Wind-forced simulation is exploding with lateral noise #2839
(UPDATE: it is worth reading all @simone-silvestri explanations, but basically, I was dumb enough to integrate N2 in the wrong way and initialize with unstable stratification! haha) I am running an experiment to simulate a classical internal wave generation problem and need your help. The idea is to start with the ocean at rest in an equatorial-beta simulation that is solved only in (y, z) and add a sine wind stress in a region 2750km north of the equator. The wind time-variation is Gaussian with a width of three standard deviations of two inertial periods. The idea is to leave unbalanced currents that will oscillate inertially. In the video below I show the horizontal velocities (u on the left and v on the right) in an approximate region of the storm. The top panels are horizontal profiles of u and v at 20m and the right panel shows vertical profiles of u and v in place of maximum stress. For some reason the simulation is blowing up due to horizontal oscillations (please note that the vertical velocity profiles are smooth, but the horizontal profiles at 20 m in the upper panels are quite noisy, especially for v). I'm under the impression that it's something very obvious, but I swear I tried everything I thought I could improve and I couldn't. I just can't do it. So I'm posting here to see if anyone has an idea. What I tried so far:
I also think that it is mixing too much in the vertical as buoyancy lines seem to go up, but I don't think this is the reason why this is blowing up. Any suggestions? By the way, what is the best way to also save the boundary conditions in the output file? I wanted to save the wind stress. movie_custom.mp4using Oceananigans
using Oceananigans.Units
using Oceananigans.TurbulenceClosures: RiBasedVerticalDiffusivity, HorizontalDivergenceFormulation
using Oceananigans.Advection: VelocityStencil
#--------------- Grid
const Ny = 6000 # number of points in y
const Nz = 100 # number of points in z
const H = 5000meters # maximum depth
const yc = 2000
grid = RectilinearGrid(GPU(),
size=(Ny, Nz),
y=((yc-3000)kilometers, (yc+3000)kilometers),
z=(H * cos.(LinRange(π/2,0,Nz+1)) .- H)meters,
topology=(Flat, Bounded, Bounded)
#--------------- Coriolis
coriolis = BetaPlane(β=2.3e-11, latitude=0) # equatorial beta plane
#--------------- Bottom drag
const cᴰ = 1e-4 # quadratic drag coefficient
const c = 2750kilometers # center of the storm
const L = pi / (250kilometers) # horizontal wavenumber of the storm
const Ω = 7.27E-5
const latitude = c/112kilometers
const ip = 2pi/(2Ω*sin(pi*latitude/180))
# const u₁₀ = 1 # m s⁻¹, average wind velocity 10 meters above the ocean
# const csᴰ = 2.5e-3 # dimensionless drag coefficient
# const ρₐ = 1.225 # kg m⁻³, average density of air at sea-level
# const ρₒ = 1025 # kg m⁻³, average density of water
# @inline U(x, y, t) = ifelse(abs(L*(y-c))<pi, u₁₀*sin(L*(y-c))*exp(-((t-1.5*ip)^2)/(2*(2*ip/3)^2))*exp(-(y-c)^2/(2*(pi/L/3)^2)), 0)
# @inline Qᵘ(x, y, t) = - ρₐ / ρₒ * csᴰ * U(x, y, t) * abs(U(x, y, t)) # m² s⁻²
@inline Qᵘ(x, y, t) = 1e-4*sin(L*(y-c))*exp(-((t-1.5*ip)^2)/(2*(2*ip/3)^2))*exp(-(y-c)^2/(2*(pi/L/4)^2))
surface_drag_bc_u = FluxBoundaryCondition(Qᵘ)
@inline bottom_drag_u(x, y, t, u, v, cᴰ) = - cᴰ * u * sqrt(u^2 + v^2)
@inline bottom_drag_v(x, y, t, u, v, cᴰ) = - cᴰ * v * sqrt(u^2 + v^2)
bottom_drag_bc_u = FluxBoundaryCondition(bottom_drag_u, field_dependencies=(:u, :v), parameters=cᴰ)
bottom_drag_bc_v = FluxBoundaryCondition(bottom_drag_v, field_dependencies=(:u, :v), parameters=cᴰ)
u_bcs = FieldBoundaryConditions(bottom = bottom_drag_bc_u, top = surface_drag_bc_u)
v_bcs = FieldBoundaryConditions(bottom = bottom_drag_bc_v)
#--------------- Sponges
const sponge_size = 500kilometers
const slope = 40kilometers
const ymin = minimum(ynodes(Center, grid))
const ymax = maximum(ynodes(Center, grid))
@inline mask_func(x,y,z) = ((
mom_sponge = Relaxation(rate=1/30minutes, mask=mask_func, target=0)
#--------------- Closure
boundary_layer_turbulence_closure = RiBasedVerticalDiffusivity()
# horizontal_viscosity = ScalarBiharmonicDiffusivity(HorizontalDivergenceFormulation(), ν=1e6, κ=1e6)
horizontal_viscosity = HorizontalScalarBiharmonicDiffusivity(ν=1e6, κ=1e6)
# vertical_viscosity = VerticalScalarDiffusivity(ν=1e-5, κ=1e-5)
closures = (horizontal_viscosity, boundary_layer_turbulence_closure)
#--------------- Instantiate Model
model = NonhydrostaticModel(grid = grid,
advection = WENO5(vector_invariant = VelocityStencil()),
coriolis = coriolis,
closure = closures,
forcing = (u=mom_sponge, v=mom_sponge, w=mom_sponge),
tracers = (:b),
buoyancy = BuoyancyTracer(),
boundary_conditions = (u=u_bcs, v=v_bcs)
#--------------- Initial Conditions
const a = 1e-5 # stratification at the pycnocline
const b = 0 # stratification below pycnocline
const h = 50 # mixed layer depth
const ht = 30 # height of the transition layer above pycnocline
const hp = 500 # height of the pycnocline
@inline N2(x,y,z) = ifelse( z >= -h-ht, a*(exp(-(z+h+ht)^2/(2*(ht/3)^2))), ((a-b)*(exp(-(z+h+ht)^2/(2*(hp/3)^2)))+b))
N2_field = Field{Center, Center, Center}(grid)
set!(N2_field, N2)
# include function for cumulative integration
b_field = 9.82 + cumulative_vertical_integration!(N2_field)
set!(model; b = b_field)
#--------------- Simulation and outputs
simulation = Simulation(model, Δt = 5minutes, stop_time = 30hours)
wizard = TimeStepWizard(cfl=1.0, max_change=3, max_Δt=1minute)
simulation.callbacks[:wizard] = Callback(wizard, IterationInterval(10))
ui,vi,wi = model.velocities
bi = model.tracers.b
outputs = (;
b=@at((Center, Center, Center), bi),
u=@at((Center, Center, Center), ui),
v=@at((Center, Center, Center), vi),
w=@at((Center, Center, Center), wi),
N2=@at((Center, Center, Center), ∂z(bi)),
Ri=@at((Center, Center, Center), ∂z(bi)/(∂z(ui)^2+∂z(vi)^2)),
simulation.output_writers[:fields] =
NetCDFOutputWriter(model, outputs, filename = "../data/",
#--------------- Printing Progress
using Printf
function print_progress(simulation)
u, v, w = simulation.model.velocities
# Print a progress message
msg = @sprintf("i: %04d, t: %s, Δt: %s, umax = (%.1e, %.1e, %.1e) ms⁻¹, wall time: %s\n",
maximum(abs, u), maximum(abs, v), maximum(abs, w),
@info msg
return nothing
simulation.callbacks[:progress] = Callback(print_progress, TimeInterval(10minutes))
The file using KernelAbstractions: @index, @kernel
using KernelAbstractions.Extras.LoopInfo: @unroll
using Oceananigans.Architectures: device_event, architecture
using Oceananigans.Utils: launch!
using Oceananigans.Grids
using Oceananigans.Operators: Δzᶜᶜᶜ
@kernel function _cumulative_vertical_integration!(field, grid)
i, j = @index(Global, NTuple)
integ = 0
@unroll for k in grid.Nz : -1 : 1
integ = integ + @inbounds field[i, j, k] * Δzᶜᶜᶜ(i, j, k, grid)
@inbounds field[i, j, k] = integ
function cumulative_vertical_integration!(input_field)
field = Field(input_field)
grid = field.grid
arch = architecture(grid)
event = launch!(arch, grid, :xy,
_cumulative_vertical_integration!, field, grid,
dependencies = device_event(arch))
wait(device_event(arch), event)
return field
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Replies: 1 comment 8 replies
Two comments
Be careful with the advective and diffusive CFL. For biharmonic diffusion I would just try for the moment a simulation with no closure, a runge kutta time stepping method ( let us know how it goes! |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Two comments
simulations, vector invariant mode is not supported, soWENO(vector_invariant = VelocityStencil())
falls back toWENO()
VerticalScalarDiffusivity(ν = 1e-4, κ = 1e-5)
+ConvectiveAdjustmentVerticalDiffusivity(convective_κz = 1.0)
Be careful with the advective and diffusive CFL. For biharmonic diffusion
ν < Δ⁴ / 32Δt
, which means that if you are time stepping withΔt = 5minutes
, you are limited toν < 1e8
. Having such a large biharmonic diffusion might be the whole is…