One of the features that makes developing with {url-pycharm-django-support}[Django in PyCharm] easier is {url-pycharm-wiki-run-configurations}[saved run-configurations]. These are stored commands with extra instructions that describe how to run the code in this project during {url-wiki-development}[development].
Select {url-pycharm-wiki-settings-run-configurations}[the run-configurations drop-down in the top-right of any main UI page in PyCharm]. (It is likely to be showing the default {url-pycharm-wiki-run-configurations}[run-configuration]: btn:[Current File])
Select btn:[Edit Configurations] from the drop-down list
Click the btn:[+] (plus) button in the top-left of {url-pycharm-wiki-settings-run-configurations}[the pop-up settings screen] to add a new {url-pycharm-wiki-run-configurations}[run-configuration]
Select {url-pycharm-wiki-run-django}[btn:[Django Server]] from the available {url-pycharm-wiki-run-configurations-templates}[run-configurations templates list]
Give your newly created {url-pycharm-wiki-run-django}[run-configuration] a suitable name. (E.g.
Run Local Django Development Server
) -
Select {url-pycharm-wiki-run-django}[menu:Modify options[Run browser]] to open a {url-wiki-web-page}[web-page] to your {url-django-wiki-development-server}[locally running server] every time you run this {url-pycharm-wiki-run-django}[run-configuration]
Click the btn:[Apply] button in the bottom-right corner of {url-pycharm-wiki-settings-run-configurations}[the pop-up] to save your changes
You can now close {url-pycharm-wiki-settings-run-configurations}[the pop-up]
Your newly created {url-pycharm-wiki-run-django}[run-configuration] can be run by clicking {url-pycharm-wiki-run-tool-window}[the big green btn:[▷] (play) button] in the top-right of any main UI page
When running the {url-django-wiki-development-server}[development server], there are some required {url-wiki-environment-variables}[environment variables] that you will need to set. Most of the required {url-wiki-environment-variables}[environment variables] are {url-wiki-application-secrets}[secret values] that {url-article-dont-commit-application-secrets}[must not be committed to the remote repository].
Copy the
file to a new file called {url-wiki-env-files}[.env
] in the root of the project -
Edit this new {url-wiki-env-files}[
file] to remove any of the {url-wiki-environment-variables}[environment variables] that are not marked as!!!REQUIRED!!!
Generate a new value for {url-django-wiki-settings-secret-key}[the
environment variable] using {url-djecrety}[the online key-gen tool Djecrety] -
Add the defined values for all the OAUTH {url-wiki-environment-variables}[environment variables]. Someone in your team is likely to have already set up the {url-allauth-social-providers}[external OAUTH providers], so check with your team as to where the existing values for these environment variables are stored!
Set the {url-wiki-environment-variables}[environment variable]
When {url-django-wiki-settings-debug}[
] is set toTrue
, any {url-django-wiki-emails}[emails] (E.g. {url-allauth-email-verification}[email address verification messages]) will be sent to the console. This means that you don’t need to set any of {url-django-wiki-settings-emails}[theEMAIL_
environment variables]
{url-pycharm-wiki-run-configurations}[The saved run-configurations tool] provided by {labelled-url-pycharm} should be sufficient for you to run {url-django-wiki-development-server}[the Django development server] locally.
If, however, you find the need to run {url-django-wiki-development-server}[the local Django development server] from your {url-wiki-terminal}[terminal], you can use the below {url-wiki-terminal-command}[command]:
$ poetry run python runserver localhost:8000
You can then view the running {url-wiki-web-page}[web pages] from the {labelled-url-wiki-url}: http://localhost:8000