This module is a webhook example for Dialogflow. An agent created in Dialogflow is connected to this webhook that is running in Cloud Function. The webhook also connects to a Cloud Firestore to get the users information used in the example.
Dialogflow Fulfillment Overview.
- Cloud Firestore
- Cloud Functions
- Dialogflow
- Pandas
- Google Cloud Firestore
- Dialogflow
Python 3
└── dialogflow_webhook_bank_example
├── # Implementation of the webhook
├── intents_config.yaml # Configuration of the intent from dialogflow
├── # Configuration of the agent for this example in dialogflow
├── requirements.txt # Required libraries for this example
How to setup your project for this example can be found here.
- Build an agent by following the instructions here.
- Once the agent is built, go to settings ⚙ and under the Export and Import tab, choose the option RESTORE FROM ZIP.
- Follow the instructions to restore the agent from
This implementation is deployed on GCP using Cloud Functions. More info here.
To run the Python scripts on GCP, the gcloud
command-line tool from the Google Cloud SDK is needed.
Refer to the installation page for the appropriate
instructions depending on your platform.
Note that this project has been tested on a Unix-based environment.
After installing, make sure to initialize your Cloud project:
$ gcloud init
Quick start for Cloud Firestore can be found here.
This example connects to a Cloud Firestore with a collection with the following specification:
Root collection
users =>
NXJn5wTqWXwiTuc5tdun => {
'first_name': 'Pedro',
'last_name': 'Perez',
'accounts': {
'saving': {
'transactions': [
{'type': 'deposit', 'amount': 20},
{'type': 'deposit', 'amount': 90}
'balance': 110},
'checking': {
'transactions': [
{'type': 'deposit', 'amount': 50},
{'type': 'withdraw', 'amount': '-10'}
'balance': 150}
'user_id': 123456
Examples how to add data to a collection can be found here.
from import firestore
user_dict= {
u'user_id': u'123456',
u'first_name': u'Pedro',
u'last_name': u'Perez',
u'accounts': {
u'checking': {
u'transactions': [
{u'amount': 50, 'type': 'udeposit'},
{u'type': u'withdraw', u'amount': u'-10'}
u'balance': 150
u'saving': {
u'transactions': [
{u'amount': 20, u'type': u'deposit'},
{u'type': u'deposit', u'amount': 90}
u'balance': 110
db = firestore.Client()
$ gcloud functions deploy dialogflow_webhook_bank --runtime python37 --trigger-http --allow-unauthenticated
[User] Hi, Hello, I need assistance
[Agent] Welcome to our bank! Can I have your user id?
[User] <Give an invalid user_id number> user_id 12345
↳ [Agent] Sorry I could not find your user_id. Can you try again?
[User] <Give a valid user_id number> user id 123456
↳ [Agent] What can I do for you?
↳ [User] Check my balance, Verify my balance, balance
↳ [Agent] Here are your account balances.
<List of all account balances from firebase>
[Agent]What else can I do for you? - Follow up
↳ [User] All my transactions, transactions,
↳ [Agent] Here are all the transactions that I found.
<List of all the transactions from firebase>
[Agent] What else can I do for you? - Follow up
↳ [User] Deposit transactions, credits, deposits,
↳ [Agent] Here are all the deposit transactions that I found.
<List of deposit transactions in firebase>
[Agent] What else can I do for you? - Follow up
↳[User] I am done, thanks, bye
↳ [Agent] Have a nice day!
In Dialogflow's console, in the simulator on the right, query your Dialogflow agent with I neeed assistance
and respond to the questions your Dialogflow agent asks.
$ gcloud functions call dialogflow_webhook_bank --data
"responseId": "ec0be141-e09a-4dca-b445-4e811ad4999b-ab1309b0",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "123456 user id",
"action": "welcome.welcome-custom",
"parameters": {
"user_id": 123456
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"fulfillmentText": "What can I do for you?",
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"text": {
"text": [
"What can I do for you?"
"outputContexts": [
"name": "projects/<project-id>/agent/sessions/e7f62474-fd2c-3ca0-dfa6-73d3ed2ab17f/contexts/user_id_action-followup",
"lifespanCount": 5,
"parameters": {
"user_id": 123456,
"user_id.original": "123456"
"name": "projects/<project-id>/agent/sessions/e7f62474-fd2c-3ca0-dfa6-73d3ed2ab17f/contexts/welcome-followup",
"lifespanCount": 1,
"parameters": {
"user_id": 123456,
"user_id.original": "123456"
"name": "projects/<project-id>/agent/sessions/e7f62474-fd2c-3ca0-dfa6-73d3ed2ab17f/contexts/__system_counters__",
"parameters": {
"no-input": 0,
"no-match": 0,
"user_id": 1234567891,
"user_id.original": "123456"
"intent": {
"name": "projects/<project-id>/agent/intents/e3cabac7-cfb8-4da1-96bb-f14687913bf6",
"displayName": "user_id_action"
"intentDetectionConfidence": 0.78590345,
"languageCode": "en"
"originalDetectIntentRequest": {
"payload": {}
"session": "projects/<project-id>/agent/sessions/e7f62474-fd2c-3ca0-dfa6-73d3ed2ab17f"
google-cloud-firestore.Documents API
google-cloud-firestore.Queries API