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Scalding Workshop

StrangeLoop 2012
Dean Wampler, Think Big Analytics
[email protected]
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This workshop/tutorial takes you through the basic principles of writing data analysis applications with Scalding, a Scala API that wraps Cascading. I first went through this workshop at StrangeLoop 2012. It took about 3 hours, but we didn't do all the mini-exercises, so it make take you a bit longer if you do them all.

These instructions walk you through a series of exercises. The exercises have a corresponding Scalding script (Scala source file). We use a convention of adding a number suffix to the name to indicate the order of the exercises. Note that some of these exercises are adapted from the Tutorial examples that are part of the Scalding Github repo, where noted.

This document will explain many features of the Scalding and Cascading. The scripts themselves contain additional details. The Scalding and Cascading documentation has more information than we can cover here:

A Disclaimer...

I'm not a Scalding or Cascading expert. Feedback welcome! Fork me.

Basic Cascading Concepts

Let's start with a very brief synopsis of key Cascading concepts useful for understanding Scalding. Not all Cascading features are wrapped with Scalding APIs. In some cases, equivalent Scala idioms are used, even though the implementations may delegate to Cascading equivalents.

See the Cascading User Guide for more details.


A common data structure in many programming languages, a tuple is a grouping of a fixed number of fields, where each element has a specific type, the types of the different fields can be different and the fields can have names. It is analogous to a SQL record, a struct in C, and an object in object-oriented languages.


A Tap is a data source (for reading) or sink (for writing), corresponding to a file on the local file system, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), or Amazon S3. You instantiate an Hfs instance for Hadoop or S3 file systems, and a FileTap instance for local file system. There are also more specialized versions for particular scenarios, like specifying a "template" for file or directory naming conventions.


The Scheme encapsulates the file format. There are several supported natively by Cascading. The corresponding Java class names are used in the following subsections.


When read, each line of text in the file is returned, with no attempt to tokenize it into fields. The position, byte offset or line number, in the file for the line is also returned. In the Hadoop model of key-value data pairs, the offset is the key and the line is the value.

When written, tuple fields are serialized to text and separated by tabs.

Available for both local file systems and Hadoop.


Handles data where each line is a tuple with fields separated by delimiters, such as tabs and commas. Quoted strings with nested delimiters and files with column headers can be handled. Fields can be cast to primitive types.

Available for both local file systems and Hadoop.


A binary, Hadoop-only data format.


A more efficient implementation of SequenceFile.


Pipes are units of processing through which tuples are streamed. They are composed into Assemblies. Pipes are provided to merge and join streams, split them into separate streams, group them, filter them, etc.


A Flow is created whenever a Tap is connected to a Pipe. Flows can also be composed.


A Cascade joins flows and supports a model where a flow is only executed if the target output doesn't exist is older than the input data, analogous to build tools like make.

The Workshop

Each section introduces one or more features for data manipulation, most of which are analogous to features found in SQL, Pig (the Hadoop data flow tool), and other systems.

Sanity Check

First, the README tells you to run a SanityCheck0.scala Scalding script as a sanity check to verify that your environment is ready to go.

Using bash:

	cd $HOME/fun/scalding-workshop
	./run.rb scripts/SanityCheck0.scala

On Windows:

	cd C:\fun\scalding-workshop
	ruby run.rb scripts/SanityCheck0.scala

From now on, we'll assume you are working in the scalding-workshop directory, unless otherwise noted. Also, we'll just show the bash versions of the subsequent run.rb commands. Finally, because we're lazy, we'll sometimes drop the .scala extension from script names when we discuss them in the text.

Run these commands again and verify that they run without error. The output is written to output/SanityCheck0.txt. What's in that file?

It contains the contents of SanityCheck0.scala, but each line is now numbered.

By default, when you create a new field in a pipeline, Cascading adds the field to the existing fields. All the fields together constitute a tuple.

Loading the file added the line number as an additional field.

Projecting Fields

When you write a SQL SELECT statement like the following, you are projecting out the fields/columns or calculated values that you want, and discarding the rest of the fields.

SELECT name, age FROM employees;

Scalding also has a project method for the same purpose. Let's modify SanityCheck0 to project out just the line we read from the file, discarding the line number. Scripts/Project1.scala has this change near the end of the file:


This expression is a sequence of Cascading Pipes. However, there is not write method defined on the Pipe class. Scalding uses Scala's implicit conversion feature to wrap Pipe with a Scalding-specific com.twitter.scalding.RichPipe type that provides most of the methods we'll actually use.

There are also comments in this and other scripts about specific Scalding and Cascading features that we won't cover in these notes.

Run the script thusly:

	./run.rb scripts/Project1.scala

Now, if you look at the output in output/Project1.txt, you'll see just the original lines from scripts/Project1.scala. That is, running a diff command on the input and output files should show no differences.

FlatMap and GroupBy - Implementing Word Count

This exercise introduces several new concepts and implements the famous hello world! of Hadoop programming: word count. In word count, a corpus of documents is read, the content is tokenized into words, and the total count for each word over the entire corpus is computed.

First, we'll use two new invocation command options:

  • --input file specifies the input file.
  • --output file specifies the output file.

Unlike Hadoop's HDFS API, Hive, and Pig, when you run using --local mode, you can't specify a directory for the input, where all files will be read, or for the output, where one or more files will be written. You have to specify input and output files.

Run the script like this, where have wrapped lines and used \\ in to indicate the line breaks:

./run.rb scripts/WordCount2.scala \
	--input  data/shakespeare/plays.txt \
	--output output/shakespeare-wc.txt

The output should be identical to the contents of data/shakespeare-wc/simple/wc.txt. Using a diff command, should show no differences:

diff data/shakespeare-wc/simple/wc.txt output/shakespeare-wc.txt

The script uses two new data transformation features to compute the word count.

Further Exploration

Try this additional "mini-exercise" to explore what Scalding and Cascading are doing.

Project the 'num Field

Instead of projecting out 'line, project out 'num, the line number. (The output is boring, but now you know the name of this field!)


When you apply a map operation to a collection, each element is passed to a function that returns a new element, perhaps of a completely different type. For example, mapping a collection of integers to a collection of their string representations. A crucial feature of map is that the process is one-to-one. Each input element has a corresponding output element and the sizes of the input and output collections are the same.

The flatMap operation is similar, but now the output of the function called for each element is a collection of zero or more new elements. These output collections from each function call are flattened into a single collection. So, a crucial difference compared to map is that the process is one-to-many, where many could be zero!

WordCount2 uses flatMap to convert each line of input text into many words:

.flatMap('line -> 'word){ line : String => line.toLowerCase.split("\\s+")}

A bit of Scala syntax; there are two argument lists passed to flatMap. The first, ('line -> 'word) specifies the field(s) in the tuple to pass to the mapping function, shown on the left-hand side of the arrow-like ->, and it names the output field(s) the function will return, the single 'word in this case.

The second function argument list is { line : String => line.toLowerCase.split("\\s+")}. Scala lets you substitute curly braces {...} for parentheses (...) for function argument lists, which is most useful when the content of the "block-like" structure is a single function literal (a.k.a. anonymous function).

The line : String is the argument list passed to the anonymous function, a single parameter named line of type String. On the right-hand side of the arrow-like => is the body of the anonymous function. In this case it converts line to lower case and splits it on whitespace into an array of words.


Once we have a stream of individual words, we want to count the occurrences of each word. To do that, we need to group together all occurrences of the same words. The groupBy operation is used by WordCount2 to do this.

.groupBy('word){group => group.size('count)}

The calling syntax is similar to flatMap. The first argument list specifies one or more fields to group over, forming the "key". The second argument is a function literal. It takes a single argument of type com.twitter.scalding.GroupBuilder that gives us a hook to the constructed group of words so we can compute what we need from it. In this case, all we care about is the size of the group, which we'll name 'count.

Further Exploration

Try these additional "mini-exercises" to explore what Scalding and Cascading are doing.

Remove the groupBy

Comment out the groupBy line so that the raw results of flatMap are written to the output instead of the word count output. Note the fields that are written.

You'll see the line number, the whole line, and an individual word from the line. Note that the line number and line are repeated for each word in the line.

Group Again by Count

Now restore the groupBy line, and after it, add this line:

.groupBy('count){ group => group.mkString('word -> 'words, "\t") }

The output lines will be extremely long at the beginning of the file, but very short at the end. This second groupBy regroups the 'word and 'count output from the previous pipe. It groups by count so we now have all the words with two occurrence on a line, followed by all the words with two occurrences, etc. At the end of the output, which words have the most occurrences?

Improve the Word Tokenization

You probably noticed that simply splitting on whitespace is not very good, as punctuation is not removed. There are several ways it can be improved. First, replacing the expression "\\s+" with "\\W+" will treat all runs of non-alphanumeric characters as word separators. This improves the result considerably.

For a more complete tokenizer, refactor line.toLowerCase.split("\\s+") into a tokenize function. Then implement tokenize to remove punctuation, etc. An example implementation can be found in the Scalding README.

Eliminate Blank Lines

The very first line in the output is an empty word and a count of approximately 49,000! These are blank lines in the text. The implementation removes all other whitespace, but as written, it still returns an empty word for blank lines. Adding a filter clause will remove these lines. We'll see how below, but you can search for that section now if you want to try it.

Input Parsing

Let's do a similar groupBy operation, this time to compute the average of Apple's (AAPL) closing stock price year over year (so you'll know what entry points you missed...). Also, in this exercise we'll solve a common problem; the input data is in an unsupported format.

Oddly enough, while there is a built-in Tsv class for tab-separated values, there is no corresponding Csv class, so we'll handle that ourselves.

./run.rb scripts/StockAverages3.scala \
	--input  data/stocks/AAPL.csv \
	--output output/AAPL-year-avg.txt

You should get the following output (the input data ends in early 2010):

1984    25.578624999999995
1985    20.19367588932806
1986    32.46102766798416
1987    53.8896837944664
1988    41.540079051383415
1989    41.65976190476193
1990    37.562687747035575
1991    52.49553359683798
1992    54.80338582677166
1993    41.02671936758894
1994    34.08134920634922
1995    40.54210317460316
1996    24.91755905511811
1997    17.96584980237154
1998    30.56511904761905
1999    57.7707142857143
2000    71.7489285714286
2001    20.219112903225806
2002    19.139444444444454
2003    18.5447619047619
2004    35.52694444444441
2005    52.401746031746065
2006    70.81063745019917
2007    128.2739043824701
2008    141.9790118577075
2009    146.81412698412706
2010    204.7216

Note that as I write this, AAPL is currently trading at ~$700!

Musical Interlude: Comparison with Hive and Pig

By the way, here's the same query written using Hive, assuming there exists a stocks table and we have to select for the stock symbol and exchange:

SELECT year(s.ymd), avg(s.price_close) 
FROM stocks s 
WHERE s.symbol = 'AAPL' AND = 'NASDAQ'
GROUP BY year(s.ymd);

It's a little more compact, in part because we can handle all issues of record parsing, etc. when we set up Hive tables, etc. However, Scalding gives us more flexibility when our SQL dialect and built-in functions aren't flexible enough for our needs.

Here's what the corresponding Pig script looks like (see also scripts/StockAverages3.pig):

aapl = load 'data/stocks/AAPL.csv' using PigStorage(',') as (
  ymd:             chararray,
  price_open:      float,
  price_high:      float,
  price_low:       float,
  price_close:     float,
  volume:          int,
  price_adj_close: float);

by_year = group aapl by SUBSTRING(ymd, 0, 4);

year_avg = foreach by_year generate group, AVG(aapl.price_close);

-- You always specify output directories:
store year_avg into 'output/AAPL-year-avg-pig';

If you have Pig installed, you can run this script (from this directory) with the following command:

pig -x local scripts/StockAverages3.pig

The -x local option means that Pig will treat the paths as references to the local file system, not the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).

Further Exploration

Try these additional "mini-exercises" to learn more.

Project Other Averages

Try projecting averages for one or more other fields.


If you have Pig installed, try the Pig script. Compare the performance of the Pig vs. Scalding script, but keep in mind that because we're running in local mode, the performance comparison won't mean as much as when you run in a Hadoop cluster.


If you have Hive installed, try the Hive query shown above. You'll need to create a table that uses the data files first. Compare the performance of the Hive vs. Scalding script, keeping in mind the caveats mentioned for Pig.


Let's join stocks and dividend data. To join two data sources, you set up to pipe assemblies and use one of the join operations.

scripts/StocksDividendsJoin4 performs an inner join of stock and dividend records. Let's invoke for Apple data (yes, although Apple only recently announced that it would pay a dividend, Apple paid dividends back in the late 80s and early 90s.):

./run.rb scripts/StocksDividendsJoin4.scala \
  --stocks data/stocks/AAPL.csv \
  --dividends data/dividends/AAPL.csv \
  --output output/AAPL-stocks-dividends-join.txt

Note that we need to input sources, we use flags --stocks and --dividends for them.

Further Exploration

Try these additional "mini-exercises" to learn more.

Left Outer Join

Change joinWithSmaller to leftJoinWithSmaller to perform a left-outer join. (Also change the output file name to something else). You have to scroll a ways into file to find dividends. See also the next mini-exercise.

Filtering by Year

Sometimes you want to filter records, say to limit the output. Add the following filter clause to limit the records to 1988:

.filter('symd){ ymd: String => ymd.startsWith("1988")}

Try moving it to different positions in the pipe assembly and see if the execution times change. However, the data set is small enough that you might not notice a difference.

Filtering Blank Lines from WordCount2

Recall in the WordCount2 exercise that we had thousands of blank lines that got counted. Add a filter before the groupBy that keeps only those words whose lengths are greater than zero.


CoGroups in Scalding are used internally to implement joins of two pipe assemblies. Clients can also use them to implement joins of three or more pipe assemblies, so-called star joins. You should always use the largest data stream as the first one in the join, because the Cascading implementation is optimized for this scenario.

However, in this exercise, we'll do a four-way self-join of the data files for the four stocks symbols we provided, AAPL, INTC, GE, and IBM.

For this script, the --input flag is used to specify the directory where the stocks files are located.

run.rb scripts/StockCoGroup5.scala \
  --input  data/stocks \
  --output output/AAPL-INTC-GE-IBM.txt

When you look at the implementation, it is not obvious how to use the CoGroup feature. You could do pair-wise joins, which would be conceptually easier perhaps, but offer poor performance in a large MapReduce job, as each pair would require a separate MapReduce Job. The CoGroup feature tries to do as many joins at one as possible.

For comparison, here is the equivalent Hive join.

SELECT a.ymd, a.symbol, a.price_close, b.symbol, b.price_close, 
              c.symbol, c.price_close, d.symbol, d.price_close 

FROM stocks a JOIN stocks b ON a.ymd = b.ymd JOIN stocks c ON a.ymd = c.ymd JOIN stocks d ON a.ymd = d.ymd a.symbol = 'AAPL' AND b.symbol = 'INTC' AND c.symbol = 'GE' AND d.symbol = 'IBM'

Note that because a.ymd appears in all ON clauses, Hive will perform this four-way join in a single MapReduce job.

Further Exploration

Star Joins, One Pair at a Time

Try implementing the same four-way join doing a sequence of pair-wise joins. Compare the complexity of the code and the performance of the join with the CoGroup implementation. The performance would be much slower in MapReduce, where each pair-wise join would require a separate MapReduce job.

Splitting a Pipe

This exercise shows how to split a data stream and use various features on the splits, including finding unique values.

run.rb scripts/Twitter6.scala \
  --input  data/twitter/tweets.tsv \
  --uniques output/unique-languages.txt \
  --count_star output/count-star.txt \
  --count_star_limit output/count-star-limit.txt

The output in output/unique-languages.txt is the following:


There are seven languages and an invalid value that looks vaguely like a null! These "languages" are actually from messages in the stream that aren't tweets, but the results of other user-invoked actions.

The output in output/count-star.txt is a single line with the value 1000, the same as the number of lines in the data file. Similarly, output/count-star-limit.txt should have 100, reflecting the limit to the first 100 lines.

Note that the implementations use groupAll, then count the elements in the single group, via the GroupBuilder object. (The count method requires that we specify a field. We arbitrarily picked tweet_id.)

By the way, this approach is exactly how Pig implements COUNT(*). For example:

grouped = group tweets all;
count = foreach grouped generate COUNT(tweets);

Here, tweets would be the equivalent of a Pipe and grouped is the name of a new Pipe created by grouping all records together into one new record. The foreach ... generate statement iterates through this single record and projects the COUNT of the group contents (named tweets after the original relation).

Finally, note that we commented out the additional example using the limit feature. Unfortunately, there is a bug where running in local mode causes a divide by zero error. As we'll demonstrate later, this bug doesn't appear when running with Hadoop.

Further Exploration

Debug Setting

Add the debug pipe to the pipe assembly. How does it change the console output? This is a very useful feature when you're learning or debugging problems.

Filter for Bad Languages

Add a filter method call that removes these "bad" records. Hint: You'll want to remove all tuples where the language value is """\N""". Without the triple quotes, you would have to write "\\N".

Compute NGrams

Let's return to the Shakespeare data to compute context ngrams, a common natural language processing technique, where we provide a prefix of words and find occurrences of the prefix followed by an additional word. The ranked most common n phrases are returned.

run.rb scripts/ContextNGrams7.scala \
  --input  data/shakespeare/plays.txt \
  --output output/context-ngrams.txt \
  --ngram-prefix "I love" \
  --count 10

Unfortunately, the data set isn't large enough to find a lot of examples for many possible ngrams.

Further Exploration

Experiment with Different Prefixes

Try other prefixes of different lengths. You don't have to specify a two-word prefix!

Try Using Other Text Files

Run the script on other large text files you have.

NGram Detector

Context ngrams are special case of ngrams, where you just find the most common n-length phrases. Write a script to compute the most common ngrams.

Joining Pipes

Let's revisit the exercise to join stock and dividend records and generalize it to read in multiple sets of data, for different companies, and process them as one stream. A complication is that the data files don't contain the stock ("instrument") symbol, so we'll see another way to add data to tuples.

run.rb scripts/StocksDividendsRevisited8.scala \
  --stocks-root-path    data/stocks/ \
  --dividends-root-path data/dividends/ \
  --symbols AAPL,INTC,GE,IBM \
  --output output/stocks-dividends-join.txt

Matrix API

The Matrix API is relatively new and facilities many important machine learning algorithms.

Jaccard Similarity and Adjacency Matrices

Adjacency matrices are used to record the similarities between two things. For example, the "things" might be users who have rated movies and the adjacency might be how many movies they have reviewed in common. Higher adjacency numbers indicate more likely similarity of interests. Note that this simple representation says nothing about whether or not they both rated the movies in a similar way.

Once you have adjacency data, you need a similarity measure to determine how similar to things (e.g., people) really are. One is Jaccard Similarity:

This is set notation; the size of the intersection of two sets over the size of the union. It can be generalized and is similar to the cosine of two vectors normalized by length. Note that the distance would be 1 - similarity.

Run the script this way on a small matrix:

run.rb scripts/MatrixJaccardSimilarity9.scala \
  --input data/matrix/graph.tsv \
  --output output/jaccardSim.tsv

Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF*IDF)

TF*IDF is a widely used Natural Language Processing tool to analyze text. It's useful for indexing documents, e.g., for web search engines. Naively, you might calculate the frequency of words in a corpus of documents and assume that if a word appears more frequently in one document, then that document is probably a "definitive" place for that word, such as the way you search for web pages on a particular topic. Similarly, the most frequent words indicate the primary topics for a document.

There's a problem, though. Very common words, e.g., articles like "the", "a", etc. will appear very frequently, undermining results. So we want to remove them so how. Fortunately, they tend to appear frequently in every document, so you can reduce the ranking of a particular word if you divide its frequency in a given document by its frequency in all documents. That's the essence of TF*IDF.

For more information, see the Wikipedia page.

Run the script this way on a small matrix:

run.rb scripts/TfIdf10.scala \
  --input data/matrix/docBOW.tsv \
  --output output/featSelectedMatrix.tsv \
  --nWords 300

Type-Safe API

So far, we have been using the original Fields-Based API, which emphasizes naming fields and uses a relatively dynamic approach to typing. This is consistent with Cascading's model.

There is newer, more experimental Type-Safe API that attempts to more fully exploit the type safety provided by Scala. We won't discuss it here, but refer you to the Type-Safe API Wiki page for more information.

Using Scalding with Hadoop

Now we'll use the scripts/scald.rb script in the Scalding distribution to a script as a Hadoop job. For example, assuming that you cloned the Scalding repo in a sister directory of the workshop directory, here is a command to run HadoopTwitter11, which is identical to Twitter6 that we ran previously, except that we now use the limit method, which won't throw an exception when we run with Hadoop:

../scalding/scripts/scald.rb --hdfs-local --host localhost \
  scripts/HadoopTwitter11.scala \
  --input            data/twitter/tweets.tsv \
  --uniques          output/unique-languages \
  --count_star       output/count-star \
  --count_star_limit output/count-star-limit

On a laptop configuration using pseudo-distributed mode, use localhost for the Hadoop host name flag. Use the server name for the JobTracker master process when running on a real cluster. Note that the --hdfs-local option actually means use MapReduce, but ignore the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Instead, use the local file system like we have been doing. If we used the --hdfs option instead, all paths would be interpreted as relative to HDFS. The paths shown would be assumed to be relative to the user's home directory in HDFS, which is /user/<name>, by default.

Finally, the values specified for output using the --uniques, count_star, and count_star_limit flags will be interpreted as directory, not file names as previously. This follows conventional Hadoop practice, where the parallel processes might result in multiple, concurrently-written output files!

In this case, the limit method doesn't trigger an exception and each directory will contain two files, a part-00000 file (partition number 00000) that contains the data and a .part-00000.crc file that contains a CRC of the data file. With a larger data set and running on a real distributed cluster, instead of the pseudo-distributed mode you run on a single machine, there might be multiple files. The CRC file serves two purposes. First, it can be used to check for a corrupt data file and second, when it is written, processes watching the directory know that the process writing the corresponding data file has finished! This is important when sequencing processing tasks.


Comparisons with Other Tools

It's interesting to contrast Scalding with other tools.


Because Scala is a functional programming language with excellent support for DSL (domain-specific language) creation, using Scalding is much nicer than the Java-based Cascading itself, because Scalding programs are more concise and intuitive.


This Clojure dialect written by Nathan Marz also benefits from the functional nature and concision of Clojure. Nathan has also built in logic-programming features from Datalog.


Pig has very similar capabilities, with notable advantages and disadvantages.


  • A custom language - A purpose-built language for a particular domain can optimize expressiveness for common scenarios.
  • Type Safety - Although Scala is strongly-typed, Cascading isn't, at least in the sense that you don't normally define the types of fields, except where necessary (e.g., to call math routines with numbers). Pig (like Hive) encourages specifying the type of every field.
  • Lazy evaluation - you define the work flow, then Pig compiles, optimizes, and runs it when output is required. Scalding, following Scala, uses eager evaluation; each expression is executed as soon as it's parsed.
  • Describe - The describe feature is very helpful when learning how each Pig statement defines a new schema. There is an API call, fields on Pipes to get the field names, but it's less convenient to use, especially in interactive scenarios.


  • Not Turing complete - You have to write extensions in other languages. By using Scala, Scalding lets you write everything in one language.
  • Slower - At least for local jobs, Scalding (and Cascading) avoid Hadoop APIs completely and therefore run noticeably faster.


Hive is ideal when your problem fits the SQL model for queries. It's less useful for complex transformations. Also, like Pig, extensions must be written in another language.