We use scale only symmetric quantization
The key concept is amax
(maximum absolute value) throughout the entire code base.
"Fake" (emulated) quantization is usually used in quantization training. In "fake" mode, values are still represented in floating point, but only limited number of distinct values in a given range. For example, in 8bit, there are 255 values in
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/TensorRT.git
cd tools/pytorch-quantization
python setup.py install
A model can be post training quantized by simply replacing nn.ConvNd
and nn.Linear
with QuantConvNd
and QuantLinear
. By default, it will be quantized to signed 8bit and compute amax in-flight for each batch. See a LeNet example below:
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from pytorch_quantization.nn import QuantConv2d, QuantLinear
from pytorch_quantization.tensor_quant import QuantDescriptor
class LeNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(LeNet, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 10, kernel_size=5)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(10, 20, kernel_size=5)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(320, 50)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(50, 10)
def forward(self, x):
x = F.relu(F.max_pool2d(self.conv1(x), 2))
x = F.relu(F.max_pool2d(self.conv2(x), 2))
x = x.view(-1, 320)
x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = F.dropout(x, training=self.training)
x = self.fc2(x)
return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)
class QuantLeNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(QuantLeNet, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = QuantConv2d(1, 10, kernel_size=5)
self.conv2 = QuantConv2d(10, 20, kernel_size=5)
self.fc1 = QuantLinear(320, 50)
self.fc2 = QuantLinear(50, 10)
def forward(self, x):
x = F.relu(F.max_pool2d(self.conv1(x), 2))
x = F.relu(F.max_pool2d(self.conv2(x), 2))
x = x.view(-1, 320)
x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = F.dropout(x, training=self.training)
x = self.fc2(x)
return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)