As defined by wikipedia:
persistence refers to the characteristic of state that outlives the process that created it
The thing you keep your data in... or, an organized collection of data.
- Relational (RDB)
- Document
- Key-Value
- Object
- Graph, etc.
A relational database consists of structured data, organized in tables. These tables have relationships with one another and are formally described. Data is stored in rows and columns.
Schema – A representation of the structure of a database. It may be graphical or textual.
Table – A collection of closely related columns. A table consists of rows each of which shares the same columns but vary in the column values.
Column – A single unit of named data that has a particular data type. Columns only exist in tables.
Row – One set of related values for all of the columns declared in a given table. Also known as a record.
Primary Key – A column or group of columns in a given table that uniquely identify each row of the table.
Foreign Key – One or more columns in a table intended to contain only values that match the related primary/unique key column(s) in the referenced table.
The language of relational databases.
SQL Statements are divided into two primary categories:
- DDL: Data Definition Language
- Create, Drop, Alter, etc.
- DML: Data Manipulation Language
- Select, Insert, Update, Delete, etc.