Thank you for your interest in the We Vote WebApp project. Please let us know if we can help you get started. (contact info:
This document includes the steps you need to take before your first We Vote pull request. We recommend reading “What the Heck is a Pull Request?” before following these steps.
Please sign the Contributor License Agreement before getting started.
cd /Users/DaleMcGrew/NodeEnvironments/WebAppEnv/
# Activate your node environment
. bin/activate
cd /Users/DaleMcGrew/PythonProjects/PersonalGitForks/WebApp
# Change to directory where you checked out your Personal Fork from github
Before creating a branch to work in, first make sure you’re on your local
master branch git checkout master
Next, make sure that master is in sync with the upstream source of truth:
git fetch upstream
and then git rebase upstream/master
Or, if you prefer
git pull upstream master --rebase
cd PersonalGitForks/WebApp
vi .git/config
Replace the “url” connection string under [remote “origin”] with:
url = [email protected]:YOUR_GITHUB_ACCOUNT/WebApp.git
Make sure your [remote “upstream”]
lines look like this:
[remote "upstream"]
url = [email protected]:wevote/WebApp.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
Run this command to confirm your setup:
git remote -v
You should see:
origin [email protected]:YOUR_GITHUB_ACCOUNT/WebApp.git (fetch)
origin [email protected]:YOUR_GITHUB_ACCOUNT/WebApp.git (push)
upstream [email protected]:wevote/WebApp.git (fetch)
upstream [email protected]:wevote/WebApp.git (push)
Next: Creating a Pull Request