Releases: CSCfi/fairdata-etsin-qvain
Releases · CSCfi/fairdata-etsin-qvain
Release v0.9.11
Release Candidate v0.9.11-rc2
- Add title column for provenance data row
- Display person agent's org's parent org in the popup, if exists
- Display org agent's parent org in the clickable agent text/button
- Fix overflowing agent text/button in the sidebar
Release Candidate v0.9.11-rc1
- Rename and relocate dataset/agents/index.jsx -> dataset/togglableAgentList.jsx and change its contents so that it now gets the agent(s) object as props and separately agent type.
- Relocate dataset/agents/agent.jsx -> dataset/agent.jsx
- Add agent popup for curator, rights_holder and publisher
- Add agent popup for provenance item's was_associated_with agent
- Add agent popup for is_output_of item's has_funding_agency agent
- Fix overflowing hyperlink in PopUp component
- Improve PopUp component's sidebar alignment and let Agent component decide its popup's alignment
- Add copy to clipboard functionality next to (preferred) identifier component
- Fix format of doi-url in identifier component
- Reorder some items in agent popup
Release v0.9.10
Release Candidate v0.9.10-rc1
- When pref id is a doi, do not show "doi:" as part of the identifier
- Limit popup component's max-width
- Close sort search results dropdown on click outside the component
- Change search result sorting dropdown item labels
- Show different sorting options in the sorting button as a changing icon and title.
Release v0.9.9
Release Candidate v0.9.9-rc1
- CSCETSIN-350: [FIX] The table element in Info popup in file browser did not contain a compulsotry tbody element, which is now added. InfoItem in the Info popup required lang props, but it was not always provided, so, made lang non-compulsory and gave it a default value. Language toggle did not function properly with label element surrounding it, so changed it to div. Changed the displaying of file category table element in file browser so that the element is anyway rendered even though it has nothing to display; otherwise the table went broke.
- CSCETSIN-351: [REF] Change email message body.
Release v0.9.8
Release Candidate v0.9.8-rc1
- Accessibility improvements