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Silo V2

Monorepository for Silo V2.

How to deploy a Silo or implement an integration

Prepare local environment, run the tests

# 1. Install Foundry 

# 2. Clone repository
$ git clone

# 3. Open folder
$ cd silo-contracts-v2

# 4. Initialize submodules
$ git submodule update --init --recursive

# 5. Create the file ".env" in a root of this folder. ".env.example" is an example.
# RPC_MAINNET, RPC_ARBITRUM, RPC_ANVIL, PRIVATE_KEY are required to run the tests.
# Add your RPC URLs and private key if you are going to deploy a new Silo.

# 6. Build Silo foundry utils to prepare tools for Silo deployment and testing
$ cd ./gitmodules/silo-foundry-utils && cargo build --release && cp target/release/silo-foundry-utils ../../silo-foundry-utils && cd -

# 7. Check if tests can be executed
$ FOUNDRY_PROFILE=core-test forge test --no-match-test "_skip_" --nmc "SiloIntegrationTest|MaxBorrow|MaxLiquidationTest|MaxLiquidationBadDebt|PreviewTest|PreviewDepositTest|PreviewMintTest" --ffi -vv

# 8. You are ready to contribute to the protocol!

Test new Silo deployment locally

# 1. Create a JSON with market setup, for example silo-core/deploy/input/arbitrum_one/wstETH_WETH_Silo.json.
# Any number in a config is basis points (a one hundredth of a percent). For example, `"lt0": 9600` -> lt0 == 96%.  

# 2. Execute the script to test the Silo deployment in a local fork of blockchain. Replace 'wstETH_WETH_Silo'
# with your config name.

forge script silo-core/deploy/silo/SiloDeployWithGaugeHookReceiver.s.sol \
--ffi --rpc-url $YOUR_RPC_URL

# 3. Silo is deployed to a local blockchain fork. Check logs to verify market parameters. Green check marks
# represent basic verification of the on-chain parameters to be equal to the config parameters. 

Deploy a Silo

# 1. Test your config by deploying the Silo in the local fork as described above.

$ anvil --fork-url $RPC_ARBITRUM --fork-block-number 284045200 & 

# in case of issues, deploy contracts locally, so you can retreive errors
        forge script silo-core/deploy/InterestRateModelV2FactoryDeploy.s.sol:InterestRateModelV2FactoryDeploy \
        --ffi --broadcast --rpc-url 
        forge script silo-core/deploy/SiloDeployerDeploy.s.sol \
        --ffi --broadcast --rpc-url
# 2. Execute the script to deploy a Silo. This script will sign and send real on-chain transaction. Smart
# contract will be verified on Etherscan. Standard Foundry --verifier-url parameter can be provided for other
# verification providers, including Arbiscan. 

forge script silo-core/deploy/silo/SiloDeployWithGaugeHookReceiver.s.sol \
--ffi --broadcast --rpc-url --verify

# 3. Silo is deployed on-chain. Address is saved to silo-core/deploy/silo/_siloDeployments.json. 
# You can create a PR to merge config and deployed address to develop branch.

More docs

Follow to for more details about integration with Silo V2.


The primary license for Silo V2 Core is the Business Source License 1.1 (BUSL-1.1), see LICENSE. Minus the following exceptions:

  • Some libraries have a GPL license
  • Hook.sol library and some of its tests have a GPL License
  • Hook files in utils/hook-receivers have a GPL License
  • Interfaces have an MIT license

Each of these files states their license type.