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File metadata and controls

67 lines (43 loc) · 2.82 KB

Background Fit

To fit the dijet mass and the plot the result in the final style use the macro fit/ (the other macros in the fit directory are old versions).

Example of use:

python fit/

The input files, output directory and the text ofthe labels are hard-coded and have to be modified in the code.

Trigger curve

The code is in scripts/ It runs on the output of the main tree analyzer ( rootfile_*_reduced_skim.root, that contains the histograms for trigger studies). The main trigger is PFHT800 and the reference is PFHT475.

Example of use:

python -i list_for_trigger_Run2015B_plus_Run2015C_50ns_goldenJson_29Aug2015_JEC-Summer15_50nsV4.txt -o plots_trigger_Run2015B_plus_Run2015C_50ns_goldenJson_29Aug2015/ --lumi 65


  • -i (--inputList) <list.txt> list of files with weight for the combination (of course for data weight=1)

  • -o (--outputDir) <output> output directory

  • --lumi <lumi> luminosity, used just for the label

  • --mode <mode=0,1> default="1", mode for asymmetric error intervals. The default is Wilson confidence interval for binomial ( )


  • trigger turn on curve plot (also zoomed)

  • trigger inefficiency/rel_stat_uncertainty

  • rootfile with the TGraph objects

Can be generalized to choose the reference trigger. At the moment there is another macro to do the trigger curves with a different denominator (for trigger studies in lepton datasets).

Trigger curve with Single lepton datasets

The code to produce trigger curves using Single Lepton datasets is scripts/

The functioning is the same of The only difference is that the denominator here is the mjj spectrum without trigger request.

Fisher test & Wald-Wolfowitz run test

The code is scripts/

The input files are hard-coded and have to be changed in the macro

This script performs an iterative Fisher test starting from a function with 2 free parameters to 6 free parameters with chi2 (used for example here: ) It also performs a Wald-Wolfowitz run test for each fit and the MC (see: ).

Example of use:


Output: The plots of the fits + residuals are saved in the local directory. The results of the tests are printed on screen:

  • fit result and chi2 with and without zero bins

  • F-statistics and CL

  • N runs, N+, N-, mu and sigma, CL of Wald test