The purpose of evaluation in the Certificates is to assess whether you have been upskilled following the completion of each learning module. For you to proceed through the entire Certificate, you are required to demonstrate the learning outcomes of each learning module. Given the Certificates' objectives of upskilling participants, each learning module is designed to assess whether you have sufficiently developed the skills associated with each module. The assignments that measure the achievement of learning outcomes are therefore evaluated using a pass or fail system. When evaluating assignments and/or homework in the learning module, the instructional team assesses whether you have demonstrated enough evidence that you've achieved the learning outcomes and have developed the required technical skills.
All assignment due dates fall within the dates of the course. Any requests for extensions must occur before the assignment due date. No extensions will be granted beyond one week following the end of the course. All submitted assignments will be evaluated within one week of the close of submissions. If exceptional circumstances arise during the Certificate that prevents you from meeting the requirements of the learning modules, it is essential that you communicate to the Technical Facilitator and the DSI team [email protected] as soon as possible.
The instructional team will provide you with feedback on your assignment submissions. In all cases, participants who do not pass an assignment will receive feedback on where their submission missed the mark. The instructional team will communicate assignment and module results directly to you and address any questions or concerns about your results. This feedback will also be shared with the DSI team.
Completion of a learning module is evaluated based on whether you have achieved its learning outcomes. This is measured by the successful completion of assignments. At the end of the learning module, technical facilitators will communicate the following to you via email and share with the DSI team:
Pass/Fail results for each evaluated assignment
Feedback on areas for improvement if you did not pass an assignment
A result for the learning module indicating whether you have successfully completed the module
In cases where a participant does not successfully complete a module, an indication of why you did not pass the module (Example: As a result of failing X assignment, you have not achieved X learning outcome and therefore you have not successfully completed the learning module)
To receive either of the DSI Certificates, you must successfully complete ALL core learning modules and at least one module from either the Data Science Foundations or Machine Learning Software Foundations modules. Failure to complete will result in removal from all future modules, as well as the loss of access to one-on-one career support and networking activities.
You are expected to attend class and actively participate. If you cannot make it to a class due to extenuating circumstances, please email the instructional team in advance to let them know. While unexpected events can happen from time to time, and we do not expect 100% attendance, persistent absence may result in removal from future modules.
Email is used for official communications at the University of Toronto. For the delivery of the Certificates, it is expected that Slack will be the primary communication channel. However, you should use email for official communications such as:
Providing feedback to the DSI team on the content, delivery, or instructional team of the Certificates
Seeking DSI support for navigating challenging situations within the Certificates
If communicating via email, please include 'DSI Certificates -- Module name' in the subject line. In addition, you can expect that the instructional team and DSI staff will use email to:
Inform you about your module results and completion
Provide you with feedback on your progress
This will be the main communication channel you will use to ask the Instructional Team questions. The DSI team will set up several Slack channels to support the delivery of the learning modules. Each cohort will have a main cohort channel used for the delivery of instructional content (example: #cohort-3-learning) and one channel to be used for you to get help from the instructional team and each other (example: #cohort-3-help). There are additional channels in the DSI Slack workspace for sharing broader announcements (example: #announcements), fostering community (example: #cohort-3-community), and sharing job readiness updates (example: #cohort-3-jobs).
You are expected to communicate respectfully, positively, and professionally with your peers, the instructional team and the DSI team. Any negative comments directed at fellow participants, or the instructional team, will be brought to the DSI team's attention immediately. Feedback on content, delivery, or support should be directed to the Program Manager via email.
All live learning sessions, office hours and work periods will be delivered remotely through Zoom. Please ensure your Zoom screen name is the one you registered with so Learning Support can accurately record attendance. The learning experience is enhanced when participants engage in live learning sessions with their cameras on. This demonstrates engagement and provides the instructional team with real-time feedback. The DSI team strongly suggests participants attend live learnings sessions with their cameras on as much as possible. Please keep microphones muted unless you need to speak. Please indicate your name before speaking as some Zoom configurations make it hard to determine who is speaking.
The instructional team will record the live learning sessions via Zoom and add the recording link to the Zoom Recordings document. Recordings will be available to you for the duration of the certificate experience. Recordings are uploaded to YouTube as unlisted videos.
If you prefer not to appear in the recordings, please keep your camera turned off during sessions. If you have any concerns about recording content during the live learning sessions, please contact the DSI team via email.
At the Data Sciences Institute, we endeavor to provide an inclusive and exceptional experience for all participants. We are dedicated to ensuring that our offerings are accessible to everyone. If you have any accessibility requirements that would improve or better facilitate a positive experience for you during any online or in-person programming, please email us at [email protected].