Releases: City-of-Helsinki/helerm-ui
Releases · City-of-Helsinki/helerm-ui
helerm-ui: v1.2.2
helerm-ui: v1.2.1
helerm-ui: v1.2.0
helerm-ui: v1.1.0
helerm-ui: v1.0.1
helerm-ui: v1.0.0
First release to run on Platta.
What's Changed
- Add PR template by @tuomas777 in #473
- TIED-55 eslint prettier config by @mikkojamG in #468
- TIED-49 TIED-55 Node.js and dependency updates, eslint prettier config by @mikkojamG in #467
- TIED-54, 55 & 49: Contanerizing the app by @arpargo in #470
- GitHub workflow by @voneiden in #472
- [Snyk] Upgrade @wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17 from 0.4.1 to 0.6.3 by @snyk-bot in #445
- Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 by @dependabot in #462
- Add SonarCloud scan to CI workflow by @tuomas777 in #474
- Update CI workflow branch by @tuomas777 in #476
- TIED-70: Docker build fails by @arpargo in #477
- TIED-68 fixing SonarCloud issues by @mikkojamG in #475
- Fixing SonarCloud code smells by @mikkojamG in #478
- Azure build triggering pipelines by @tuurek in #480
- TIED-71 by @arpargo in #479
- Azure pipeline tweaking by @tuomas777 in #482
- TIED-79 Redhat docker base image by @mikkojamG in #483
- TIED-79 Fix: Dockerfile should not copy .env by @mikkojamG in #484
- TIED-80 bugfix search input focus by @mikkojamG in #485
- TIED-117 upgrade to Node v18 by @mikkojamG in #490
- TIED-117 hotfix: move babel plugins to dependencies by @mikkojamG in #491
- TIED-118 SonarCloud issues by @mikkojamG in #493
- TIED-118 fixing more SonarCloud issues by @mikkojamG in #496
- TIED-137 | Add instructions for using local tunnistamo instance by @charn in #498
- build: azure pipelines refactor by @terovirtanen in #504
- fix: Navigation fix getFilteredTree bug TIED-135 by @mikkojamG in #497
- build: remove useless pipelines by @terovirtanen in #505
- build: remove temporaly ref from pipelines by @terovirtanen in #506
- build: review pipeline define api url by @terovirtanen in #507
- fix: add Content-Type to nginx probe responses by @voneiden in #508
- Start using conventional commits by @tuomas777 in #509
- build: change pipeline name from test to dev OH-28 by @terovirtanen in #513
- fix: pipelines ui review, fix React app api url by @mikkojamG in #514
- chore: e2e tests oh-29 by @terovirtanen in #515
- feat: replace CRA with Vite TIED-129 by @mikkojamG in #511
- feat: HDS Login TIED-129 by @mikkojamG in #512
- fix: Vite bug fixes TIED-129 by @mikkojamG in #516
- fix: fixing set user state on login TIED-129 by @mikkojamG in #517
- Tied 134 fix edit new document by @timwessman in #520
- feat: add matomo tracker TIED-81 by @mikkojamG in #519
- chore: release-please initial files by @terovirtanen in #521
- chore: release-please changelog section config OH-73 by @terovirtanen in #523
- Update commitlint config by @tuomas777 in #524
- fix: 141 show attributes bug by @timwessman in #526
- fix: no pre inspection errors -bug TIED-142 by @timwessman in #527
- fix: reorder bugs TIED-148 by @timwessman in #528
- TIED-149 vulnerable dependencies by @mikkojamG in #529
New Contributors
- @tuomas777 made their first contribution in #473
- @mikkojamG made their first contribution in #468
- @arpargo made their first contribution in #470
- @voneiden made their first contribution in #472
- @tuurek made their first contribution in #480
- @charn made their first contribution in #498
- @terovirtanen made their first contribution in #504
- @timwessman made their first contribution in #520
Full Changelog: v0.4.13...helerm-ui-v1.0.0
Release Aug 31, 2021
UI changes related to new authentication and session renewal
Backend changes django-helusers Python Social Auth.
Dependencies updated
Release Jun 17, 2021
Change from Webpack to React App
Classification versioning changes in ui
Security fixes
Release Sep 25, 2020
Code updates
Link update (Tietoa palvelusta)
Release Jan 30, 2020
Production url change to about service page