- [Node.js]
- [NPM]
How to install the project?
Just run npm install
How to run the project?
Just run npm start
(by default, running this command delete the content of the outputData
Where do i have to put the file from search activity project)?
In the data
Where can I change my parameters?
In the root folder, in the file generalConfig.json
"wantedNumberOfImagesPerActivity": 2500, //Fix the maximum number per activity
"batchSizeImageDownloading": 10 //How many image are dowloaded in the same batch?
Where can I find the results?
In the folder outputData
. More precisely, in the folders named using activity labels
The images are named using the format [activityName]_[id].[extension]
How do i delete all downloaded images?
Just run node -r esm src/reset.js