First, you will need to save your environment variables as a secret. Then, you may want to walk through the build process one time manually. Afterwards, publishing the website is done with one command:
npm run dashboard:publish
Open Google Cloud Shell and run the following command to ensure that you are working under the correct email and with the correct project:
gcloud init
Next, ensure that your project has billing enabled, then enable the Cloud APIs that are used:
gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ \
Create a secret with:
gcloud secrets create \
cannabisdata_settings \
--replication-policy automatic
Allow Cloud Run access to access this secret:
PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
PROJECTNUM=$(gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT_ID} --format 'value(projectNumber)')
CLOUDRUN=${PROJECTNUM}[email protected]
gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding \
cannabisdata_settings \
--member serviceAccount:${CLOUDRUN} \
--role roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor
Cloud Build will run Django commands, so Cloud Build will also need access to this secret:
PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
PROJECTNUM=$(gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT_ID} --format 'value(projectNumber)')
gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding \
cannabisdata_settings \
--member serviceAccount:${CLOUDBUILD} \
--role roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor
Create a Cloud Storage bucket with a globally unique name:
gsutil mb -l ${REGION} gs://${GS_BUCKET_NAME}
Then create your environment variables and save them to the secret in the Secret Manager console or with:
DJPASS="$(cat /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 30 | head -n 1)"
echo DATABASE_URL=\"postgres://djuser:${DJPASS}@//cloudsql/${APP_ID}:${REGION}:cannabisdata-sql/cannabisdata-sql-database\" > .env
echo GS_BUCKET_NAME=\"${GS_BUCKET_NAME}\" >> .env
echo SECRET_KEY=\"$(cat /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 50 | head -n 1)\" >> .env
echo DEBUG=\"False\" >> .env
echo FIREBASE_API_KEY=\"\" >> .env
echo FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN=\"\" >> .env
echo FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL=\"\" >> .env
echo FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=\"\" >> .env
echo FIREBASE_APP_ID=\"\" >> .env
echo FIREBASE_HOSTING_URL=\"\" >> .env
echo CLOUD_RUN_URL=\"\" >> .env
echo CUSTOM_DOMAIN=\"\" >> .env
gcloud secrets versions add cannabisdata_settings --data-file .env
rm .env
Ensure that you enter your own Firebase credentials above. You can confirm that the secret was created or updated with:
gcloud secrets versions list cannabisdata_settings
Finally, update your IAM policy for all project users to invoke cloud run:
gcloud beta run services add-iam-policy-binding --region=us-central1 --member=allUsers --role=roles/run.invoker cannlytics-cannabis-data
Helpful resources:
The deployment contains three steps:
First, set the project you want to work with:
gcloud config set project cannlytics-cannabis-data
You can build your container image using Cloud Build by running the following command from the directory containing the Dockerfile:
set PROJECT_ID=cannlytics-cannabis-data
set APP_ID=cannabisdata
gcloud config set project %PROJECT_ID%
gcloud builds submit --tag
Note that your
must be in snake case.
You can list all the container images associated with your current project using this command:
gcloud container images list
You can deploy the container to Cloud Run with:
set REGION=us-central1
gcloud run deploy %PROJECT_ID% --image --region %REGION% --allow-unauthenticated --platform managed
You can retrieve the service URL with:
gcloud run services describe cannlytics-cannabis-data --platform managed --region %REGION% --format "value(status.url)"
This step provides access to this containerized app from a Firebase Hosting URL, so that the app can generate dynamic content for the Firebase-hosted site. You will need to have Firebase's command line tool installed:
npm install -g firebase-tools
Afterwards, you can login to Firebase in the command line with:
firebase login --reauth
Then, you can deploy the site with:
firebase deploy --project %PROJECT_ID% --only hosting:production
npm run dashboard:deploy
Ensure that you have deployed your security rules with:
firebase deploy --only firestore:rules
firebase deploy --only storage:rules
You can now monitor your app with the following tools.
Resource | Description |
Cloud Run Console | Manage your app's container. |
Logs Explorer | Realtime logs for your app. |
Error Reporting | Provides detailed historic errors that occurred when running your app. |
You can register a domain with Google Domains. You can then add a custom domain in the Firebase Hosting console.
If you are using Google Domains, then use '@' for your root domain name and 'www' or '' for your subdomains when registering your DNS A records.
You now have a simple, yet complex, website running on Cloud Run, which will automatically scale to handle your website's traffic, optimizing CPU and memory so that your website runs with the smallest footprint possible, saving you money. If you desire, you can now seamlessly integrate services such as Cloud Storage into your Django website. You can now plug and play and tinker to your heart's content while your users enjoy your beautiful material!