pomodoro-cli is the simplest possible pomodoro timer.
pomodoro-cli will notify you when it's time for a break, or time to focus.
Need zenity package in Linux.
zenity --version
if it shows version then its well and good but if it doesnot
Update the package index:
sudo apt-get update
Install zenity deb package:
sudo apt-get install zenity
git clone https://github.com/proffapt/pomodoro-cli
chmod +x install.sh
- Start a pomodoro timer with 20 minutes of focus time
pd 20
- 20 minutes of focus time and 3 minutes of break time
pd 20 3
- 20 minutes of focus time, 3 minutes of break time and 10 minutes of long break
pd 20 3 10
- 20 minutes of focus time, 3 minutes of break time, 10 minutes of long break and 4 cicles of focus until long break
pd 20 3 10 4
Usage: pd [options] focus break long_break breaks_until_long
options -h: display help message
focus Minutes of focus until break | Default = 25
break Minutes of break until focus | Default = 5
long_break Minutes of long break until focus | Default = 15
breaks_until_long Number of breaks until long break | Default = 4