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Docker configuration for CaBot

CaBot utilizes docker containers to run and manage various kinds of packages.


  • the containers will mount the home directory (see docker-compose files).
  • ../tools/ will import third party packages into mostly under workspaces or docker contexts
- home/
  - .ros/         - ROS home
    - log/        - ROS log files
  - loc_ws        - workspace for localization
  - people_ws     - workspace for people
  - people_nuc_ws - workspace for people (without people detection)
  - ros2_ws       - workspace for ros2
- localization    - localization docker context
- people          - people docker context
- prebuild        - docker contexts for base images
- ros2            - ros2 docker context
- server          - docker context for local map service server
- timezone        - for adjusting timezone of the docker image
- uid             - for adjusting docker image uid
- vscode          - for development

Main Docker Images

There are docker image context directory for the following five images

Image From Additional Layers ROS functions
ros2 jummy-humble debug tools Nav2
people jammy-cuda11.7.1 OpenCV, Open3D, Realsense people detection and tracking, queue detector
people-nuc jummy-humble dependencies queue detector, people tracking
localization jummy-humble Cartographer localization, RF signal scan
rtk-gnss jummy-humble GNSS outdoor localization
server ubuntu:focal Open Liberty map service server

Utility Images

Image From Additional Layers ROS functions
ble_scan/wifi_scan focal-noetic-base-mesa dependency Bluetooth/Wi-Fi scanning

Image for Jetson

people context has a Dockerfile for jeston named Dockerfile.jetson

Image for NUC

People context has a Dockerfile for PC without NVIDIA GPU named Dockerfile.nuc, which runs people/queue packages excluding people detection.

Prebuild Docker Images

In prebuild directory, there are some docker image contexts for base images for main images.

Image Note
_jammy-humble-* Base image for the docker without GPU process
_jammy-cuda11.7.1-* Base image for the docker with GPU process

|Prebuild|Note| |cv|OpenCV and Open3D| |docker_images|for humble| |humble-custom|additional packages for humble| |jetson-humble-base-src|additional packages for humble on Jetson| |mesa|packages for display| |opengl|packages for display| |vcs|install ros2 build tools|