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Model for Hybrid 3D UNet

Welcome to the Github for Hybrid 3d UNet for PyTorch! This makes some modifications to the UNet to allow for better modeling of 3d elements with many degrees of freedom. This does so by using a learnable 3d kernel.

Module classes are also available for use in your own custom models(see below).

More models will be added to incorporate and leverage the benefits of 3d modeling in the future.



  1. First install Hybrid 3d UNet for PyTorch Git Repo with:
pip install git+
  1. Scripts ready to run each model are in the /examples folder. Update the folder for images you'd like to train on and adjust any other arguments to your liking.

Loading and Saving

The model will automatically save at save_and_sample_every number of steps, which can be set when instantiating the Trainer class. These will save as files in the results folder specified, where n is the number of epochs passed.

To load a model, after you instantiate the Trainer class, let's say we had a model in the results folder titled - simply use trainer.load('32') before starting trainer.train(). That will load the model and all of the settings as they were when that model saved.

For example, if you downloaded the Unet3d weights(see below section "Model Weights" for download link for weights trained to 100 epochs), you could create a folder in the working directory titled /results and then place the weights in that folder. Then you can run:

import torch
from hybrid3dunet.diffsubmodels import Unet2d, Unet3d
from hybrid3dunet.diffusion import GaussianDiffusion, Trainer

device=torch.device("cuda:0") # set your device

unetmodel = Unet3d(24) 

print(sum(p.numel() for p in unetmodel.parameters()))
model=GaussianDiffusion(unetmodel, image_size=64)
folder ="Hands/Hands_New/" #set your data folder

trainer = Trainer(model, folder,device=device, train_batch_size=batch_size,
                  fp16=False, amp=False, train_num_steps=500000, train_lr=0.002,
                  ema_decay=0.995, ema_update_every=5, save_and_sample_every=5000,
                  tag='', results_folder='./results')


Using Hybrid 3d UNet Modules in your Models

After installing Hybrid 3d UNet for Pytorch, you can use the modules in your PyTorch models to transition from 1d to 2d and vice versa, or 2d to 3d and vice versa via:

import torch
from hybrid3dunet.diffsubmodules import Conv2dtoConv1d, Conv1dtoConv2d, Conv2dtoConv3d, Conv3dtoConv2d

updim1d2d = Conv1dtoConv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=16, depth_dim=32, kernel=3, bias=False)

dummy_tensor = torch.rand(5, 3, 32)

output = updim1d2d(dummy_tensor)


updim2d3d = Conv2dtoConv3d(in_channels=16, out_channels=16, depth_dim=32, kernel=3, bias=False)

output = updim2d3d(output)


downdim3d2d = Conv3dtoConv2d(in_channels=16, out_channels=16, depth_dim=32, kernel=None,
                             bias=False)  # kernel defaults to size of 1

output = downdim3d2d(output)


downdim2d1d = Conv2dtoConv1d(in_channels=16, out_channels=3, depth_dim=32, kernel=None,

output = downdim2d1d(output)

torch.Size([5, 16, 32, 32])
torch.Size([5, 16, 32, 32, 32])
torch.Size([5, 16, 32, 32])
torch.Size([5, 3, 32])

Model Weights:


alt text

25 Random Samples after 100 Epochs:

UNet (2D)

alt text

UNet 3D Hybrid

alt text

(Samples at the end of each epoch are in folders 2d_train_results and 3d_train_results)


  1. Dataset from: Learning Multiple Layers of Features from Tiny Images, Alex Krizhevsky, 2009. (CIFAR10)
  2. Diffusion Model, trainer and Unet modified from
  3. Efficient Attention modified from with paper:
  4. @inproceedings{shen2021efficient, author = {Zhuoran Shen and Mingyuan Zhang and Haiyu Zhao and Shuai Yi and Hongsheng Li}, title = {Efficient Attention: Attention with Linear Complexities}, booktitle = {WACV}, year = {2021}, }
  5. @article{afifi201911kHands, title = {11K Hands: gender recognition and biometric identification using a large dataset of hand images}, author = {Afifi, Mahmoud}, journal = {Multimedia Tools and Applications}, doi = {10.1007/s11042-019-7424-8}, url = {}, year={2019} }
  6. Nuzzi, Cristina; Pasinetti, Simone; Pagani, Roberto; Coffetti, Gabriele; Sansoni, Giovanna (2021), “HANDS: a dataset of static Hand-Gestures for Human-Robot Interaction”, Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/ndrczc35bt.1 }
  7. @article{tompson14tog, author = {Jonathan Tompson and Murphy Stein and Yann Lecun and Ken Perlin} title = {Real-Time Continuous Pose Recovery of Human Hands Using Convolutional Networks, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics}, year = {2014}, month = {August}, volume = {33} }