Releases: Cadasta/cadasta-platform
Releases · Cadasta/cadasta-platform
Platform Release v1.7.3
Platform Release v1.7.3 (no changes from v1.7.3-alpha.3)
Staging Release v1.7.3-alpha.3
v1.7.3-alpha.3 (2017-04-10)
Closed issues:
- No password verification when changing account's mail address #1376
Merged pull requests:
- Adds mime_type field to resource serializer #1363 (oliverroick)
Staging Release v1.7.3-alpha.2
v1.7.3-alpha.2 (2017-04-08)
Fixed bugs:
- Public Users can still view
#1384 - Search showing duplicate entries #1382
- CSS: Long email spills outside of member profile #1379
- Notification text not updated for #1374
- Hide location edit and delete buttons for project users #1233
- "Leave this site" confirmation box #875
Closed issues:
- No password verification when changing account's mail address #1376
- Users with inactive account/unverified email should not be added to any organization #1389
- Upgrade Django: Security vulns #1387
- Improve field messaging, define criteria #561
Merged pull requests:
Staging Release v1.7.3-alpha.1
v1.7.3-alpha.1 (2017-04-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Resource detail different than other detail pages #1342
- Sign in username/email texts #1323
- Typo in flash message after incorrect login. #1308
- Needs Investigation :: Overview Map Zooms to Extent of One Particular Polygon #1289
- Import Issue :: Party file imports successfully but does not associate with location id #1285
- AssertionError at /api/v1/users/<user-name>/ #1284
- User session has no expiry #1273
- Password reset should not confirm or deny existence of account #1272
- 403 after sign in #1250
- I can see members on Organization Overview but "View all" members tells me no #1241
- Sample questionnaires still contain the Project Extent location type #1226
- Search add location icon not working with Internet Explorer #1165
- Importing these Files Exceptions Is Not Caught #1113
- Possible to Create Duplicate Resource Entries #1107
- API: Non-permissioned users can view an organizations users #1042
- Make usernames case insensitive #946
- Longer-term solution for intermittent functional test failures #919
Closed issues:
- [ui] [enhancement] Make header "add dropdown buttons" contextual #1346
- Pending migration not bundled #1334
- Browser Incompatibility: User dropdown does not work in Safari on Project pages #1333
- Wrong style used in party detail page #1331
- Adding forgot username functionality. #1319
- Emails from Cadasta should have a human readable name #1269
- Remove confirm password fields #1242
- Readme does not shows what this project does. #1196
- Importer :: Ability to import WKB formatted coordinates #1159
- Search: clicking on search panel should go to the top of the page? #1148
- Search: Clear textbox #1147
- Change of email process security updates #1140
- Send an email when a user changes the password #724
Merged pull requests:
- Add required options and helpful output to management commands #1366 (alukach)
- Extend pruning for media/temp/ #1362 (amplifi)
- Use Django Extensions in dev qa mode #1361 (alukach)
- Fixes #724 -- Send confirmation email after password change and reset #1353 (oliverroick)
- Fix #1140 -- Update change-email process #1348 (oliverroick)
- Add tests to check pending migrations #1347 (niharika1995)
- Bugfix/#1113 #1344 (alukach)
- More botlist updates #1341 (amplifi)
- Fix static serving of favicon in nginx config #1340 (amplifi)
- Remove main.css (ignored for SASS compilation) #1339 (amplifi)
- Fix bold markup in PR review template #1338 (amplifi)
- Remove broken django.contrib.auth url endpoints #1337 (alukach)
- Fixed #1331: Wrong style used in party detail page #1336 (rishabhiitbhu)
- Remove confirm password fields (resolves #1242) #1332 (alukach)
- Update Ansible roles manifest #1330 (amplifi)
- Update gitignore #1329 (amplifi)
- Bugfix #1284: Assertion error at /api/v1/users/<user-name>/ #1325 (rishabhiitbhu)
- Fix #1323: Add email to login page text. #1324 (khantaalaman)
- Fixed search box on map in IE #1307 (clash99)
- Show whole project extent on overview and map project pages #1304 (clash99)
- Add a test for WKB importing #1301 (laura-barluzzi)
- Fix #1042: Hide user details for unauthorized users #1287 (niharika1995)
- Bugfix/#1272 and added tests for same #1279 (aklife97)
- Add explicit cookie config #1278 (amplifi)
- Fix #946: Make usernames case insensitive #1276 (bjohare)
- Hide location action buttons unless user has permission to do the action #1268 (laura-barluzzi)
- Added is_member to OrgAdminCheckMixin. Updated org_member permissions. #1251 (linzjax)
- Fix of bug #1107 *Possible to Create Duplicate Resource Entries* #1191 (laura-barluzzi)
- Bugfix #1188:Add 'forgotten password' link to the 'change password' page. #1189 (rjain111)
- Fixed #1148 #1175 (iharsh234)
- Search: Clear search textbox. #1171 (khantaalaman)
Platform Release v1.7.2
Platform Release v1.7.2 (no changes from v1.7.2-alpha.2)
Staging Release v1.7.2-alpha.2
v1.7.2-alpha.2 (2017-03-20)
Fixed bugs:
- Unclear Error (QuestionOption matching query) when Click on Location In Imported Project #1321
- Weird "}" symbol when including more than one relationship fields in a xlsform #1309
- 403 after sign in #1250
- Sample questionnaires still contain the Project Extent location type #1226
Closed issues:
- Adding forgot username functionality. #1319
- Search not working #1318
- Change Password: User gets password updated even if new password is same as old password. #1286
- Rework Member Profile page into two sections #1256
Merged pull requests:
Staging Release v1.7.2-alpha.1
v1.7.2-alpha.1 (2017-03-17)
Fixed bugs:
- Incorrect rendering at Location Details page #1306
- The 'x' on the location delete modal isn't working #1299
- Logout doesn't appear to be working #1227
- Datatables should not show row filter drop-down if <= 10 results #1221
- API: Can created an organization with no users #1114
- Changing user from admin should leave you on the Member Permissions Page #1106
- Usernames should be case insensitive when checked in password #1105
- Registering with an email that is no longer associated with an account throws an error #1102
- Minor Import Annoyance :: "Location_type" wants to map to "party_type" #1090
- Inconsistent Overview/Map Location Display #590
- Adding geometries does not work from touchscreens #299
Closed issues:
- Typo in test classes #1291
- Link members on Organizational Overview page directly to member profile #1262
- Include Search and Go-To-My-Location in Overview and Map pages #1002
- Review Map Zooms #701
Merged pull requests:
- Provisioning hooks update #1305 (amplifi)
- Bugfix #1299: Fix the closing of location-delete modal. #1300 (khantaalaman)
- Update changelog for v1.7.1 #1297 (amplifi)
- fixing typo in test classes bugfix#1291 #1293 (kwateng)
- Fixed-1271: Unmentioned file types when uploading a new resource. #1275 (Shruti9520)
- Fix #1221: Hide row filter dropdown when the search is one page long. #1265 (niharika1995)
- Fix #1262: Add links to member profiles from OrganizationDashboard page #1263 (niharika1995)
- Fix #1256: Rework member profile page into two sections. #1258 (khantaalaman)
- Bugfix/#1114 #1235 (niharika1995)
- issue-1002-fixed #1201 (yoshi2095)
- Fix issue #1090 #1199 (Sanny26)
- Fix: #1102 Remove IntegrityError when using a released email to register #1176 (py-geek)
- Fix bug #1106 #1158 (Sanny26)
- Fixed #1105 Case Insensitive username and password comparison #1149 (valaparthvi)
Platform Release v1.7.1
v1.7.1 (2017-03-13)
Merged pull requests:
Platform Release v1.7.0
v1.7.0 (2017-03-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Unmentioned file types when uploading a new resource. #1271
- Incorrect text when adding a relationship through GUI #1257
- Show password field breaks layout error message #1217
- Focussing on password field does not show password criteria #1216
Closed issues:
- Superusers do not have the permission
#1283 - Show Password Should be Available on Reset Password/Change Pages Too #1236
- Implement a mock ES cluster for testing purposes #910
Merged pull requests:
Staging Release v1.7.0-alpha.4
v1.7.0-alpha.4 (2017-03-10)
Fixed bugs:
- Show password field breaks layout error message #1217
- Focussing on password field does not show password criteria #1216
- Error when uploading questionaires with accents in the name columns #1238
- Language Support Error Message (on Staging) #1234
- I can add a group with negative members #1230
- Delay between creating locations and viewing them on map or overview tab #1229
- Org header css adjustment - add buttons not aligned #1225
- Search pagination UI violates ES max limit #1223
- Newly added locations don't appear on the map #1222
- Positioning of action buttons on Organization Overview is off #1213
- Page refreshes multiple times on clicking inline manual icon #1187
- Search doesn't match on multiple terms/operators #1119
Closed issues:
- Show Password Should be Available on Reset Password/Change Pages Too #1236
- Form Upload :: Form Does not show up on GeoODK (staging) #1253
- Minor responsive issue :: Change order of divs (contact vs projects) on org pages #1092
- Implement password strength indicator #967
- Improve map interactions #429
Merged pull requests:
- Fix #1223: Cap search results to 10000 #1246 (seav)
- Replace the
Show Password
checkbox with glyphicons. #1240 (niharika1995) - Fix #1213: Vertically centre action button #1215 (niharika1995)