Demo - setup instructions:
Create an Azure SignalR resource.
Open the local.settings.json file and replace the variable: AZURE_SIGNALR_CONNECTION_STRING with the Azure SignalR connection string.
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
"Host": {
"CORS": "http://localhost:5000",
"CORSCredentials": true
Demo - run instructions:
Open Visual Studio and start the following projects: SignalR.Dashboard and SignalR.Dashboard.Function.
Press the button: "Get token". Note: In this step we simulate the user authentication and then received a jwt token that will be used by SignalR to secure the communication.
Press the button: "Create asynchronous durable task". Note: In this step we launch the orchestration process that will be simulating the following tasks: record creation, group creation, welcome mail submission, creator notification. All these are fake methods that simulate a custom processing in the backend.
You will be able to see the advance in the progress bar and the custom messages sent by the orchestrator to the user.