Level: Easy
Tags: picoCTF 2024, General Skills, browser_webshell_solvable
Know of little and big endian?
nc titan.picoctf.net 55547
1. You might want to check the ASCII table to first find the hexadecimal representation of
characters before finding the endianness.
2. Read more about how endianness here:
Challenge link: https://play.picoctf.org/practice/challenge/414
We start by chacking the source code. First the main
int main()
char *challenge_word = generate_random_word();
printf("Word: %s\n", challenge_word);
char *little_endian = find_little_endian(challenge_word);
size_t user_little_endian_size = strlen(little_endian);
char user_little_endian[user_little_endian_size + 1];
bool correct_flag = false;
while (!correct_flag)
printf("Enter the Little Endian representation: ");
scanf("%10s", user_little_endian);
for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(user_little_endian); i++)
user_little_endian[i] = toupper(user_little_endian[i]);
if (strncmp(user_little_endian, little_endian, user_little_endian_size) == 0)
printf("Correct Little Endian representation!\n");
correct_flag = true;
printf("Incorrect Little Endian representation. Try again!\n");
char *big_endian = find_big_endian(challenge_word);
size_t user_big_endian_size = strlen(big_endian);
char user_big_endian[user_big_endian_size + 1];
bool final_flag = false;
while (!final_flag)
printf("Enter the Big Endian representation: ");
scanf("%10s", user_big_endian);
for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(user_big_endian); i++)
user_big_endian[i] = toupper(user_big_endian[i]);
if (strncmp(user_big_endian, big_endian, user_big_endian_size) == 0)
printf("Correct Big Endian representation!\n");
final_flag = true;
printf("Incorrect Big Endian representation. Try again!\n");
FILE *flag = fopen("flag.txt", "r");
if (flag == NULL)
printf("Flag not found. Please run this on the server\n");
char flag_content[100];
fgets(flag_content, sizeof(flag_content), flag);
printf("Congratulations! You found both endian representations correctly!\n");
printf("Your Flag is: %s\n", flag_content);
return 0;
We can see that in summaty main
does the following:
- Generates a random word and prints it to the screen
- Asks for both the little and big endian version of the word
- Keeps asking until the correct answers are given
- Prints the flag if both versions are correctly answered
Further more, we see from the verification functions and the generate_random_word
function that the hexadecimal ASCII versions of the characters are expected since:
- The use of
as the format specifier in thesnprintf
-functions - The integer values in the
array where'a'
is added
char *find_little_endian(const char *word)
size_t word_len = strlen(word);
char *little_endian = (char *)malloc((2 * word_len + 1) * sizeof(char));
for (size_t i = word_len; i-- > 0;)
snprintf(&little_endian[(word_len - 1 - i) * 2], 3, "%02X", (unsigned char)word[i]);
little_endian[2 * word_len] = '\0';
return little_endian;
char *find_big_endian(const char *word)
size_t length = strlen(word);
char *big_endian = (char *)malloc((2 * length + 1) * sizeof(char));
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
snprintf(&big_endian[i * 2], 3, "%02X", (unsigned char)word[i]);
big_endian[2 * length] = '\0';
return big_endian;
char *generate_random_word()
printf("Welcome to the Endian CTF!\n");
printf("You need to find both the little endian and big endian representations of a word.\n");
printf("If you get both correct, you will receive the flag.\n");
int word_length = 5;
char *word = (char *)malloc((word_length + 1) * sizeof(char));
for (int i = 0; i < word_length; i++)
word[i] = (rand() % 26) + 'a';
word[word_length] = '\0';
return word;
We connect to the site with netcat
└─$ nc titan.picoctf.net 55547
Welcome to the Endian CTF!
You need to find both the little endian and big endian representations of a word.
If you get both correct, you will receive the flag.
Word: jyput
Enter the Little Endian representation:
Let's print the ascii representation of the word as help with standard python
└─$ python -c "for c in 'jyput': print(hex(ord(c))[2:], end=' ')"
6a 79 70 75 74
or with hex
from pwntools
└─$ ~/python_venvs/pwntools/bin/pwn hex -s ' ' jyput
6a 79 70 75 74
Now we can convert to 16-bit little and big endian values
└─$ nc titan.picoctf.net 55547
Welcome to the Endian CTF!
You need to find both the little endian and big endian representations of a word.
If you get both correct, you will receive the flag.
Word: jyput
Enter the Little Endian representation: 747570796a
Correct Little Endian representation!
Enter the Big Endian representation: 6a79707574
Correct Big Endian representation!
Congratulations! You found both endian representations correctly!
Your Flag is: picoCTF{<REDACTED>}
As a final note:
here means 16-bit values.- No zero byte should be added even though the string is of odd length.
- No delimiters of any kind between the hex values should be added
For additional information, please see the references below.