- You'll need a file
, which is from protobuf-net. You can download theprotogen.exe
file from https://protogen.marcgravell.com/ (for example, https://protogen.marcgravell.com/protogen/protogen%202.3.16.zip). When you extract the zip the exe will be in thenet462
folder. - Add the path to
folder containingprotogen.exe
to your Windows Path (it must be executed from a directory that contains the other .dll files)
From the root folder, run:
protogen.exe gtfs-realtime.proto --csharp_out=dotnet/GtfsRealtimeBindings/ cd dotnet/GtfsRealtimeBindings/ del GtfsRealtime.cs rename gtfs-realtime.cs GtfsRealtime.cs git add -- GtfsRealtime.cs
Add the license header back to the generated source file.
Update version number as needed in AssemblyInfo.cs.
with latest release notes.
Download and install Visual Studio - the free "Community" version is fine
Download and install NuGet CLI
Create an API key and configure Nuget using your authorized account for gtfs-realtime-bindings as discussed here
Start the "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017" in the root project directory
Rebuild the solution for
:msbuild dotnet\GtfsRealtimeBindings.sln /p:Configuration=Release
Run the unit test to make sure you didn't break anything:
vstest.console dotnet\GtfsRealtimeBindingsTest\bin\Release\GtfsRealtimeBindingsTest.dll
Set API key, build and deploy the package to NuGet.
nuget setApiKey xxxxxxx
nuget pack GtfsRealtimeBindings/GtfsRealtimeBindings.csproj -Prop Configuration=Release
nuget push GtfsRealtimeBindings.X.Y.Z.nupkg -Source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json