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Azure AKS and Key vault integration based on service principal for retreiving secrets in key vault

Global variables

If jq not installed in the machine, install it.
export SUFFIX=$(echo $RANDOM)
export AKS_GRP=aks-grp-$SUFFIX
export AZ_KV_GRP=kv-grp-$SUFFIX
export LOC=westeurope
export AKS_NAME=aks-$SUFFIX
export AZ_KV_NAME=kv-$SUFFIX
export SP_NAME=az-aks-kv-sp-$SUFFIX
export CSI_STORAGE_CLASS_NAME=nginx-csi-storage-class
export SP_AKS_SECRET=secrets-store-creds
export CSI_NAMESPACE=azure-cs-driver
export TENANTID=$(echo $(az account show) | jq -r '.tenantId')
export SUBID=$(echo $(az account show) | jq -r '.id')

create the service principal

SPObj=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $SP_NAME --skip-assignment)

Keep the appid and secret in a safe place,we shall need them later.

export SP_CLIENT_ID=$(echo $SPObj | jq -r '.appId')
export SP_CLIENT_SECRET=$(echo $SPObj | jq -r '.password')

Aks Group create

az group create -n $AKS_GRP -l $LOC --tags label=$SUFFIX

Aks Cluster create

az aks create -n $AKS_NAME -g $AKS_GRP --node-count 2 --network-plugin azure --generate-ssh-keys 

Get AKS credentials to work with kubectl

az aks get-credentials --name $AKS_NAME -g $AKS_GRP

Make sure kubernetes version is >= 1.16

kubectl get nodes -o wide 

Create csi driver namespace

kubectl create ns $CSI_NAMESPACE

Helm repo for cs-secret-store-driver-azure-provider.

This helm repo provide both the csi-secrets-store-driver as well as csi-secrets-store-driver-azure-provider as well
helm repo add csi-secrets-store-provider-azure 
helm install -n $CSI_NAMESPACE csi-secrets-store-provider-azure/csi-secrets-store-provider-azure --generate-name 

Make sure azure CSI driver pods are running.

kubectl get all -n $CSI_NAMESPACE

Create keyvault group

az group create -n $AZ_KV_GRP -l $LOC --tags label=$SUFFIX

Create azure key vault

az keyvault create --name $AZ_KV_NAME --resource-group $AZ_KV_GRP

Assign service principal a reader role for the keyvault

az role assignment create --role Reader --assignee $SP_CLIENT_ID --scope /subscriptions/$SUBID/resourcegroups/$AZ_KV_GRP/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/$AZ_KV_NAME

Then assign get policies for the secrets && create two key vault secrets with name as dbusername and dbpassword. Provide some secret values

az keyvault set-policy -n $AZ_KV_NAME --secret-permissions get --spn $SP_CLIENT_ID
az keyvault secret set --name dbusername --value=dbadmin --vault-name $AZ_KV_NAME
az keyvault secret set --name dbpassword --value=supersecretpassword --vault-name $AZ_KV_NAME

Create secret based on the appid and appsecret of the service principal

kubectl create secret generic $SP_AKS_SECRET --from-literal clientid=$SP_CLIENT_ID --from-literal clientsecret=$SP_CLIENT_SECRET

Populate all the respective details in storageproviderclass yaml file && run

envsubst < azure-kv-provider.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Lastly deploy a sample test nginx deployment to test

envsubst < nginx-deployment.yaml | kubectl apply -f - 

Wait for nginx pod to be up and running and then test the secrets are mounted or not

kubectl exec nginx-app -- ls /mnt/secrets/
kubectl exec nginx-app -- cat /mnt/secrets/DB_PASSWORD

Clean up resources

az ad sp delete --id $SP_CLIENT_ID
for rg in $(az group list --tag label=$SUFFIX --query '[].name' | jq -r '.[]'); do echo "Delete Resource Group: ${rg}"; az group delete -n ${rg}; done