the following command-line for sequence length of 384:

python3 --config configs/mlm_nsp_base_128_inference.json --input-files <path_to_input_file>