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Arcade makes use of sgui for server-sided screens. It's likely that for most custom screens you will want to use this; however, Arcade does provide some additional utilities.

Selection Screens

Arcade provides a builder to create selection type screens, these are screens where you want to prompt the player with multiple options (possibly with multiple pages), and where the user can select one of the options.

Let's have a look at the SelectionGuiBuilder, we can construct one by providing the player that we're going to display the gui to:

val player: ServerPlayer = // ...
val builder = SelectionGuiBuilder(player)

Alternatively, we can construct a gui builder from an existing gui:

val gui: GuiInterface = // Parent gui ...
val builder = SelectionGuiBuilder(gui)

We can also add a parent gui later:


If a parent gui is specified the selection screen will return to the parent when exited.

Adding Elements

From here we can add elements to the selection gui manually like such:

val element = GuiElementBuilder()
    .setCallback { slot, click, action, gui -> /* Action when clicked */ }

Or for the more likely case where you're trying to display a collection of elements we can call SelectionGuiBuilder#elements:

// We want to display players with their heads

val players: Collection<ServerPlayer> = // ...
    { player -> ItemUtils.generatePlayerHead(player.scoreboardName) },
    { slot, click, action, gui, player -> /* Action when clicked */ }

This is how we add our selectable elements, however, simply just doing this gives us no control over how these elements are displayed.


We can customize and configure how elements are displayed in our menus. By default, this will be from left to right and top to bottom, until the page is full, then the next page will continue displaying elements:

Default Selection Screen Layout

We can customize this by specifying a style; this determines which slots in the gui can be filled with our selectable elements.

This is defined using the SelectionGuiStyle interface which provides a getSlots method, this provides a collection of all the slots (in order) in which the selection gui will fill elements.

There are some basic styles already implemented, for example SelectionGuiStyle#centered provides a style that puts all the elements in the center of the page: = SelectionGuiStyle.centered(width = 5, height = 3)

Styled Selection Screen Layout


We can define the components the selection screen renders, those being the title of the screen, as well as the default menu buttons (previous page, next page, exit). As you can see in the examples above, they use custom item models to provide cleaner buttons; by default, vanilla items are used.

We can customize these with the SelectionGuiBuilder#components method:

builder.components {
    // Title of your screen
    title = Component.literal("My Selection Screen")
    // Present will render if there is a previous page, absent if not
    previous(present = ItemStack(Items.RED_WOOL), absent = ItemStack(Items.GRAY_WOOL))
    // Back will render if there is a parent page to return to, exit if it will exit this gui
    back(back = ItemStack(Items.ARROW), exit = ItemStack(Items.RED_STAINED_GLASS))
    next(present = ItemStack(Items.GREEN_WOOL), absent = ItemStack(Items.GRAY_WOOL))
    // The filler items for the rest of the menu bar

Menu Elements

You may want to add additional menu functionality, for example, a button that jumps multiple pages. We can do this with menu elements.

We have a total of six menu slots we can override, these will be the same for each page of your gui. We can add them using the SelectionGuiBuilder#menuElement method:

// Similar to how we add individual elements
val element: GuiElementInterface = // ...
builder.menuElement(MenuSlot.SIX, element)

Displaying the Screen

Once you've finished adding elements and configuring your builder, you can build it and display it to the player which we specified earlier:

Player Specific Elements

Before we continue looking at any more gui components, the majority of them rely on Arcade's PlayerSpecificElements, so let's take a quick look at what they are and what purpose they serve.

Most GUI elements are player-dependent meaning that they can display different elements to different players, meaning if you want to display the stat for the viewing player, it's extremely easy to do.

We can create such an element like so:

// An element that returns the player's display name
val element = PlayerSpecificElement<Component> { player -> player.displayName }

For the example above the element generator will be run everytime we call element.get(player), however, in a lot of cases it's likely that the element will not be changing between ticks. If your generator is expensive, it may be worth considering caching your element:

val element = PlayerSpecificElement<Component> { player ->
    /* Expensive function */
    Component.literal("Foo Bar")

This does mean you need to constantly tick your element to keep it updated but prevents you unnecessarily calling the expensive function multiple times.

Further, we can merge elements:

val teamElement: PlayerSpecificElement<PlayerTeam> = // ...
val messageElement: PlayerSpecificElement<String> = // ...

val componentElement: PlayerSpecificElement<Component> = teamElement.merge(messageElement) { team, message ->
    team.formattedDisplayName.append(" ").append(message)

Other Type-Specific Elements

There are other type-specific elements: LevelSpecficElement, TeamSpecificElement, and UniversalElement, these all inherit from PlayerSpecificElement, let's also take a quick look at these:

  • LevelSpecificElement: this is an element that displays based on the world. This may be useful if you want to display information about the current world a player is in, this can then be cached on a level basis.
  • TeamSpecificElement: this is an element that displays based on a player team. Similarly to the level element, this may be useful if you want to display information about a player's team, which can then be cached on a team basis.
  • UniversalElement: this is an element that displays the same universally. This may be useful for elements that will always be displayed the same to all players.

UniversalElements can also be constant, if there is no need to constantly update it's content:

val element: UniversalElement<Component> = UniversalElement.constant(Component.literal("This is constant!"))

And similarly to PlayerSpecificElements we can create a cached universal element that will be updated only once per tick:

val element: UniversalElement<Int> = UniversalElement { server ->
    /* Expensive function */

Player Interfaces

Most GUI elements that we're going to discuss will inherit the class PlayerUI, this is a class that just manages what players are able to view a given gui component, keeps track of who is watching what and how often the ui should be updated.

Whether it's a sidebar, bossbar, or tab display, we can add, remove, and clear players:

val player: ServerPlayer = // ...
val uiComponent: PlayerUI = // ...

// Player can now view this ui component
// Player cannot view this ui component anymore
// Removes all watching players
// Gets all watching players
val watching: List<ServerPlayer> = uiComponent.getPlayers()

And we can change the update interval, this just specifies how many ticks should occur before the ui recalculates its state and sends updates to watching players. By default, this will happen every tick.

val uiComponent: PlayerUI = // ...
// An update will now happen every second


If you're using these GUI components in a minigame, the minigame will handle all the player management for you, see the section on Minigame GUI for more information.


The sidebar is a very powerful tool that minigames have to display user interfaces. Arcade provides an api to display ui on a per-player basis dynamically. We can display up to 14 lines of text on the side of our player's screens.

Let's take a look at the Sidebar class, this manages a sidebar for our players. We can construct our sidebar providing a PlayerSpecificElement<Component> for the title of the sidebar:

// The ComponentElement object provides some utilities
val sidebar = Sidebar(ComponentElements.of(Component.literal("Sidebar Title")))

To add rows to our sidebar we must first discuss SidebarComponents, which is just a data class which holds the display element component as well as a score component, the display element will be aligned to the left, and the score component will be aligned to the right. We can create a SidebarComponent as follows:

SidebarComponent.withNoScore(Component.literal("My Display Element"))

    Component.literal("My Display Score"),
    Component.literal("My Right-Aligned Score!")

Now we can add these components to our ArcadeSidebar using the ArcadeSidebar#addRow method. This takes in PlayerSpecificElement<SidebarComponent>. By default addRow will append the rows to the bottom of the sidebar, you can also specify the index at which you want to insert your element using addRow(index, element), or if you want to overwrite a row you can use setRow(index, element).

val sidebar = Sidebar(ComponentElements.of(Component.literal("Sidebar Title")))

val displayElement = SidebarComponent.withNoScore(Component.literal("My Display Element"))

val displayScore = SidebarComponent.withCustomScore(
    Component.literal("My Display Score"),
    Component.literal("My Right-Aligned Score!")

These elements would result in a sidebar looking like so: Sidebar Components Example

Now lets make our sidebar dynamic, providing some updatable elements:

val sidebar = Sidebar(ComponentElements.of(Component.literal("Sidebar Title")))

// Empty sidebar component
// Displays the player's xp level
sidebar.addRow { player ->
        Component.literal("XP Level").bold(),
// Displays the server's current tick
sidebar.addRow(UniversalElement { server ->
// Empty sidebar component

In game this looks like so: Example Sidebar


Bossbars are great for displaying ui at the top of the player's screen, they're useful as you're able to display multiple bossbars at a time.

Static Bossbars

The most simple bossbar we can create would be static, that is everything about the bossbar is constant. We can create one of these by constructing a StaticBossbar:

val bossbar = StaticBossbar(
    title = Component.literal("My Bossbar"),
    progress = 0.5F,
    colour = BossEvent.BossBarColor.BLUE,
    overlay = BossEvent.BossBarOverlay.PROGRESS,
    dark = false,
    music = false,
    fog = false

val player = // ...

This will result in the following bossbar: Static Bossbar Example

Dynamic Bossbars

We have two ways of creating dynamic bossbars, the first is utilizing PlayerSpecificElements. We can construct a SuppliedBossBar:

val bossbar = SuppliedBossbar()
bossbar.setTitle { player -> player.displayName }
// Progresses throughout a minecraft day
bossbar.setProgress(UniversalElement { server ->
    (server.tickCount % 24_000) / 24_000.0F
// Set the colour and overlay of the bossbar
    LevelSpecificElement { level -> 
        when (level.dimension()) {
            Level.NETHER -> BossEvent.BossBarColor.RED
            Level.END -> BossEvent.BossBarColor.PURPLE
            else -> BossEvent.BossBarColor.BLUE

This results in the following bossbar: Supplied Bossbar Example

We can also directly extend the CustomBossbar class and implement our own methods, if you'd prefer:

class MyCustomBossbar: CustomBossbar() {
    override fun getTitle(player: ServerPlayer): Component {
        TODO("Not yet implemented")

    override fun getColour(player: ServerPlayer): BossEvent.BossBarColor {
        return super.getColour(player)

    override fun getOverlay(player: ServerPlayer): BossEvent.BossBarOverlay {
        return super.getOverlay(player)

    override fun getProgress(player: ServerPlayer): Float {
        return super.getProgress(player)

    override fun hasFog(player: ServerPlayer): Boolean {
        return super.hasFog(player)

    override fun hasMusic(player: ServerPlayer): Boolean {
        return super.hasMusic(player)

    override fun isDark(player: ServerPlayer): Boolean {
        return super.isDark(player)

Timer Bossbars

Bossbars are great for displaying timers due to their nature of having a progress bar. Arcade provides a TimerBossbar class which allows you to create such timers and display them.

Similar to a CustomBossbar you must extend it and create your own implementation for the bossbar methods:

class MyCustomTimerBossbar: TimerBossbar() {
    override fun getTitle(player: ServerPlayer): Component {
        TODO("Not yet implemented")

    // ...

Typically, for these bossbars you do not want to override the getProgress method as this is calculated for you based on the remaining time. However, if you want your bossbar to be smaller, you may want to scale the progress.

class MyCustomTimerBossbar: TimerBossBar() {
    // ...
    override fun getProgress(player: ServerPlayer): Float {
        return MathUtils.centeredScale(this.getProgress(), 0.75F)
    // ...

For example, like the grace bossbar in the image below, to achieve this effect, you can create a resource pack and change one of the bossbar colour textures to be shorter.

Scaled Timer Bossbar

Once you have your bossbar implemented, we can now make use of the timing features.

val bossbar: TimerBossBar = MyCustomTimerBossbar()
// Resets the timer and sets the duration to 10-minutes

// Doesn't reset the timer, instead sets it to finish in 5-minutes from now

// Unset the timer

bossbar.then {
    println("This task will run after the timer finishes!")

These timing features are great for displaying when phases will end in minigames, like in the above example to show when the grace period ends.


In order for the TimerBossbar to countdown you must call the tick on it. If you've added this bossbar to a minigame, this will be handled for you.

Tab Display

The tab list is a key part of minigames, it displays information about all the current players online. Arcade extends this functionality by giving you full control of what is displayed in the tab display.

To create a tab display, we can construct an instance of PlayerListDisplay, as with the bossbars and sidebar this extends PlayerUI. To construct this we need to provide some PlayerListEntries, the next section will discuss this in more detail.

val entries = VanillaPlayerListEntries()
val display = PlayerListDisplay(entries)

Player List Entries

The first thing we will be looking at configuring is the player list entries, these are the players that are actually listed when you press tab. In vanilla this displays all online players, however this may not be desirable. Further, perhaps you don't like the order vanilla sorts the player list entries by, we also have full control of that. Or maybe you don't even want to display the online players there, display whatever you please.

The PlayerListEntries interface is how we can configure what is displayed in tab, it contains a size field dictating how many entries there are, the getEntryAt method which gets an entry at a given index, and a tick method for updating the entries.

There are some existing implementations of PlayerListEntries:

  • VanillaPlayerListEntries - an implementation of PlayerListEntries that imitates vanilla behaviour
  • TeamListEntries - displays players, grouped by teams in a nicely organized way
  • MinigamePlayerListEntries - only displays players in the specified minigame (requires the minigame module)

The TeamListEntries however requires some resource packs which are provided by Arcade, namely a resource pack to player heads, hide player heads, player ping, and a negative padding resource pack. More information about these packs in the Resources Section

Here's an example of what TeamListEntries look like:

Tab Display With TeamListEntries

You can extend this class to modify the formatting and customize what teams are displayed.

Implementing Your Own

Alternatively, you can implement your own PlayerListEntries by implementing the interface:

class MyPlayerListEntries: PlayerListEntries {
    override val size: Int
        get() = TODO("Not yet implemented")

    override fun getEntryAt(index: Int): PlayerListEntries.Entry {
        TODO("Not yet implemented")

Each Entry consists of a display which is the text component displayed as the name, the textures which is a base64 encoded signed texture JSON which are used for Minecraft skins, this determines the head that's rendered, and a latency which renders the latency sprite.

We can create a vanilla-like player entry by calling the utility method PlayerListEntries.Entry#fromPlayer which will create an entry for a given player. Alternatively if you want a blank entry (no player head and no latency) you can call PlayerListEntries.Entry#fromComponent, in order for players to view this correctly they need the resource packs as previously mentioned. And finally, you can create your own entries, ensure that if you use your own textures for player heads, you ensure they have a valid signature, otherwise they will not render properly.

Header and Footer

The header and footer for the tab display are very easy to configure, they're very similar to how bossbars are handled, we just provide some PlayerSpecificElement<Component>s as a header and footer:

val display = PlayerListDisplay(VanillaPlayerListEntries())
    header = UniversalElement.constant(Component.literal("\nMy Header\n")),
    footer = { player -> Component.literal("\nWelcome ${player.scoreboardName}!\n").green() }

This will look like so:

Example Header And Footer


Nametags in vanilla are quite limiting, you can only have two nametags, and you have very little configurability over what is displayed on them. Arcade allows you to have more control by using CustomNameTags. Arcade implements this system into it's PlayerUI system and uses PlayerSpecificElement<Component>s to determine what is displayed on the nametag. Arcade's nametags also allow you to configure who can see which nametags.

To create a basic nametag we just construct PlayerNameTag providing it a PlayerSpecificElement<Component>:

val nametag = PlayerNameTag({ player -> Component.literal("[CNT] ").append(player.displayName) })

Adding players to this nametag will make the nametag display for these players: Single Nametag Example

And we can add as many nametags as we please with this system:

val nametag = PlayerNameTag({ player -> Component.literal("[CNT] ").append(player.displayName) })
nametag.addPlayer(/* */)

val nametagTwo = PlayerNameTag(ComponentElements.of(Component.literal("Electric Boogaloo")))
nametagTwo.addPlayer(/* */)

Multiple Nametag Example

Now, what if we only want to display some nametags under certain conditions. We can make use of PlayerNameTag's observer predicates. This is a functional interface which takes in two ServerPlayers (the first being the observee, the second being the observer) and returns whether the observer should be able to observe the observee.

val nametag = PlayerNameTag({ player -> Component.literal("[CNT] ").append(player.displayName) })
val healthTag = PlayerNameTag({ player -> Component.literal("${}") })

val healthWarningTag = PlayerNameTag(
    ComponentElements.of(Component.literal("< 5 hearts!")),
    // We say that an observer can only see this nametag if
    // they are in spectator AND the observee is under 5 hearts
    { observee, observer -> observer.isSpectator && < 10 }

And below, you can see what this would look like in game:

Observer Predicate Example


There are some other small miscellaneous GUI elements that Arcade provides.


In minigames, it's common to want a countdown. Arcade provides an interface for easily creating these. There is a generic Countdown interface, as well as a TitledCountdown interface. The Countdown interface is intended for if you wish to create a countdown system that doesn't use Minecraft's titles, and for example, uses chat instead, but for most cases you will probably want to be using TitledCountdowns.

To create a titled countdown we can simply call TitledCountdown#titled, you can optionally pass in your title if you wish it to be different from the default:

val countdown = TitledCountdown.titled()

Then to initiate the countdown you call Countdown#countdown passing in a duration for the countdown, an interval between the counts, a MinecraftSheduler implementation, and a player provider. By default, the duration will be 10 seconds, the interval will be 1 second, the GlobalTickedScheduler will be used, and the countdown will be broadcasted to all online players.

// Gets all online players
val players: () -> Collection<ServerPlayer> = PlayerUtils::players

Example Of Titled Countdown

If you want more control over the formatting and display of the TitledCountdown you can create your own implementation and override the respective methods.