Angular application for creating notes against owners/users with the following fields: • title – brief description • body – object context • media – optional associated media with the note such as images or video. • status – marked as done if set otherwise marked as “todo” • created – ISO 8601 date of creation • edited – ISO 8601 date of edition if applicable • deleted – status field which signifies wether note has been deleted • owner – object creator
I am using the smart/dumb methodology and Bootstrap for displaying the notes. Rendering a list of combined objects in the dumb component and using respective models and services for managing the data. Also I am using Rxjs library in this solution.
The user/owner of notes has one for multiple relationship with the notes and the admin is able to see all of them.
The FormGroup used is dinamic for the fields: title, body and media.
The login credentials are: //The owner of all notes { username: 'admin', password: 'admin', }, //Currently is the owner of two notes { username: 'userTest1', password: 'userTest1', }, //Currently is the owner of only one note { username: 'userTest2', password: 'userTest2', }