-assoc_similar(param::SiteParam,::Type{𝕋}) where 𝕋 <:Number)
returns a Clapeyron.Compressed4DMatrix with the smae number of components as the input AssocParam, with the same element type as 𝕋. All site combinations are filled.
+assoc_similar(param::SiteParam,::Type{𝕋}) where 𝕋 <:Number)
returns a Clapeyron.Compressed4DMatrix with the smae number of components as the input AssocParam, with the same element type as 𝕋. All site combinations are filled.
Returns the solution for the association site fractions. used internally by all models that require association. The result is of type PackedVectorsOfVectors.PackedVectorOfVectors, with length = length(model), and x[i][a] representing the empty fraction of the site a at component i
julia> model = PCSAFT(["water","methanol","ethane"],assoc_options = AssocOptions(combining = :esd))
Returns the solution for the association site fractions. used internally by all models that require association. The result is of type PackedVectorsOfVectors.PackedVectorOfVectors, with length = length(model), and x[i][a] representing the empty fraction of the site a at component i