A plugin to support the Near polywrapper. The Near wrapper depends on the Near JavaScript plugin. Both the plugin and wrapper are limited (i.e. not fully-featured) implementations. Check out the full Near wrapper specification for more information.
Yarn installation: yarn add near-polywrap-js
or with NPM: npm install near-polywrap-js
Set up your Near config.
import { KeyPair, KeyStores, NearPluginConfig } from "near-polywrap-js";
export async function setUpTestConfig(): Promise<NearPluginConfig> {
const keyStore = new KeyStores.InMemoryKeyStore();
const keyPair = KeyPair.fromString(YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY);
let config: NearPluginConfig = {
networkId: "testnet",
keyStore: keyStore,
nodeUrl: "https://rpc.testnet.near.org",
walletUrl: 'https://wallet.testnet.near.org',
helperUrl: 'https://helper.testnet.near.org',
return config;
const nearConfig = setUpTestConfig();
Then add the plugin to the Polywrap Client configuration.
client = new Web3ApiClient({
plugins: [
uri: "w3://ens/nearPlugin.web3api.eth",
plugin: nearPlugin(nearConfig)
Now you're ready to make queries to the Near wrapper.