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Servicemap UI


Using following:

  • Node LTS (v22)
  • npm (v10) If you are using NVM you can also use nvm use to get correct version.

For development:

  • Eslint extended from airbnb configuration.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run dev

Start dev server and runs the app in the development mode.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the dist folder.

npm run testBuild

Builds the app in development mode to the dist folder. Used mainly by Travis to run testcafe tests.

npm start

Runs the app by starting node server using build files.

npm test

Launches Jest test runner.

npm run browserTest

Launches TestCafe test runner and performs browser tests on headless chrome.

npm run browserTestCLI

Launches the application using node dist command and then launches TestCafe test runner in headless mode. Mainly used in GitHub Actions.

How to use

For development:

  • Make sure npm packages are installed by running npm install --legacy-peer-depsin project root.
  • Make sure you have environment variables set. .env.example should have all required values so you can copy it to .env.
  • Then you can start development server using npm run dev. Which watches files and updates on code changes.
  • Open the application by loading localhost:2048 in the browser

To run in production mode:

  • Make sure npm packages are installed by running npm install --legacy-peer-depsin project root.
  • Make sure you have environment variables set. .env.example should have all required values so you can copy it to .env.
  • Build files by running npm run build
  • Then you can run the app with npm start
  • Open the application by loading localhost:2048 in the browser

To run with docker compose:

  • Install Docker if not installed, check that port 2048 is free, not occupied by running server.
  • Make sure you have environment variables set. .env.example should have all required values so you can copy it to .env.
  • Run docker compose up
  • Open the application by loading localhost:2048 in the browser

Environment variables

This is a documentation (some day hopefully exhaustive) of environment variables and how to use them.

What to do when adding variables

These work in reverse when you want to delete a variable (duh).

List of variables

Variable description format default
ADDITIONAL_FEEDBACK_URLS_ESPOO Links to feedback service (in three languages) Comma separated triple (fi,sv,en) of urls ",,"
ADDITIONAL_FEEDBACK_URLS_KAUNIAINEN Links to feedback service (in three languages) Comma separated triple (fi,sv,en) of urls ",,"
ADDITIONAL_FEEDBACK_URLS_KIRKKONUMMI Links to feedback service (in three languages) Comma separated triple (fi,sv,en) of urls ",,"
ADDITIONAL_FEEDBACK_URLS_VANTAA Links to feedback service (in three languages) Comma separated triple (fi,sv,en) of urls ",,"
CITIES Cities/Municipalities that can be used to filter data Comma separated string of cities "helsinki,espoo,vantaa,kauniainen,kirkkonummi"
FEATURE_SERVICEMAP_PAGE_TRACKING Is tracking cookie enabled "true"/"false" "false"
ORGANIZATIONS Organizations that can be used to filter data Json array of organization objects "[{ "id": "83e74666-0836-4c1d-948a-4b34a8b90301", "name": { "fi": "Helsingin kaupunki", "sv": "Helsingfors stad", "en": "City of Helsinki" } },{ "id": "520a4492-cb78-498b-9c82-86504de88dce", "name": { "fi": "Espoon kaupunki", "sv": "Esbo stad", "en": "City of Espoo" } },{ "id": "6d78f89c-9fd7-41d9-84e0-4b78c0fa25ce", "name": { "fi": "Vantaan kaupunki", "sv": "Vanda stad", "en": "City of Vantaa" } },{ "id": "6f0458d4-42a3-434a-b9be-20c19fcfa5c3", "name": { "fi": "Kauniaisten kaupunki", "sv": "Grankulla stad", "en": "Town of Kauniainen" } },{ "id": "015fd5cd-b280-4d24-a5b4-0ba6ecb4c8a4", "name": { "fi": "Kirkkonummi", "sv": "Kyrkslätt", "en": "Kirkkonummi" } },{ "id": "0c8e4f99-3d52-47b9-84df-395716bd8b11", "name": { "fi": "Länsi-Uudenmaan hyvinvointialue", "sv": "Västra Nylands välfärdsområde", "en": "Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County" } },{ "id": "5de91045-92ab-484b-9f96-7010ff7fb35e", "name": { "fi": "Vantaan ja Keravan hyvinvointialue", "sv": "Vanda och Kervo välfärdsområde", "en": "Wellbeing services county of Vantaa and Kerava" } }]"
READ_FEEDBACK_URLS_HELSINKI Url template (in three languages) for reading feedback Comma separated triple (fi,sv,en) of urls. Search string will be appended to the end of url. ",,"
SLOW_FETCH_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT How slow should the fetch be so that slow fetch message is displayed (in ms) number 3000