The goal of this assignment is to build an online cookbook application where users can add Recipes and new Ingredients.
- As a guest, I can create, edit, or delete a Recipe
- As a guest, I can create or edit an Ingredient
- As a guest, I can add or remove ingredients from a Recipe
- As a guest, I can sign up to become a user
- As a user, I can create, edit, or delete my Recipes
- As a guest, I cannot create, edit, or delete any Recipes or Ingredients
- As a guest, I can search for Recipes by typing in the name of an Ingredient
However far you and your partner get, the application should have, at a minimum, the following features:
- Multiple Active Record models, with at least one "has_many through" relationship (Recipes <-> Ingredients for example)
- some rspec
- A "look and feel" that will make users want to cook!
- Add the ability to browse for Recipes by Ingredient
- Sign up for Code Climate ( and add it to your project
- Add the CarrierWave gem ( and allow the user to upload a picture for a Recipe or Ingredient
- Add the Devise gem ( to allow for multiple users, and for users to sign in or out
- Add an adminsection that allows Users who have the correct access permissions to edit the Cookbooks, Recipes, etc of all Users in the system
You will be evaluated on:
- Running
from Terminal with no failures - Code quality (is your code organized and logical)
- Extra credit for additional methods to add neat functionality
- Extra credit for writing additional specs
- Extra credit for attractive or inventive user interface