Templates are used for content replacement for features like the Chatbox, Rich Presence, File Info writing etc.
These templates can be modified to include keywords that would be replaced with a specific stat value.
These keywords can be inserted by wrapping the key with {
and }
My survivals on this lobby: {LobbySurvivals}
will be replaced as
My survivals on this lobby: 22
You can also use JavaScript for more somehow advanced text replacement. Just use the <js>
<js>RoundStunsAll < 1 ? 'No Stuns Last Round :(' : 'Current Round Stuns : ' + {RoundStunsAll}</js>
will be replaced as
> if RoundStunsAll is 1 or higher Current Round Stuns : 64 > if RoundStunsAll is less than 1 No Stuns Last Round :(
You can combine these two replacement methods.
{Stuns} stuns - Random JS number <js>Math.random()</js>
will be replaced as
44 stuns - Random JS number 0.11645544468
These keys are available to be included on templates.
Name | Key | Description |
Deaths | {Deaths} |
Amount of times you have died of unnatural causes. |
Survivals | {Survivals} |
Amount of times you have miraculously survived a round. |
Damage Taken | {DamageTaken} |
Total damage taken. |
Top Stuns | {TopStuns} |
Highest amount of times you have stunned a Terror in a round. |
Top Stuns All | {TopStunsAll} |
Highest amount of times you and other players have stunned a Terror in a round. |
Stuns | {Stuns} |
Amount of times you have stunned a Terror. |
Stuns All | {StunsAll} |
Amount of times you and other players have stunned a Terror. |
Players Online | {PlayersOnline} |
Represents the amount of players in the instance. |
Is Opted In | {IsOptedIn} |
True if the player is opted-in onto the game. This means the player is outside the respawn zone. |
Display Name | {DisplayName} |
Your display name in VRChat. |
Discord Name | {DiscordName} |
Your display name in Discord. Rich Presence must be enabled. |
Instance URL | {InstanceURL} |
The current full URL of the instance you joined. |
Lobby Rounds | {LobbyRounds} |
Total amount of rounds played on this lobby. This is the same as (LobbyDeaths + LobbySurvivals = LobbyRounds) |
Lobby Deaths | {LobbyDeaths} |
Amount of times you have died of unnatural causes on this lobby. |
Lobby Survivals | {LobbySurvivals} |
Amount of times you have miraculously survived a round on this lobby. |
Lobby Damage Taken | {LobbyDamageTaken} |
Total damage taken on this lobby. |
Lobby Top Stuns | {LobbyTopStuns} |
Highest amount of times you have stunned a Terror in a round on this lobby. |
Lobby Top Stuns All | {LobbyTopStunsAll} |
Highest amount of times you and other players have stunned a Terror in a round on this lobby. |
Lobby Stuns | {LobbyStuns} |
Amount of times you have stunned a Terror on this lobby. |
Lobby Stuns All | {LobbyStunsAll} |
Amount of times you and other players have stunned a Terror on this lobby. |
Terror Name | {TerrorName} |
Displays the Monster's name that is currently active on the round. |
Round Type | {RoundType} |
Name of the current round type. |
Map Name | {MapName} |
Name of the Map this round is currently taking place on. |
Map Creator | {MapCreator} |
Name of the map creator. |
Map Origin | {MapOrigin} |
Displays where this map originates from. |
Item Name | {ItemName} |
The name of the current item held. |
Is Alive | {IsAlive} |
True if the player is currently alive on a round. |
Is Reborn | {IsReborn} |
True if the player was reborn using Maxwell on a round. |
Is Killer | {IsKiller} |
True if the player is currently the killer on a Sabotage round. |
Is Started | {IsStarted} |
True if a round is started and ongoing. |
Round INT | {RoundInt} |
Represents the int value of the current round type. |
Map INT | {MapInt} |
Represents the int value of the current map. |
Page Count | {PageCount} |
The amount of pages collected during an 8 Pages round. |
Round Stuns | {RoundStuns} |
Amount of times you have stunned a Terror in the round. |
Round Stuns All | {RoundStunsAll} |
Amount of times you and other players have stunned a Terror in the round. |