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Zealin edited this page Oct 30, 2012 · 16 revisions


A collection of reusable gradle plugins.


catalysts-gradle-plugins is work-in-progress and not yet published on maven central. If you 're curious, you can try it out by downloading the source and placing it into the buildSrc directory of your gradle project.

List of plugins


Applies grails nature to your project by updating the source sets, configure sonar (if available), and adding test and build tasks. If the project is an grails application (not a plugin), it adds a war task. It includes gradle-grails-wrapper for the grails-* tasks and automatic download of the specified grails version.


apply plugin: 'cat-grails'
grails {
    version = '2.1.1'

Now the war task on every grails application (usually one) builds the war file with the specified grails version. If you want to test your app before creating the archive, use the build task.

You can rename (or move) the produced war file(s) by setting the grails.project.war.file option in your BuildConfig.groovy or with a simple gradle task, eg.

task build(type: Sync, dependsOn: ':your-grails-app:build') {
    from 'your-grails-app/target'
	into 'build'
	include '*.war'
	rename '(.*).war', 'ROOT.war'


Converts your .less files to .css. You don't have to install the less executable on your machine - this plugin includes lesscss-engine.


apply plugin: 'cat-less'
less {
   sourceFiles = fileTree(dir: 'less', include: '*.less')
   outputDirectory = file('web-app/css')

The output gets compressed by default. You can disable this behaviour by setting compress = false.


Compiles GWT (to do so it applies gradle default plugins 'java' and 'eclipse' and mavenCentral() as repository)
GWT version is configurable in build.gradle via "ext.gwtVersion" (default: '2.4.0')

Example for single / multi project projects cat-gwt


Stops specified running tomcat service, copy the artifacts into the desired server directory(appends /webapps/, clears log and work directory) and then starts the tomcat service For usage example see cat-deploy

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