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Releases: CityOfZion/neon-js

v2.2.1: Empty string

11 Dec 14:56
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  • Fixes empty string error for fixed82num. This fixes the error for getToken when retrieving balance of zero

v2.2.0: NEP6 Wallet

10 Dec 17:44
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  • Added new Wallet class as implementation for NEP6

  • Upgraded Account class to fit NEP6 implementation

  • Transaction now modifies Balance upon construction.

  • Add getToken to api.nep5 which is a summation of getTokenBalance and getTokenInfo

  • Add VMZip method for better VM result parsing

  • Add hexstring2str method

  • Bugfix getTokenBalance throwing when getting an address with zero balance

  • Bugfix doTransferToken sending gas to wrong address

Build Balance

28 Nov 02:29
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Build lib for 2.1.0


27 Nov 17:37
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  • Balance as an ES6 class.

    • verifyAssets to validate unspent coins against a given NEO node. Used to check if balance is fully synced and usable.
    • applyTx to apply a spending of a Transaction to the Balance. Allows a Balance to be used to build another Transaction without waiting for sync.
    • Data structure reworked. AssetBalances are now tucked under assets. Use assetSymbols to discover the keys for lookup.
      // This array contains all the symbols of the assets available in this Balance
      balance.assetSymbols = ['NEO', 'GAS']
      // Lookup assets using their symbols
      balance.assets = {
        NEO: {balance: 1, unspent: [ Object ], spent: [], unconfirmed: []}
        GAS: {balance: 25.1, unspent: [ Object ], spent: [], unconfirmed: []}
  • Added doTransferToken to api/nep5
  • Unit tests for utils
  • Typescript typings fixed


22 Nov 03:25
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  • Introduction of ES6 classes such as Account, Query, Transaction` for better usability
  • Exposure of modules through named exports using ES6 conventions: rpc, sc, tx, u, CONST, wallet, api
  • Semantic version kept as default export.

Note: There are breaking changes when upgrading from 1.1.1.

Changelog: Not guaranteed to catch all breaking changes

Final 1.1 release with new documentation setup

07 Nov 01:58
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  • Bugfix to _emitNum.
  • Add documentation process.
  • Modify Neon API to allow for external signing function.

This is the last release for v1.1.x. Do expect breaking changes coming up next.

API rewrite with transaction construction

07 Oct 22:17
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Breaking changes to API and significant improvements for transaction construction

nep2 + more comprehensive address validation

31 Aug 17:04
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additional nep2 method

nep2 support

27 Aug 12:05
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add nep2 support

api v2

16 Aug 17:52
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upgrade network to /v2 apis